(1) Suami isteri memikul kewjiban yang luhur untuk menegakkan rumah ta翻訳 - (1) Suami isteri memikul kewjiban yang luhur untuk menegakkan rumah ta英語言う方法

(1) Suami isteri memikul kewjiban y

(1) Suami isteri memikul kewjiban yang luhur untuk menegakkan rumah tangga yang sakinah,
mawaddah dan rahmah yang menjadi sendi dasar dan susunan masyarakat
(2) Suami isteri wajib saling cinta mencintai, hormat menghormati, setia dan memberi bantuan lahir
bathin yang satui kepada yang lain;
(3) Suami isteri memikul kewajiban untuk mengasuh dan memelihara anak-anak mereka, baik
mengenai pertumbuhan jasmani, rohani maupun kecerdasannya dan pendidikan agamanya;
(4) suami isteri wajib memelihara kehormatannya;
(5) jika suami atau isteri melalaikan kewjibannya masing-masing dapat mengajukan gugatan kepada
Pengadilan Agama
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
(1) the husband wife bearing a sublime kewjiban to enforce household sakinah,mawaddah and mercy which becomes basic of the joints and order of society(2) the husband the wife must love each other loving, respectful, loyal and respectful assistance bornthe internal a to another;(3) the husband the wife carried the obligation to take care of and nurture their children, bothregarding physical, spiritual growth as well as his intelligence and his religious education;(4) the husband the wife is obliged to keep his honour;(5) if the husband or wife for neglecting the kewjibannya each can file a lawsuit toReligious Courts
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
(1) The husband and wife bear kewjiban noble households to enforce Vegas,
mawaddah and mercy which is the basic principle and structure of society
(2) Husband and wife ought to love love, respect, loyal and give help birth
the inner Satui to others ;
(3) Husband and wife obligation to care for and nurture their children, either
on physical growth, spiritual as well as intelligence and religious education;
(4) shall maintain conjugal honor;
(5) if the husband or wife of neglect kewjibannya each may file a lawsuit against the
Islamic Court
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