ATLANTA, Kinerja perusahaan minuman terbesar di dunia, Coca-Cola Co pada akhir tahun lalu anjlok di posisi terendah dalam 2 tahun terakhir, karena permintaan dariemerging marketmelambat.
Laba bersih pada kuartal IV-2013 turun 8,4 persen menjadi 1,71 miliar dollar AS, dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya 1,87 miliar dollar AS. Perolehan laba bersih itu diperoleh dari penjualan, yang pada periode tersebut tercatat mencapai 11 miliar dollar AS atau turun 3,6 persen dari setahun sebelumnya.
CEO Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, mengungkapkan pihaknya akan melakukan efisiensi dengan memangkas biaya sebesar 1 miliar dollar AS per tahun hingga 2016.
Sementara itu, Ali Dibadj, analis di Sanford C. Bernstein&Co. menyatakan Coca Cola sejauh ini tidak terlalu menggubris isu kesehatan yang muncul sehubungan dengan mengonsumsi minuman kola berkarbonasi.
""Perubahan yang dilakukan perusahaan tersebut tidak cukup. Sejauh ini banyak investor yang tidak mau terbuka mengenai harapan mereka terhadap masa depan bisnis Coca Cola,"" jelas Ali.
Di sisi lain, saham Coca-Cola turun 3,8 persen menjadi 37,47 dollar AS per saham di bursa New York Selasa (18/2/2014) waktu setempat. Dalam setahun ini, saham Coca-Cola turun 9,3 persen. Adapun harga saham kompetitor terbesar perseroan, PepsiCo Inc. telah turun 5,7 persen dalam periode waktu yang sama.
Atlanta, performance of the world's largest drinks company, Coca-Cola Co. at the end of last year plummeted in the lowest position in the last 2 years, as demand for dariemerging marketmelambat.Net profit in the quarter IV-2013 down 8.4 percent to 1,71 billion u.s. dollars, from the same period of the previous year's 1.87 billion us dollars. The acquisition of net profit it earned from the sale, which is recorded in the period reached 11 billion us dollars or down 3.6 percent from a year earlier.The CEO of Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, revealed his side will do efficiency with trim costs by 1 billion us dollars per year up to 2016.Meanwhile, Ali Dibadj, analyst at Sanford c. Bernstein & co. declared Coca Cola has so far not too acknowledged the health issues that arise in connection with taking any drink carbonated Cola."" The changes made to these companies is not enough. So far a lot of investors who do not want to open about their expectations of future business against Coca Cola, "" explained Ali.On the other hand, shares of Coca-Cola were down 3.8 percent to 37,47 u.s. dollars per share on the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday (18/2/2014) local time. In this year, Coca-Cola's stock was down 9.3 percent. As for the stock price of the company's largest competitor, PepsiCo Inc. has dropped 5.7 percent in the same time period.

ATLANTA, performance in the world's largest beverage company, Coca-Cola Co. at the end of last year fell in the lowest position in the last 2 years, as demand dariemerging marketmelambat. Net profit in the fourth quarter of 2013 fell 8.4 percent to 1, 71 billion US dollars, from the same period the previous year 1.87 billion US dollars. The net profit derived from the sale, which in the period totaled 11 billion US dollars, down 3.6 percent from a year earlier. CEO of Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, said it will improve efficiency by cutting costs by $ 1 billion per years until 2016. Meanwhile, Ali Dibadj, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Coca Cola stated so far are not too menggubris health issues that arise in connection with the consumption of carbonated cola drinks. "" Changes made to the company is not enough. So far many investors are not willing to open up about their expectations for the future of Coca Cola business, '"said Ali. On the other hand, Coca-Cola shares fell 3.8 percent to 37.47 dollars per share on the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday ( 18/02/2014) local time. In this year, Coca-Cola shares fell 9.3 percent. The company's stock price biggest competitor, PepsiCo Inc. has dropped 5.7 percent in the same time period.