Siapa yang tidak pernah mendengar band FEAR INSIDE ? Band yang terbent翻訳 - Siapa yang tidak pernah mendengar band FEAR INSIDE ? Band yang terbent英語言う方法

Siapa yang tidak pernah mendengar b

Siapa yang tidak pernah mendengar band FEAR INSIDE ? Band yang terbentuk cukup lawas di Kota Surabaya ini adalah merupakan salah satu band yang memainkan Old School Death Metal. Awalnya band ini bernama Individual Scum yang terpengaruh oleh band oldschool death metal seperti Entombed, Dismember, Benediction dan Cancer. Pada 17 Maret 1997 mereka merilis Ep ‘Mindestruction’ dan saat itulah band ini berganti nama menjadi Fear Inside yang diambil dari lirik lagu Tormentor milik Slayer. Ditahun 1999 mereka kembali memuntahkan album ‘Human Disgust’ serta ditahun 2001 Fear Inside mengeluarkan Single ‘Penetration Of Negative Forces’ yang mana lagu ini kemudian masuk dalam kompilasi Brutally Sickness ‘Bloody Sound Of Death’ (rilisan ESP Bandung). Ditahun 2004 Fear Inside telah mengeluarkan promo demo ‘Awakening from the dead’, ditahun 2006 mereka juga mengeluarkaan single ‘Mencengkram Dendam’ yang mana lagu ini masuk dalam kompilasi Metalik Klinik 9. Serta ditahun 2007 Mereka kembali mengeluarkan album ‘The Victory: 10 years & Stronger’ yang berisikan lagu-lagu dari demo selama 10 tahun berkarya yang mana album ini dirilis oleh Inviolable Music dari Kota Cirebon – Jawa Barat. Pada tahun 2008 merupakan awal kebangkitan Fear Inside untuk kembali menggebrak dunia bawah tanah ini. Memang mereka infonya sempat vakum cukup lama dan kini mereka kembali bangkit lagi dan malah mempunyai jadwal manggung yang cukup padat.
Ok lah pada kesempatan kali ini sang gitaris Era mencoba meluangkan waktunya untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan singkat dari Busuk Webzine. Silahkan kalian simak……
JY : Hello mas bro….apakhabar ? Terima kasih banyak atas waktunya untuk melakukan wawancara dengan Busuk Webzine. Kieran James (Australia) dan Saya share di blog ini. Baiklah, lagi ada aktifitas apa aja nih di base camp Fear Inside saat ini ?
Era : Seperti biasa kita kumpul-kumpul sambil mencari beberapa materi untuk album berikutnya J
JY : Sebagai pemanasan……Bisa nggak diperkenalkan new line up dari Fear Inside saat ini ?
Era : Nendy: vocalis, Era: gitaris, Donny: Bassis dan Ijank : Drumer

JY : Seperti yang kita ketahui Fear Inside merupakan band lawas dari Kota Surabaya yang mana terbentuk di tahun 1995. Dan telah memuntahkan 2 full length album yaitu Human’s Disgust (2010) dan The Glorious Of My War (2012) serta ikut berpatisipasi di beberapa kompilasi metal tanah air. Saya sempat mendengar bahwa Fear Inside sempat vakum cukup lama dan saat ini Fear Inside kembali berbaur di kancah musik bawah tanah. Apa yang menjadi alasan utama dan ingin Fear Inside kembali bangkit lagi ?
Era : Gairah,dan jiwa kita merasa terpanggil untuk berkarya kembali.
JY : Apakah konsep musik yang kalian mainkan masih tetap sama atau ada sedikit perubahan ?
Era : Pada dasarnya sih tetep sama oldschool Death Metal, tetapi untuk materi-materi baru kami akan lebih komplek.
JY : Bisa nggak kamu mendiskripsikan instruments sound dan typical vocals yang bagaimana kamu sukai ?
Era : Untuk sound kita lebih suka distorsi yang low mid dan sedikit gain, kalo vocal kita suka growl
JY : Band-band apa saja yang mempengaruhi atau yang dapat memberikan suatu inspirasi ke dalam musik Fear Inside ?
Era : Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Slayer dan etc.
JY : Dan apakah kalian lebih suka menciptakan karakter music/sound sendiri daripada menjiplak dari band-band yang lain ?
Era : Iya,untuk karakter sound kita cenderung untuk membuat karakter sendiri.
JY : Sudah ada berapa materi lagu baru yang kalian miliki sampai sejauh ini ? Dan kapan rencana dari kalian akan segera memuntahkan new full length album ?
Era : Sementara ini masih ada lagu 3 lagu baru, yang rencana salah satu nya akan kami keluarkan berupa single.
JY : Bisa diceritakan sedikit nggak, kapan kamu mulai menyukai /mendengarkan musik metal ? Dan band apa saja yang pertama kali kamu dengarkan ketika itu ?
Era : Sejak saya berada di sekolah dasar, saya terpengaruh oleh kakak saya yang suka sekali mendengarkan lagu-lagu dari Slayer dan Sepultura.
JY : Apakah personil Fear Inside ada yang memiliki band project ?
Era : Hahaha, hampir semua personil kita mempunyai band. Era dan Ijank tergabung dalam OSIRIS band Progressive Death Metal dari kota Sidoarjo,dan Donny si bassis tergabung dalam ROMUSHA sebuah band Brutal Death Metal dari Surabaya.
JY : Bagaimana tentang scene death metal di Surabaya saat ini ? Adakah band-band sadis yang bisa kalian rekomendasikan ke Kami ?
Era : Scene death metal sekarang berkembang pesat meskipun banyak scene baru yang muncul. Blood of Messiah dan Jagal adalah band-band brutal yang sadis
JY : Kadang-kadang terdengar mudah ketika kita mendengarkan sebuah album (dalam hal permainan musik). Namun kita juga harus mengetahui, bahwa untuk mencapai level yang kita inginkan perlu sekali adanya kerja keras sehingga hasilnya akan lebih baik pula. Seberapa sering kalian melakukan latihan dalam seminggu ?
Era : Kita berlatih setiap seminggu sekali,karna banyak kesibukan dari setiap personil kami.tapi kita selalu memanfaatkan media yang ada sekarang.untuk setiap materi kami selalu mebuat dalam gitar pro supaya bisa di pelajari di rumah masing-masing,dengan begitu kita tinggal mengkompaknya saja di dalam studio. Dan hasilnya memang efektif.
JY : Bagaimana menurutmu tentang adanya Busuk Webzine ? Di Busuk Webzine kami mencoba melakukan 2 versi bahasa yaitu Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Dan disamping itu kami juga berusaha untuk selalu update news.
Era : Saya rasa ini keren dan ini penting,mengingat minimnya info info terbaru untuk band-band underground dan kegiatan-kegitannya.
JY : Apa rencana kedepan dari Fear Inside ? Apakah akan merilis album terbaru atau akan melakukan beberapa shows/tours ?
Era : Rencana kita akan mengumpulkan materi-materi untuk album terbaru kami,kalo untuk show kita sudah ada beberapa jadwal show.
JY : Terima kasih telah mendukung Busuk Webzine serta atas waktunya untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dari Saya. Sukses selalu untuk Fear Inside. Dan sebelum menutup wawancara ini, Adakah pesan-pesan untuk para metalheads di tanah air ini ?
Era : Sama-sama dan Keep Death Fucking Metal sajalah m/ hahahaha

(Diwawancarai oleh : John Yoedi, 08 May 2013)

Untuk kalian yang ingin mengetahui informasi tentang band ini, bisa di cek di link mereka dibawah ini :
ソース言語: インドネシア語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Who has never heard of the band FEAR INSIDE? The band formed in the city of Surabaya's old enough this is is one of the bands that played Old School Death Metal. Originally the band was named Individually affected by the band Scum oldschool death metal like Entombed, Dismember, Benediction and Cancer. On March 17, 1997 they released the Ep ' Mindestruction ' and that's when the band changed their name to Fear Inside which is taken from the lyrics of Tormentor belongs to the Slayer. In 1999 they returned to spew out the album ' Human ' as well as Disgust in 2001 Fear Inside issued a Single Penetration Of ' Negative Forces ' in which the song was later included in the compilation of the Brutally Sickness ' Bloody Sound Of Death ' (ESP releases Bandung). In 2004, the Fear Inside has issued a promo demo ' Awakening from the dead ', in 2006 they also mengeluarkaan single ' Vengeful ' scroll, which this song included in the compilation of the Metallic Clinic 9. And in 2007 They re-issue the album ' The Victory: 10 years & Stronger ' which contains the songs from the demo during 10 years of work in which the album was released by Music from the city of Cirebon Inviolable – West Java. In 2008 was the beginning of awakening Fear Inside to back off this underground world. Indeed they had the info vacuum long enough and now they rise again and again even has a pretty solid gigging schedule.OK lah on this occasion the guitarists of the Era of trying to take the time to answer a few short questions from Rotten Webzine. Please you guys check out ... ...JY: Hello bro .... apakhabar? Thank you much for your time to do an interview with Rotten Webzine. Kieran James (Australia) and I share on this blog. Well, again there are activities of apa aja ya at base camp Fear Inside at this time? Era: as usual we get-together while looking for some material for the next album, JJY: as a warm-up ... ... Can not introduced a new line up of Fear Inside at this time?Era: Nendy: vocalis, Era: guitarist, Alex: Ijank: bassist and Drummer JY: as we know the Fear Inside is old band from the city of Surabaya, which formed in 1995. And has been spewing 2 full length albums, namely Human's Disgust (2010) and The Glorious Of My War (2012) as well as join the participation in several metal compilations. I had heard that the Fear Inside the vacuum got around long enough and now the Fear Inside the back mingling in underground music scene. What have been the main reasons and want the Fear Inside back rise again? Era: passion, and spirit we feel called to work again.JY: do you guys play music concept still remains the same or is there a little change? Era: basically the heck tetep same oldschool Death Metal, but for our new materials will be more complex.JY: can not you mendiskripsikan instruments sound and typical vocals that how you like? Era: For sound we prefer a low distortion mid-range and little gain, kalo vocal we like growlJY: what bands that affect or that may provide an inspiration to music in Fear Inside? Era: Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Slayer and etc.JY: And do you guys prefer to create their own music/sound character instead of plagiarizing from other bands? Era: Yes, to the character of the sound we tend to make the character his own.JY: how much material there is already a new song you guys have up so far? And when the plans from you guys soon will spew out new full length album? Era: while this song there are still 3 new songs, which plans one of his will we eject a single form.JY: could tell a little dont come to like you at/mendengarkan metal music? And any band that first you listen to when it is? Era: Since I was in elementary school, I was influenced by my older brother who liked to listen to the songs of Slayer and Sepultura.JY: do the F.e.a.r personnel Inside there that has a band project? Era: Hahaha, nearly all the personnel we have band. Era and Ijank incorporated in the OSIRIS band Progressive Death Metal band from the town of Sidoarjo, Donny and the bassist in a band ROMUSHA Brutal Death Metal from Surabaya.JY: how about the death metal scene in Surabaya today? Are there any bands you guys could recommend a sadist to us? Era: death metal Scene is now growing rapidly even though many of the new scene. Blood of Messiah and the Butcher is a brutal bands sadistJY: sometimes it sounded easy when we listen to an album (in terms of game music). But we should also know that to reach the level we want once the existence of a need to work hard so that the result would be better anyway. How often are you guys doing exercises in a week? Era: we practice every once a week, because a lot of our personnel from any bustle. but we always capitalize on existing media now. for any material we always * in Guitar pro so that can be learned at home respectively, so we stay mengkompaknya just in the studio. And the results are indeed effective.JY: How do you think about the existence of Foul Webzine? In our Webzine Foul trying to do two versions of the language that is the language of the United Kingdom and the Indonesian Language. And beside that, we also strive to always update news. Era: I think it's cool and it's important, given the lack of info latest info for underground bands and kegiatan-kegitannya.JY: what future plans of Fear Inside? Whether it will release a new album or will be doing some shows/tours? Era: the plan we will collect materials for our newest album, this was to show us there have been several schedules show.JY: thank you for support and over time Webzine Foul to answer some questions from me. Success is always to Fear Inside. And before you close this interview, is there any messages for the metalheads in the motherland? Era: equally and Keep Fucking Death Metal alone m/hahahaha(Interviewed by: John Yoedi, 08 May 2013)For all of you who want to know information about the band, be in check on their links below:
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Who has not heard the band FEAR INSIDE? The band formed quite old in Surabaya This is one band that plays Old School Death Metal. Originally the band was named Individual Scum affected by oldschool death metal bands like Entombed, Dismember, Benediction and Cancer. On March 17, 1997 they released the EP 'Mindestruction' and that's when the band changed its name to Fear Inside taken from the lyrics of the song Slayer Tormentor. In 1999 they returned to spew album 'Human Disgust' and in 2001 issued a Fear Inside Single 'Penetration Of Negative Forces' in which the song was later included in the compilation Brutally Sickness 'Bloody Sound Of Death' (ESP releases Bandung). In 2004 Fear Inside has released promo demo 'Awakening from the dead', in 2006 they also mengeluarkaan single 'gripping Revenge' which is a song included in the compilation Metallic Clinic 9. And in 2007 they re-released the album 'The Victory: 10 years & Stronger 'which contains the songs from the demo for 10 years of work in which the album was released by Inviolable Music from Cirebon - West Java. In 2008 was the beginning of the revival Fear Inside of kicked back this underground world. Indeed they infonya had a vacuum for a long time and now they are back up again and even has a pretty solid gig schedule.
Ok lah, on this occasion the guitarist era tries to take the time to answer a few quick questions from Rot Webzine. Please you see ......
JY: Hello bro ... .apakhabar? Thank you very much for taking the time to do an interview with Rotten Webzine. Kieran James (Australia) and I share in this blog. Well, again there is any kind of activity at the base camp ya Fear Inside today?
Era: As usual we get-togethers while looking for some material for their next album A
JY: As a warm ...... Can not introduced a new line-up of Fear Inside today?
Era: Nendy: vocalist, Age: guitarist, Donny: Bassist and Ijank: Drummers JY: As we know Fear Inside an old band from the city of Surabaya, which was formed in 1995. And it has been spewing 2 full length albums of Human's Disgust (2010 ) and The Glorious Of My War (2012), and of participating in several metal compilations homeland. I had heard that Fear Inside a vacuum for a long time and is currently Fear Inside back mingle in the underground music scene. What are the main reasons and would like Fear Inside back up again? Era: Passion, and our souls feel called to work back. JY: Is the concept of the music you play is still the same or a slight change? Era: Basically does tetep same oldschool Death Metal, but for the new material we will be more complex. JY: Can not you describe the instruments sound and typical vocals that how you like? Era: For sound we prefer distortion low mid and little gain, if vocal we like growl JY: Bands that influence or that can provide an inspiration to the music Fear Inside? Era: Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Slayer and etc. JY: And if you would rather create characters music / sound itself rather than plagiarizing from Other bands? Era: Yes, to the character of the sound we tend to create their own characters. JY: It is no matter how many new songs do you have so far? And when the plan of you will soon be spewing out new full length album? Era: While there is still a song 3 new songs, which plans its one would we spend in the form of singles. JY: Can you tell us a little bit not, when did you start liking / listening to metal music ? And the band just about anything the first time you listen to when it? Era: Since I was in elementary school, I was influenced by my sister who love to listen to the songs of Slayer and Sepultura. JY: What personnel Fear Inside there who had a band project? Era: Hahaha, almost all of our personnel have the band. Era and Ijank incorporated in OSIRIS Progressive Death Metal band from the town of Sidoarjo and the bassist Donny joined in romusha a Brutal Death Metal band from Surabaya. JY: How about the death metal scene in Surabaya today? Are there any bands that you can sadistic recommend to us? Era: death metal scene is now growing rapidly despite the many new emerging scene. Blood of Messiah and Butcher are bands brutal sadistic JY: Sometimes it sounds easy when we listen to an album (in terms of game music). But we also need to know, that in order to reach the level that we want need all the hard work so that the results will be better anyway. How often do you exercise in a week? Era: We practice once a week, because a lot of busyness of each personnel kami.tapi we always utilize existing media Now..for any material we always mebuat in pro guitar that can be learned in each home respectively, so we stayed mengkompaknya alone in the studio. And the result is effective. JY: What do you think about the Webzine Rot? In Webzine Foul we try to do two versions of the language, namely English and Indonesian. And besides that we also strive to always update news. Era: I think this is cool and this is important, given the lack of information updates for underground bands and activity-kegitannya. JY: What are the future plans of Fear Inside? Whether it will release a new album or will be doing some shows / tours? Era: Plan we will collect material for our new album, if to show us there are already several schedules show. JY: Thank you for supporting Foul Webzine and for taking time to answer some questions from me. Success is always to Fear Inside. And before closing this interview, there a message for the metalheads in this country? Era: Equally and Keep Death Fucking Metal alone m / hahahaha (Interviewed by: John Yoedi, 08 May 2013) For those of you who want to know information of the band, can be checked on their link below

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