The STORY of the SONY XPERIA and GRADUAL PASSION SEXUALITY "After the Sony Vaio, is now also planning to sell the Division to Sony Xperia and Bravia television Division. VAIO and Bravia, the Xperia is a row of formidable brand. Grief felt sadness does looming witnessed the fall of the legendary brand from Japan.Until when Sony was able to survive death, before picking her up to sleep in eternity? What is the relationship and the gradual fall of the passions of sexuality with tragic drama company Sony?Sony plans to release Xperia smartphone Sony Division and television Bravia (after selling Vaio a few months ago) indeed feels very stung. Only the Playstation business that might save them. But how long can Sony survive?One of the options was very bitter for the Sony is probably this: let this be annexed Japan pride icon and was acquired by Samsung.Look. Samsung's profit last year came through Rp 250 trillion. The Sony? Loss of Rp 25 trillion. How far this performance difference, is like heaven and Earth.But 25 years ago, the top brass of Sony always laughing and full of sarcastic insults every heard the word Samsung (it used to be, while Sony is still a God in the universe, the world, and Samsung Electronics are simply manufacturer quality refrigerator with abal-abal).A veteran employee of Samsung tells, how devastating they used to be, because often bully and considered child kere by managers of Sony ("There sometimes we feel sad", an employee of Samsung it tells).But the pain of it may also be transformed into smoldering resentment. Almost all employees of Samsung always had the determination to conquer and destroy the Sony, someday.To manifest the determination that, Samsung CEO in 1995 released the massive change programme (transfromasi massive) to improve the quality and product innovation, the Samsung.Their slogans critical limits stretcher when it sounds heroic: "Change everyhthing except your wife" change everything. Change all business processes, behaviors and culture work. Change everything except your wife. For the sake of the better Samsung.If the slogan you guys might be the opposite of the slogan it's samsung. Change your wife every two years