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Mohon maaf sebelumnya kami tidak teliti membaca email hasil diskusi bapak dengan pak Rizal mengenai letak kolom bin pada format CSV nya
berikut kami kirim kan update nya, mohon di backup terlebih dahulu file exe dan database yang ada di folder aplikasinya lalu rename attachment ini jadi .zip Kemudian copy kan database dan File exe yang baru ke folder aplikasi
mohon kabari kami hasil trialnya ya pak
terima kasih
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Good morningApologize in advance we are not thoroughly read the email discussions with Mr. pak Rizal on layout of columns in CSV format, the son of hisHere we tell the right update, please backup first the exe file and a database that is in the application folder and then rename the .zip so attachment and then copy the database right and the new exe File to your applications folderPlease drop us a result trialnya ya pakThank you
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Good morning
Sorry previously we did not carefully read the email discussion results father with a pack of Rizal regarding the location of the columns bin in CSV format it
follows we send the update it, please in the first backup exe files and databases in the folder the application and then rename the attachment is so Then copy the database .zip and .exe files that are new to the application folder
please let us know the results of the trial yes sir
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