KULINERdari daging belut memang belum populer. Tapi, bukan berarti hidangan dari ikan bertubuh panjang seperti ular dan licin itu tak bisa disulap menjadi sajian nan nikmat. Misalnya, sambal belut dan belut goreng.
Penasaran, dong, ingin mencicipi? Nah, kalau Anda sedang berlibur atau bertugas ke Yogyakarta, jangan lupa mampir ke Warung Sambel Welut Pak Sabar. Kedai milik Sabar yang berdiri tahun 1996 silam ini terletak di Jalan Imogiri Barat KM 6 Dokaran, Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul.
Tak terlalu sulit menemukan kedai yang buka dari jam 10 pagi sampai 10 malam ini. Dari pusat Kota Yogyakarta, arahkan saja kendaraan Anda ke selatan menuju Pojok Benteng Timur. Jika datang dari Jalan Brigjen Katamso, belokkan kendaraan Anda ke kiri. Di pertigaan pertama, belok kanan masuk ke Jalan Sisingamangaraja. Susuri jalan ini hingga bertemu Jalan Lingkar alias Ringroad Selatan.
KULINERdari eel meat is indeed not yet popular. But, that does not mean the long-bodied fish dishes such as the snake and slippery that cannot be changed into servings of nan's favour. For example, the sambal fried eel and eel.Curious, dong, want to taste? Now, if You are on vacation or on duty to Yogyakarta, don't forget to stop by the Stalls Sambal Welut Pack Forward. The tavern belonging to Wait standing the past year 1996 is located at Jalan Dokaran 6 KM West of Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Banguntapan.Not too difficult to find a shop that is open from 10 am until 10 pm tonight. From the city center, point Your vehicle just South to the corner of East Fort. If coming from Jalan Brigjen Katamso, belokkan your vehicle to the left. At the t-junction, turn right onto the road sign in Sisingamangaraja. Follow this road until it meets the Beltway aka South Ringroad.

KULINERdari eel meat is not yet popular. But, that does not mean dish of long-bodied fish such as snakes and slippery it can not be transformed into a delicious dish nan. For example, eel sauce and fried eel.
Curious, dong, want to taste? Well, if you're on vacation or duty to Yogyakarta, do not forget to stop by the Sambel Welut Warung Pak Tolerance. Patient-owned shop that was built in 1996. It is located in Jalan Barat Imogiri KM 6 Dokaran, Banguntapan, Bantul.
Not too difficult to find a shop that is open from 10 am to 10 this evening. From the center of the city of Yogyakarta, just point your vehicle south toward Corner East fortress. If coming from Jalan Brig Katamso, your vehicle steered to the left. In the first T-junction, turn right into the road Singamangaraja. Walk down this road to meet Ringroad aka Ring Road South.