Jonan Minta Inpex Percepat Rencana Pengembang Blok Masela“Sependek mun翻訳 - Jonan Minta Inpex Percepat Rencana Pengembang Blok Masela“Sependek mun英語言う方法

Jonan Minta Inpex Percepat Rencana

Jonan Minta Inpex Percepat Rencana Pengembang Blok Masela

“Sependek mungkin, kalau bisa setahun ya setahun, dua tahun ya dua tahun"

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan meminta Inpex untuk segera menyelesaikan proposal rencana pengembangan ( plan of development /PoD) Lapangan Abadi Blok Masela. Dia mengaku hal ini sesuai dengan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) kepadanya.

Jonan mengatakan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar sudah bertemu dengan Inpex untuk membahas proyek gas Masela. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, pihak Inpex menyatakan masih harus mempersiapkan dan menyusun PoD tersebut. Ada kemungkinan PoD ini baru akan selesai empat tahun lagi.

(Baca: Inpex Diminta Ikut Garap Industri Hilir Proyek Masela )

"Kemarin saya minta dengan Pak Wamen (Arcandra) supaya diperpendek, jangan empat tahun, sudahlah bikin saja dua atau tiga tahun. Sependek mungkin, kalau bisa setahun ya setahun, dua tahun ya dua tahun," kata Jonan usai bertemu empat mata dengan Jokowi di Komplek Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Kamis (20/10).

Hal ini, kata Jonan, sesuai dengan yang diinginkan Presiden Jokowi. Selain itu Jokowi juga berpesan proyek ini harus memberikan manfaat sebesar-besarnya untuk masyarakat setempat. Jangan dibangun seperti benteng, sehingga masyarakat hanya bisa melihat dan tidak merasakan manfaatnya.

Misalnya investor Blok Masela membangun kompleks perumahan untuk pekerja di Blok Masela, minimal 20 kilometer dari pusat operasinya. Sehingga harus membangun infrastruktur, seperti jalan, rumah sakit, dan lain-lain, yang juga bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat setempat. Kemudian pekerjanya diutamakan dari daerah setempat.

(Baca: Menteri Jonan Libatkan Masyarakat Kembangkan Blok Masela )

Terkait dengan PoD Masela, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan melaporkan kepada Jokowi bahwa dalam dua bulan terakhir, pembahasannya sudah cukup maju dan membanggakan.

"Ada pertemuan dua sampai tiga kali seminggu yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian ESDM, SKK Migas, maupun Inpex dan Shell (kontraktor Blik Masela),” ujarnya.

Dalam pertemuan ini, banyak hal yang sudah dibicarakan, termasuk semua permintaan Inpex kepada pemerintah. Beberapa hal yang dibahas terkait tambahan perpanjangan masa kontrak hingga 10 tahun dan pengembalian biaya studi pengembangan dengan skema laut sebelumnya yang sudah ditolak pemerintah. Nilai studi ini mencapai US$ 1,2 miliar.

Semua pembahasan ini, kata luhut, berlajan dengan baik dan responsnya sangat positif dari pemerintah maupun kontraktor. Hingga tadi malam pun, dia mendapat laporan dari tim Kementerian ESDM yang terlibat, bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan selama ini berjalan dengan baik.

Meski begitu, dia belum bisa memastikan kapan PoD-nya akan rampung. Luhut hanya bisa berharap konstruksi proyek ini bisa dilakukan pada 2019. (Baca: Luhut Sebut Perkembangan Pembahasan Blok Masela Membanggakan )
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jonan Ask Inpex Masela Block Developer Plans Accelerate"As short as possible, if possible a year ya a year, two years Yes two years" Minister of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) Ignatius Jonan ask for Inpex to immediately complete the proposal development plan (plan of development/PoD) Perennial Masela Block Field. He admitted this in accordance with the directive of the President of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to him. Jonan said Deputy Minister of MINERAL RESOURCES Arcandra Tahar had already met with Inpex Masela gas project to discuss. In the meeting, the parties still have to declare the Inpex prepare and draw up the PoD. There is a possibility this PoD will be completed in four years. (Read: Inpex Requested Come Into Work On Downstream Projects Masela) "Yesterday I have with Mr. Wamen (Arcandra) so that is shortened, not four years, never mind make just two or three years. As short as possible, if possible a year Yes Yes two years a year, two years, "said midfielder Jonan met four eyes with Jokowi in the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Friday (20/10). This, said Jonan, according to which President Jokowi. In addition Jokowi also told the project should provide the maximum benefits to the local community. Do not be built like fortresses, so that people can only see and not feel its benefits. Masela Block investors such as building housing complex for workers in the Masela Block, at least 20 kilometers from the center of operations. So it must build infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, and others, which can also be enjoyed by the local community. Then workers take precedence from the local area. (Read: Minister Jonan Masela Block Developed Society And World) Associated with the PoD Masela, Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Leading Fields reported to Jokowi that in the last two months, the discussion is already quite advanced and boasts. "There is a meeting of two to three times a week, carried out by the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES, oil and gas, as well as SKK Inpex and Shell (contractor Masela Republic)," he said. In this meeting, a lot of stuff that's been talked about, including all request for Inpex to the Government. Some of the things discussed additional related extension of the contract period to 10 years and refund the cost of the development studies with marine schemes previously denied by the Government. The value of this study reached US $ 1.2 billion. All of this discussion, said luhut, berlajan and responsnya are very positive from the Government or the contractor. Until last night, he got a report from the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES team involved, that communication made during this run well. However, he has not been able to ascertain when his PoD will be completed. Luhut construction can only hope this project can be done in 2019. (Read: Luhut Masela Block Discussion Of Development Called Prides)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jonan Request Inpex Accelerates Plans Development Masela

"nutshell possible, preferably a year so a year, two years yes two years"

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan ordered it to complete the proposal development plan (plan of development / PoD) Abadi field Masela block. He admitted this in accordance with the directives of the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to him.

Jonan said Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar already met with Inpex to discuss gas projects Masela. During the meeting, the parties Inpex said it still had to prepare and arrange PoD it. There is a possibility of POD is to be completed in four years.

(Read: Inpex asked to Join Working Downstream Project Masela)

"Yesterday I was asked by Mr. Wamen (Arcandra) so shortened, not four years, never mind make just two or three years. Short as possible, preferably a year so a year, two years yes two years, "said Jonan after meeting privately with Jokowi at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, Thursday (20/10).

This, said Jonan, as expected President Jokowi . Besides Jokowi also advised this project should provide maximum benefit to the local community. Do not be built like a fortress, so that people could only see and feel the benefits.

for example, investor Masela build housing complexes for workers in Masela, at least 20 kilometers from center operations. So it must build infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, and others, which can also be enjoyed by the local community. Then the workers take precedence over the local area.

(Read: Minister Jonan Involve community Develop Masela)

Related to PoD Masela, Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan report to Jokowi that in the past two months, the discussion is quite advanced and boast.

"There was a meeting of two to three times a week conducted by the Ministry of Energy, SKK Migas, as well as Inpex and Shell (contractor Blik Masela), "he said.

In this meeting, a lot of things that have been discussed, including Inpex all requests to the government. Some of the issues discussed related to the additional extension of the contract period of up to 10 years and cost recovery study of development with sea scheme previously been rejected by the government. This study value reached US $ 1.2 billion.

All of this discussion, said Luhut, berlajan well and very positive response from the government and the contractor. Until last night too, he received a report from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources teams involved, that communications made during this run well.

Even so, he was not sure when his PoD be completed. Luhut can only hope that the construction of this project can be carried out in 2019. (Read: Call developments Luhut Discussion Masela Boasts)
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