JAKARTA – Sejalan dengan customer centric business model untuk senanti翻訳 - JAKARTA – Sejalan dengan customer centric business model untuk senanti英語言う方法

JAKARTA – Sejalan dengan customer c

JAKARTA – Sejalan dengan customer centric business model untuk senantiasa memenuhi kebutuhan nasabah, PermataBank menghadirkan PermataBank Priority yang merupakan penyempurnaan dari proposisi priority kami yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama Permata KENCANA. Nasabah sudah dapat menerima layanan PermataBank Priority dengan simpanan diatas Rp 500 juta. PermataBank Priority adalah satu-satunya layanan prioritas yang dipersembahkan bagi nasabah beserta keluarga karena kami percaya bahwa kesuksesan adalah untuk dinikmati bersama keluarga tercinta.

Keluarga menjadi aspek penting dalam PermataBank Priority sehingga keluarga nasabah Priority dapat turut menikmati layanan-layanan khusus Priority. Untuk menopang PermataBank Priority, terdapat empat pilar pendukung yaitu tim profesional yang siap membantu merencanakan dan mengembangkan kebutuhan keuangan nasabah dan keluarga (Dedicated Family Advisory Team), rangkaian produk perbankan dan investasi yang dapat memberikan hasil optimal bagi nasabah dan keluarga (Product Selections Tailored for Your Family), dukungan Priority Center dan akses tanpa batas melalui layanan e-Channel untuk memudahkan nasabah dan keluarga bertransaksi (Priority Family Access Channel) dan berbagai keuntungan dan kemudahan yang dapat dinikmati nasabah dan keluarga secara ekslusif (Family Privileges and Benefits).

David Fletcher, Direktur Utama PermataBank mengatakan, “Kami memahami bahwa keluarga merupakan aset utama bagi nasabah. Hal inilah yang menginspirasi kami untuk menghadirkan PermataBank Priority yang memudahkan nasabah dapat menikmati dan berbagi kesuksesan bersama keluarga. Dengan dukungan empat pilar penopang PermataBank Priority, kami yakin nasabah dan keluarganya dapat memperoleh nilai lebih ketika berhubungan dan berinteraksi dengan PermataBank.”

Sementara itu Lauren Sulistiawati, Direktur Retail Banking PermataBank menjelaskan, "Nasabah dengan segmen Priority menjadi salah satu fokus kami mengingat konstribusi yang signifikan dalam total portfolio dana simpanan dan kelolaan di PermataBank. Hal inilah yang mendorong kami untuk memberikan layanan dan fasilitas yang lebih baik bagi nasabah Priority agar mereka dapat ber-banking dengan nyaman, mengelola investasinya dengan baik dan mendapatkan segala kebutuhan yang mereka perlukan untuk pribadi dan keluarga”.

“Selain itu segmentasi yang kami tawarkan dapat menjangkau lebih banyak lagi nasabah yang bisa memiliki layanan prioritas kami. Kalau selama ini fokus priority banking hanya kepada nasabah individu, PermataBank Priority menawarkan layanan prioritas yang dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh keluarga. Konsistensi kami untuk terus mengembangkan dan meningkatkan layanan terbaik PermataBank kepada nasabah merupakan hal utama yang senantiasa kami kedepankan.” tambah Lauren.

Sebagaimana diketahui PermataBank saat ini memberikan perhatian kepada tiga segmen nasabahnya yaitu Nasabah Personal dengan nilai simpanan dibawah Rp 200 juta, nasabah Preffered dengan simpanan Rp 200 juta – Rp 500 juta dan nasabah Priority dengan simpanan diatas Rp 500 juta. Untuk nasabah Priority bahkan diberikan segmentasi lebih khusus untuk memberikan fokus layanan kepada nasabah dan keluarga.

Saat ini layanan Priority Banking sudah dapat dinikmati oleh nasabah di 17 Priority Center di 7 kota besar seperti Jakarta (10), Bandung (2), Bogor, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar dan Medan. Dengan ruangan yang nyaman dan khusus nasabah dan keluarga dapat memperoleh layanan personal dari para Relationship Manager (RM) Priority untuk memenuhi kebutuhan simpanan, investasi maupun Bancassurance-nya. Berbagai produk dan layanan seperti Optima, PermataGiro, PermataDollar, Safe Saving Platinum, Galeri Investasi, Foreign Exchange (Forex), Priority Visa Electron (kartu debit) dan Black Card (kartu kredit untuk nasabah Priority tertentu) diberikan untuk menjawab kebutuhan nasabah. Bahkan untuk layanan melalui telepon, nasabah diberikan nomor khusus di 500100 melalui Priority Call Center dengan personifikasi penyebutan nama nasabah. Selain melalui Priority Center di cabang, nasabah dan keluarga juga diberikan kemudahan dan keleluasaan dalam melakukan transaksi perbankannya dengan menggunakan layanan e-Channel seperti Permata ATM, PermataNet dan PermataMobile. Untuk melakukan transaksi penarikan uang tunai, transfer, pembayaran, pembelian, registrasi dan lainnya secara online real time tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu, kapan pun dimanapun nasabah berada.

Nilai tambah lainnya adalah PermataBank Priority akan memberikan berbagai program apresiasi kepada nasabah dan keluarga secara ekslusif. Selain menjadi sarana komunikasi dengan nasabah, program apresiasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat yang lebih bagi nasabah Priority. Nantikan program-program yang akan kami persembahkan hanya untuk Anda nasabah PermataBank Priority yang dapat dinikmati bersama keluarga.

PT Bank Permata Tbk (PermataBank) merupakan hasil merger 5 (lima) Bank yaitu PT. Bank Bali Tbk, PT. Bank Universal Tbk, PT. Bank Artamedia, PT. Bank Patriot dan PT. Bank Prima Ekspress pada tahun 2002, dan saat ini telah berkembang menjadi sebuah bank swasta utama yang menawarkan produk dan jasa inovatif serta komprehensif terutama disisi delivery channel-nya termasuk Internet Banking dan Mobile Banking. PermataBank memiliki aspirasi untuk menjadi penyedia jasa keuangan terkemuka di Indonesia, dengan fokus di segmen Konsumer dan Komersial. Melayani sekitar 1,9 juta nasabah di 55 kota di Indonesia, PermataBank memiliki sekitar 5.400 karyawan, 268 cabang konvensional, 10 cabang Syariah dan 563 ATM dengan akses tambahan di lebih dari 23.000 ATM Jaringan (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto, ATM Bersama, ATM BCA).

Pengakuan terkini atas pencapaian PermataBank adalah peringkat pertama Annual Report Award 2008 untuk kategori listed private bank dan juara umum “Annual Report Award 2008 untuk seluruh kategori, peringkat pertama terbaik e-Company Award 2008 untuk seluruh kategori, Corporate Governance Award untuk kategori Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders dari Business Review, Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia dan IICD, posisi kedua The Best CEO in Asia Best Managed Companies dan delapan besar The Best Corporate Governance in Asia Best Managed Companies dari Finance Asia Magazine, Islamic Finance Award & CUP 2009 (IFAC 2009), peringkat pertama UUS dengan kategori aset ≥ Rp.1 trilliun dan peringkat pertama perusahaan paling menguntungkan untuk kategoti aset ≥ Rp.1 triliun dari Karim Business Consulting, Banking Service Excellence Awards 2009 (10 konvensional dan 7 syariah) dari MRI & InfoBank, Penghargaan dari MURI untuk Nabung Serentak di 12 kota bagi pelajar, The Prestigious Service Quality Diamond Award 2009 dari Carre - Center for Service Satisfaction & Loyalty (CCSL) & Marketing Magazine, the Most Prestigious Carre' dalam CCSL's Annual Call Center Award 2009 selama empat kali berturut-turut dan Banking Efficiency Award 2009 dari Bisnis Indonesia. Website PermataBank dapat diakses di http://www.permatabank.com.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
jakarta - in line with customer centric business model to continue to meet the needs of customers, the Bank presents PermataBank Priority which is a refinement of our priority proposition previously known as the golden gems. the customer is able to receive service with savings above PermataBank Priority rp 500 million.PermataBank Priority is the only service that is dedicated to customer priorities and their families because we believe that success is to be enjoyed with loved ones.

Family an important aspect of the Bank priority customers priority so the family can also enjoy special priority services. Bank to support priority,There are four pillars supporting the professional team ready to help plan and develop customers' financial needs and family (family dedicated advisory team), a series of banking and investment products that can provide optimum results for clients and families (product selections tailored for your family),priority support center and seamless access through e-channel services to facilitate customer transactions and family (family priority access channel) and the various benefits and services that can be enjoyed by family clients and is exclusively (family privileges and benefits).

David fletcher, managing director of the Bank said,"We understand that the family is a major asset for our customers. this is what inspired us to bring the Bank priority which allows customers to enjoy and share with family success. with the support of the four pillars supporting the Bank priority,we believe that clients and their families can gain more value when dealing and interacting with the Bank. "

while, Lauren Sulistiawati, director of retail banking, the Bank explains," customers with priority segment being one of our focus given the significant contribution in the total portfolio deposits and management in the Bank.it is this that drives us to provide services and better facilities for customers priority so that they can comfortably air-banking, managing investments properly and get all the requirements they need for personal and family ".

"Other than that segmentation that we offer can reach more customers can have service our priority. that has been the focus priority banking only to individual customers, the Bank offers a priority service priorities that can be enjoyed by the whole family.Our consistency to continue to develop and improve the Bank to its customers the best service is the main thing that we always promote. "adds Lauren.

known as the Bank is currently paying attention to the three segments of customers that is personalized with the customer's savings below Rp 200 million,rp preffered customers with deposits of 200 million - Rp 500 million and priority customers with deposits over Rp 500 million. for customer segmentation priority given even more specifically to provide focused services to clients and families.

current priority banking services already enjoyed by customers in 17 priority centers in 7 major cities such as Jakarta (10), Bandung (2), Bogor,Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar and terrain. the rooms are comfortable and special clients and families can obtain the services of a personal relationship manager (rm) priority to meet the needs of savings, investment and bancassurance her. range of products and services such as optima, permatagiro, permatadollar, platinum safe saving, investing galleries, foreign exchange (forex),priority visa electron (debit card) and black card (credit card for certain priority customers) supplied to meet customers' demands. even for the service over the phone, the customer is given a special number at 500 100 through a priority call center with customer naming personification. than through the center priority in the branch,client and family are also given the ease and flexibility in conducting their banking transactions using e-channel services such as gems atm, PermataNet and PermataMobile. for cash withdrawal transactions, transfer, payment, purchase, registration and other online real time without the limited space and time, whenever wherever the customer is located.

Other value added is the Bank will give priority to customer appreciation programs and families exclusively. in addition to being a means of communication with the customer, appreciation program is expected to provide more benefits for customers priority.forward programs that will we present to you the customer only PermataBank priority that can be enjoyed with family.

profile of PT Bank Permata Tbk.
PT Bank Permata Tbk (the Bank) is the result of a merger of 5 (five) banks, namely pt. bali bank tbk, pt. universal bank tbk, pt. artamedia bank, pt. banks patriot and pt. express prime banks in 2002,and today has grown into a major private bank that offers products and services, innovative and comprehensive delivery channels including internet banking and mobile banking. Bank has aspirations to become a leading financial services provider in Indonesia, with a focus on consumer and commercial segments. serves approximately 1,9 million customers in 55 cities in Indonesia, the Bank has about 5,400 employees, 268 conventional branches, 10 sharia branches and 563 atm with additional access at more than 23,000 atm network (VisaPlus, visa electron, mastercard, alto, together atm, atm bca) .

recognition of recent achievements is the Bank ranked first annual report award 2008 for the categories listed private banks and the overall champion "Annual Report Award 2008 for all categories, the first rank the best e-company award 2008 for all categories, corporate governance award for best equitable treatment of shareholders of the business review,Indonesian issuers and associations IICD, second place in the best ceo asia best managed companies and eight of the the best corporate governance best managed companies in asia asia magazine of finance, Islamic finance award & cup 2009 (IFAC 2009), ranked first by category of assets UUS ≥ Rp1 trillion and ranked first most profitable companies for asset classes of ≥ rp.1 trillion, from Karim Business Consulting, Banking Service Excellence Awards 2009 (10 conventional and sharia 7) of mri & Infobank, the award of muri for saving unison in 12 cities for the student, the service quality prestigious diamond award 2009 from carre - center for service satisfaction & loyalty (CCSL) & marketing magazine,the most prestigious carre 'in the CCSL's annual call center award 2009 for four times in a row and banking business efficiency award 2009 from Indonesia. Bank websites can be accessed at http://www.permatabank.com.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA – in line with customer centric business model to continue to meet the needs of customers, PermataBank presents PermataBank Priority which is a refinement of our priority of the proposition previously known as Permata KENCANA. The customer is able to receive service PermataBank Priority with deposits above Rp 500 million. PermataBank Priority priority service is the only one which is dedicated for customers and their families because we believe that success is to be enjoyed with your beloved family.

Family became important aspects in PermataBank Priority so that families can enjoy Priority customer service-specific service Priority. To prop up the Bank Priority, There are four pillars supporting the team of professionals who are ready to help plan and develop the financial needs of the client and family (Dedicated Family Advisory Team), the product range of banking and investment that can deliver optimum results for clients and family (Product Selections Tailored for Your Family), Priority Support Center and access through the service without limits e-Channel for easy customer and transaction family (Family Access Priority Channel) and a variety of advantages and the ease with which clients and families can be enjoyed exclusively (Family Privileges and Benefits).

David Fletcher, Director of the Bank said, "We understand that families are the main asset for the customers. It is what inspires us to bring that PermataBank Priority customer can enjoy and share your success with your family. With the support of the four pillars of the cantilever PermataBank Priority, We believe the customer and his family can get more value when dealing and interacting with PermataBank. "

Meanwhile Lauren Sulistiawati PermataBank's Retail Banking Director, explains," the customer with Priority segments into one of our focus given the significant contribution in the total portfolio fund and run on the Bank. This prompted us to provide services and facilities that are better for the customer a Priority so that they can be fully comfortable with banking, managing its investments well and get all the requirements they need for personal and family. "

"In addition we offer segmentation can reach more clients could have a service our priority. If during this focus priority banking only to customers, PermataBank individual Priority priority service offering that can be enjoyed by the whole family. The consistency of the us to continue to develop and improve the services of PermataBank's best customer is the main thing that kept us kedepankan. "added Lauren.

known As PermataBank is currently giving attention to the three segments of its customers the Personal value of Customer deposits under $ 200 million, Preffered customer with deposits of Rp 200 million and Rp 500 million – the Customer Priority with deposits above Rp 500 million. Even given Priority for customer segmentation more specific to give focus to the customer service and the family.

current Priority Banking service can already enjoyed by customers in 17 Priority Center in 7 big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung (10), (2), Bogor, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar and Medan. With comfortable rooms and special clients and families can obtain a personalised service from the Relationship Manager (RM) Priority needs for savings, investment or Bancassurance. A variety of products and services such as Optima, PermataGiro, PermataDollar, Safe Saving Platinum, Gallery of investment, Foreign Exchange (Forex), Priority Visa Electron ATM (debit card) and a Black Card (credit card for customer specific Priority) given to answer customer needs. Even for the service over the phone, the customer is given a special number 500100 through Call Center Priority with the personification of the mention of the name of the customer. In addition through Priority centers in branches, client and family is also given the ease and lightness of being in its banking transaction by using the e-Channel service like ATM, PermataNet and PermataMobile. For cash withdrawal transaction, transfer, payment, purchase, registration and other online real time without limited space and time, anytime wherever the customer is

.Other value added is PermataBank Priority will provide a variety of customer appreciation program and family exclusively. In addition to being a means of communication with the customer appreciation program is expected to provide more benefits for the Customer Priority. Look forward to the programs that we offer to you clients only PermataBank Priority that can be enjoyed with the family.

PT Bank Permata Tbk ("PermataBank") is the result of the merger of five Banks, namely PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Universal Tbk, PT Bank Artamedia, PT Bank Patriot, Bank Prima and PT Are in 2002, and at this time has developed into a major private bank that offers innovative products and services as well as comprehensive delivery channel his hand including Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. PermataBank has aspirations to become a leading financial service provider in Indonesia, with a focus on commercial and consumer segments. Serve approximately 1,9 million customers in 55 cities in Indonesia, the Bank has about 5.400 employees, 268 10 conventional branches Sharia branches and ATM access with an additional 563 in more than 23,000 ATM network (VisaPlus, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Alto, ATM Bersama, ATM BCA).

Recent recognition of the achievement of the Bank is the first rank Annual Report Award 2008 for the category listed private banks and public champion "Annual Report Award 2008 for the entire category, 1st place best e-Company Award 2008 for the category, Corporate Governance Award for Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders from Business Review, The Association, IICD Indonesia Issuers and the position of both The Best CEO in Asia's Best Managed Companies and eight of The Best Corporate Governance in Asia's Best Managed Companies from Finance Asia Magazine, Islamic Finance Award & CUP 2009 (IFAC 2009), ranks first with asset category UUS ≥ Rp 1 trillion and most profitable company ranked first for kategoti assets ≥ Rp.1 trillion from Karim Business Consulting, Banking Service Excellence Awards 2009 (10 conventional and Sharia 7) from MRI & InfoBank Award from MURI to Nabung Synchronously in 12 cities for students, The Prestigious Service Quality Diamond Award 2009 from Carre – Center for Service Satisfaction Loyalty (CCSL) & & Marketing Magazine, the Most Prestigious Carre ' in CCSL's Annual Call Center Award 2009 for four times in a row and Banking Efficiency Business Award 2009 from Indonesia. PermataBank's Website can be accessed at http://www.permatabank.com

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