berdasarkan pasal 11 ayat (6) huruf a peraturan pemerintah nomor 10 ta翻訳 - berdasarkan pasal 11 ayat (6) huruf a peraturan pemerintah nomor 10 ta英語言う方法

berdasarkan pasal 11 ayat (6) huruf

berdasarkan pasal 11 ayat (6) huruf a peraturan pemerintah nomor 10 tahun 1989 tentang ponyediaan dan pemanfaatan tenaga listrik jis peraturan pemerintah nomor 3 tahun 2005 dan peraturan pemerintah nomor 26 tahun 2006, serta pasal 16 ayat(7) peraturan menteri energi dan sumber daya mineral nomor 001 tahun 2006 jo. peraturan menteri energi dan sumber daya mineral nomor 004 tahun 2007, maka rencana pembelian tenaga listrik dari PLTA buntu Batu 100 MW tersebut melalui penunjukan langsung , dapat dilaksanakan sepanjang tidak ada perusahaan lain yang mengusulkan pengembangan PLTA di lokasi tersebut dan telah memenuhi ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
under article 11, paragraph (6) letters a Government Regulation No. 10 in 1989 about electric power and utilization ponyediaan jis Government Regulation number 3 of 2005 and Government Regulation No. 26 of 2006, as well as article 16 paragraph (7) of the regulations of the Minister of energy and mineral resources no. 001 2006 jo. Regulation of the Minister of energy and mineral resources no. 004 of 2007, then plan the purchase of electricity from HYDROPOWER deadlocked Rock 100 MW through direct appointment, can be implemented as long as there is no other company that proposes the development of HYDROELECTRIC POWER at that location and has complied with the provisions of the applicable legislation
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
pursuant to Article 11 paragraph (6) letter a government regulation number 10 of 1989 concerning ponyediaan and utilization of electric power in conjunction with Government Regulation No. 3 of 2005 and Government Regulation No. 26 of 2006, and Article 16 paragraph (7) regulation of the minister of energy and mineral resources number 001 2006 jo. ministerial regulation of energy and mineral resources, number 004 of 2007, the planned purchase of electricity from hydropower clogged Stone 100 MW through direct appointment, can be implemented as long as no other company which proposes the development of hydropower in these locations and have met the statutory provisions which apply
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