“Dalam menerapkan transparansi informasi Bank wajib: mengungkapkan inf翻訳 - “Dalam menerapkan transparansi informasi Bank wajib: mengungkapkan inf英語言う方法

“Dalam menerapkan transparansi info

“Dalam menerapkan transparansi informasi Bank wajib: mengungkapkan informasi yang lengkap, benar, dan tidak menyesatkan kepada Nasabah, memastikan pemberian informasi yang berimbang antara potensi manfaat yang mungkin diperoleh dengan risiko yang mungkin timbul bagi Nasabah dari transaksi Structured Product, dan memastikan informasi yang disampaikan tidak menyamarkan, mengurangi, atau menutupi hal-hal yang penting terkait dengan risiko-risiko yang mungkin timbul dari transaksi Structured Product”
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"In implementing the transparency of Bank information mandatory: disclosing information that is complete, true, and not misleading to the customer, ensuring the grant information is balanced between the potential benefits that might be gained by risk which may arise for the customer from a transaction Structured Product, and ensure that the information submitted is not obscure, diminish, or cover the important things related to the risks which might arise from a transaction Structured Product"
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"In applying the information transparency of the Bank shall: disclose information that is complete, accurate, and not misleading to the customer, ensuring the provision of information among the potential benefits that may be obtained with the risks that may arise for the Customer of transactions Structured Product, and ensure that the information submitted does not disguise, diminish or cover up important matters related to the risks that may arise from the transaction Structured Product "
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