Jakarta- Calon anggota legislatif dari Partai Demokrat, Nova Riyanti Yusuf meminta kasus pencoblosan 110 surat suara oleh Ketua KPPS TPS 19 di Blitar, Jawa Timur, Hari Patmono, tidak dipolitisir. Noriyu mempercayakan penanganan hukum pengusutan perkara kepada kepolisian.
""Saya serahkan penyelesaian kasus kepada kepolisian,"" kata Noriyu dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Selasa (15/4/2014) malam.
Noriyu menegaskan dirinya tidak mengetahui aksi Ketua KPPS mencoblos surat suara pada dua caleg yakni Henir Retna Wizi Suci, yang mencalonkan untuk DPRD Kabupaten Blitar dan dirinya.
""Jangankan menjanjikan sesuatu kepada yang bersangkutan (Hari Patmono), mengenal bahkan berkomunikasi pun tidak pernah. Memang saya sempat sosialisasikan program kesehatan ke Desa Pojok, namun tidak ada nama Hari Patmono dan yang bersangkutan dalam acara tersebut,"" jelasnya.
Jakarta legislative candidates of the Democratic Party, Nova Riyanti Yusuf requested the case pencoblosan 110 ballots by Chairman KPPS TPS in Blitar, East Java, today's Patmono, it is not politicized. Noriyu entrusted the handling of an investigation of case law to the police."" I submit the resolution of the case to the police, "said Noriyu in his remarks on Tuesday (4/15/2014) night.Noriyu asserts himself did not know the action Chairman KPPS cast ballots on two parliamentary candidates i.e. Henir Retna Wizi, which ran for PARLIAMENT and Blitar Regency herself."" Never promise something to that question (Today Patmono), know even communicate ever never. Indeed I was socialised health programs to the village Corner, but no name Patmono and the corresponding Day in the event, "he explained.

Jakarta Candidate legislators from the Democratic Party, Nova Riyanti Yusuf requested case 110 voting ballots by Chief KPPS TPS 19 in Blitar, East Java, Day Patmono, not politicized. Noriyu entrust the handling of legal cases to the police investigation. "" I leave the settlement of the case to the police, "" Noriyu said in a statement on Tuesday (15/04/2014) night. Noriyu insisted he did not know the action of the Chairman KPPS cast ballots on the two candidates Retna Henir Wizi the Saints, who ran to DPRD Blitar and himself. "" Never promise something to the person concerned (Day Patmono), did not know even communicating ever. Indeed, I was socialized health programs to the Village Corner, but no names Patmono Day and is concerned in the event, '' he explained.