okay today I discussed emang band was really cool :) I think that yaaap the band 'grin' In early 2002, when the band Puppen had dispersed, Arian13 (Puppen, Aparatmati - Thirteen fanzine writer, hence its name so Arian13) and a friend who is a drummer, Edy Khemod and Ricky Siahaan (Stepforward) formed a band called smirk. Yes, they were initially eager to play music like Motörhead, Black Sabbath, Slayer, MC5, and they started jamming together after Toan (bassist) masuk.Mulai then they started playing in some (pretty much even) gigs in Jakarta and Bandung in particular. There are several songs that became favorites when they play, like 'Alcohol' and 'Burn Jakarta'.Akhirnya increasingly famous grin, each gigs definitely full, sing-along is certain, beer spurting, stagedive well. Soon, Toan out and replaced by Sammy Bramantyo. They then recorded 9 songs, including a cover of Black Flag song 'Jealous Again'. The album was named High Octane Rock in 2004 in cassette tape format through their own label, Parau.Tanpa big promotion-gedean and RBT, they managed to sell 15,000 copies of tapes. Their song also had to fill like a movie soundtrack Film School and 12:00 Final Notes successfully AM.Dengan the fans grin more, they named themselves, namely (WOLF MILITIA).
Fans of their diverse, not just teens responsibility, but varies 15 years ampe lovers of Old School Rock umuran 40 years, Steady !! Then they finally release the album in CD format. In just 2 months had sold 2000 copies (emang not se-massive when sales in the form of tapes, but pretty good). They never stop spoiling their fans, despite only appearing in gigs small even in remote areas.
Finally, in 2007, they released their second album, Wolf MILITIA which earned high praise, both from the Underground and Mainstream.
In this album they showed their maturity without changing the music that has been ymenjadi 'trademark' of their own. There are several highly anticipated track of the Wolf, as Passing Perception ',' Amplifier ',
and' Citra Natural '. They also released a video (documentary, right?), Entitled 'GENERATION REFUSE OLD' in which many musicians and artists. There Riann Pelorr (Dagger Stab), Lani Leyla (Amazing in Bed), and many more. Matter of controversy, the grin never dealt with the apparatus (11 September 2008). This is related to the T-shirts were inspired by their song 'Lencana'.T-Shirt that reads' Protect and Serve .. Who?'.