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Para penikmat musik underground masih belum percaya akan sosok dari seorang Scumbag yang telah meninggalkan dunia. Lengkingan dan teriakan yang sangat gahar menyuarakan realita kehidupan masih terus menggema di telinga. Sosok yang ramah, pribadi yang menyenangkan, dan banyak memberikan motivasi itu memang sudah tiada. Ivan Scumbag adalah sosok yang banyak memberikan motivasi dan menciptakan hal-hal baru untuk dunia underground Indonesia. Sosok Ivan yang sangat berkarisma diatas panggung dengan cepat menyedot perhatian massa. Gayanya yang ugal ugalan dan tidak bisa diam menyihir banyak orang. Ia mendedikasikan dirinya sebagai seorang Scumbag pada waktu itu. Dan ia memang pantas mendapatkan julukan tersebut.

Pria yang bernama lengkap Ivan Firmansyah ini menggebrak dunia underground Indonesia bersama band hardcore-metal nya bernama Burgerkill. Pria kelahiran 1 April 1978 dikenal sebagai pribadi yg menyenangkan,juga pendiam. Minatnya akan musik telah terlihat sejak ia masih kecil. Dan mulai bermain band sejak ia bersekolah di sekolah menengah pertama. Akhirnya setelah berulang kali membentuk band,pada tahun 1995 ia masuk Burgerkill yang didirikan oleh Eben dan Kimung. Burgerkill pada awal karirnya lebih sering main di Jakarta. Bahkan sempat disangka band Jakarta karena hal tersebut. Disamping memang pada waktu itu mereka masih membawakan Old School Hardcore Seperti Minor Threat, Circle Jerks, Black Flag, yg notabenenya lebih banyak dimainkan oleh band band Hardcore Jakarta dibandingkan dengan Bandung.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Underground music lovers still do not believe it will be the figure of a Scumbag who had left the world. Lengkingan and the cries of the very reality of life voicing gahar still echoing in the ears. Figure-friendly, fun, personal, and many provide motivation it has indeed no. Ivan Scumbag is a figure that a lot of motivating and creating new things for the world underground Indonesia. The figure of Ivan berkarisma onstage very quickly absorb the attention of the masses. His manners and inconsiderate can not silence conjured a lot of people. He dedicated himself as a Scumbag at the time. And she indeed deserves the epithet. The man who named the complete this world shake Firmansyah Ivan underground Indonesia with the band-metal hardcore Ninjaz named him. Born April 1, 1978, is known as a person likeable, too reticent. His interest in music will have been seen since he was a kid. And start playing the band since he attended junior high school. Finally after repeatedly formed the band, in 1995 he entered the Ninjaz founded by Eben and Kimung. Ninjaz at the beginning of his career mostly playing in Jakarta. Even briefly suspected band Jakarta because of it. Besides indeed at that time they still carries the Old School Hardcore Like Minor Threat, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, notabenenya reply more played by Hardcore band Jakarta band compared to Bandung.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The underground music lovers still believe in the figure of a Scumbag who has left the world. Shrieks and cries very gahar voicing the reality of life is still echoing in the ears. The figure of the friendly, personal pleasure, and many provide motivation was indeed gone. Ivan Scumbag is a figure that many motivating and creating new things to the underground world of Indonesia. Ivan was very charismatic figure on the stage quickly absorbing mass. His style is reckless inconsiderate and can not sit still enchant people. She dedicated herself as a Scumbag at that time. And he deserved the nickname. The man whose full name is Ivan Firmansyah Indonesia kicked off the underground world alongside hardcore-metal band was named Burgerkill. Men born 1 April 1978 was known as a likable, too quiet. His interest in music has seen since he was a child. And started playing in bands since he attended secondary school. Finally, after repeatedly formed the band, in 1995 he entered Burgerkill established by Eben and Kimung. Burgerkill at the beginning of his career is more often played in Jakarta. Jakarta was even mistaken for a band because of that. Besides, it is at that time they still bring Old School Hardcore like Minor Threat, Circle Jerks, Black Flag, which notabenenya more played by bands compared to Bandung Hardcore Jakarta.

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