My packages arrived last Thursday, Feb 05th 2015 but the post office computer "forgot" to message me to pick it up. I was surprised that even a computer "forgot" to message me. Thanks to my sister who works there for the moment and helped me get through all the approval. All is well as the packages are received in good condition so I have no other complaint.
The bonus of criminale series from rejetshop is character comment bromide which looks like a translucent bookmark, tsukiyasha series is a bookmark, ookami-kun chi is illustration card, sacrifice is the comment card (like a trump card to me coz it has those ace, heart symbols), HSD series is mobile cleaner (my friend bought for herself) and hiyokuroku wasurenagusa is micro fibre towel.
For the other surprises, diabolik lovers 2015 calendar was given for 2 pieces as I spent 6000YEN+ shopping at rejetshop, MARGINAL #4 photo collection set 2 I gotten Shy & Nomura L. Nomura L picture was surprisingly marked with KENN's handwriting. I am so surprised and feel very happy. For KEN ga KIMI single, I don't expect the bonus from rejetshop a micro fibre towel but its really nice, honestly. Another surprise is LIP ON MY PRINCE clear file >.< I almost screamed when I saw it was inside the box.
Others is the souvenir from AGF 2014 REZZ "Black Bird" which was distributed during Animate Girl's Festival, and a few magazine guides from Rejetshop.
As a bonus for 20 stamps from shopping at rejetshop, for the 2nd time, I wanted Subaru's cushion strap as exchange so here it is xD but MARGINAL #4 photo collection is randomly picked so I don't know what is in for me.
All is well, and yay~!