PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC) melakukan penambahan modal tanpa 翻訳 - PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC) melakukan penambahan modal tanpa 英語言う方法

PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC

PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC) melakukan penambahan modal tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD) sebesar Rp 400 miliar. Penambahan modal tanpa HMETD atauprivate placement itu berupa saham seri A yang diambil dari saham dalam portepel.

Perseroan akan menerbitkan saham baru dengan tanpa HMETD kepada para pemegang saham Perseroan. Penerbitan saham baru akan dikeluarkan kepada pemegang saham pengendali Perseroan yaitu J Trust Co Ltd sebanyak 39,6 triliun saham seri A dan PT Jtrust Investments Indonesia sebanyak 400 miliar saham seri dengan nilai saham Rp 0,01 per lembar saham.

Untuk melakukan penambahan modal tanpa HMETD itu, perseroan akan meminta persetujuan pemegang saham dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPBSLB) pada 29 September 2015. Demikian mengutip dari keterbukaan informasi ke Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Sabtu (26/9/2015).

Dana hasil penambahan modal tanpa HMETD akan digunakan untuk memperkuat struktur permodalan perseroan. Ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan bisnis PT Bank J Trust Indonesia ke depan. Penambahan modal tersebut pun sekitar 3,91 persen dari jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh.

Sebelumnya perseroan telah melakukan penambahan modal disetor tanpa HMETD I yang dilaksanakan pada 30 Desember 2014 sebanyak Rp 300 miliar atau 2,93 persen dari jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh. Perseroan pun kembali melakukan penambahan modal disetor tanpa HMETD II yang dilaksanakan pada 30 Maret 2015 sebesar Rp 300 miliar atau sebesar 2,93 persen dari jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC) do a capital increase without the right Ordering Effects in advance (HMETD) amounting to Rp 400 billion. Capital increase without HMETD atauprivate placement was in the form of shares of series A were taken from stock in portepel.The company will issue new shares without HMETD to shareholders of the company. The issuance of new shares will be issued to the controlling shareholder of the company, namely J Trust Co. Ltd. as much as 39.6 trillion shares of series A and PT Jtrust Indonesia Investments as much as 400 billion shares of stock with a value of Rp series 0.01 per shares.To do a capital increase without HMETD it, the company will ask for shareholders ' approval in a general meeting of shareholders extraordinary (RUPBSLB) on September 29, 2015. So to quote from information disclosure to the Indonesia stock exchange (idx), Saturday (26/9/2015).Funds results capital increase without HMETD will be used to strengthen the capital structure of the company. This was done to develop the business of PT Bank J Trust Indonesia forward. The capital increase ever about 3,91 percent from the amount of capital placed and paid in full.Previously the company had done the increase paid in capital without HMETD I held on 30 December 2014 as much as Rp 300 billion or 2.93 percent from the amount of capital placed and paid in full. The company then went back doing the addition of paid-in capital without HMETD II held on 30 March 2015 amounting to Rp 300 billion or amounting to 2.93 percent from the amount of capital placed and paid in full
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
PT Bank A Trust Indonesia Tbk (BCIC) made ​​a capital injection without Preemptive Rights (ER) of Rp 400 billion. Atauprivate capital increase without pre-emptive rights in the form of placement of shares of series A were taken from stocks in the portfolio, the Company will issue new shares without pre-emptive rights to the Company's shareholders. Issuance of new shares will be issued to the controlling shareholder of the Company, namely J Trust Co Ltd as much as 39.6 billion shares of series A and PT Jtrust Investments Indonesia as much as 400 billion A series shares with a value of stock Rp 0.01 per share. To make a capital increase without pre-emptive rights The company will seek shareholder approval in the General Meeting of Shareholders Extraordinary (RUPBSLB) on 29 September 2015. So quoting from disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Saturday (09/26/2015). The proceeds from the capital increase without Rights will be used to strengthen the company's capital structure. This is done to develop the business of PT Bank A Trust Indonesia in the future. The capital increase was approximately 3.91 percent of the total number of issued and fully paid. Previously the company has made ​​additional paid-in capital without pre-emptive rights I held on December 30, 2014 as much as Rp 300 billion or 2.93 percent of the total number of issued and fully paid. The Company was again made ​​additional paid-in capital without pre-emptive rights II which was held on March 30, 2015 amounted to Rp 300 billion or 2.93 percent of the total number of issued and fully paid

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