Jakarta: Direktur Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Achmad Baiquni mengataka翻訳 - Jakarta: Direktur Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Achmad Baiquni mengataka英語言う方法

Jakarta: Direktur Bank Rakyat Indon

Jakarta: Direktur Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Achmad Baiquni mengatakan, untuk mencegah terjadinya krisis ekonomi, diperlukan pengaturan dan pengawasan sektor keuangan secara terintegrasi. Pihaknya siap mendukung pengawasan tersebut.

”Pengawasan sektor keuangan secara terintegarasi itu sangat penting karena ancaman krisis kan tidak saja dari sektor perbankan, bisa juga dari sektor lain. Pengawasan terintegrasi yang dilakukan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) tidak hanya mengawasi banknya saja, juga mengawasi anak perusahaannya ini penting,” kata Baiquni di Jakarta, Minggu (4/1/2015).

Menurut Baiquni, langkah pemerintah Indonesia dalam mendirikan OJK yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengawasan sektor keuangan terintegrasi sudah sangat tepat karena perkembangan sektor keuangan sangat cepat. Hal ini terlihat dengan sudah banyaknya perusahaan konglomerasi di Indonesia yang menurut OJK sudah mencapai 32 perusahaan konglomerasi.

”Kalau tidak dilakukan sejak sekarang kapan lagi, karena tanpa pengawasan terintegrasi kondisi perekonomian Indonesia agak rawan dalam menghadapi krisis,” katanya.

Selain itu, menurut dia, keberadaan OJK yang juga mengatur perkembangan industri keuangan non bank sangat membantu kemajuan sektor perbankan karena kemajuan sektor non bank akan juga mendorong industri perbankan.

”Pengaturan dan pengawasan yang dillakukan OJK membuat industri non bank akan setara dengan perbankan, ini akan sangat membantu kemajuan perbankan,” katanya.

Dengan kondisi seperti ini, Baiquni menilai keberadaan OJK sangat diperlukan untuk mendorong kemajuan sektor keuangan secara umum, dan industri perbankan khususnya.

Secara umum, Baiquni melihat prospek perekonomian Indonesia di 2015 akan lebih baik dibandingkan 2014 mengingat pemerintah memfokuskan pembangunan ekonomi di bidang infrastruktur serta terus meningkatnya usia penduduk produktif yang akan mendorong tingkat konsumsi masyarakat.

”Pembangunan infrastruktur akan membawa dampak ikutan yang besar terhadap bidang ekonomi lain dan ini peluang untuk peningkatan kredit menengah, kecil dan mikro. Dan ini, peluang bagi BRI,” katanya.()
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta: Indonesia people's Bank (BRI) Achmad Baiquni says, to prevent the onset of the economic crisis, the necessary arrangements and the supervision of the financial sector is integrated. It is ready to support the surveillance."Supervision of the financial sector in terintegarasi it is very important because the threat of crisis right not only from the banking sector, it could also be from other sectors. Integrated supervision conducted the financial services authority (OJK) is not only overseeing his Bank alone, as well as overseeing its subsidiaries is important, "said Baiquni in Jakarta, Sunday (4/1/2015). According to the Government's step, Indonesia Baiquni in setting up a functioning OJK to conduct oversight of the financial sector has been very precisely because the integrated development of the financial sector very quickly. This looks to have been as much a conglomerate in Indonesia which have reached OJK 32 according to a conglomerate."If it's not done since now when, because of the integrated economy without supervision is rather prone to Indonesia in dealing with the crisis," he said. Besides, according to him, the existence of which also regulate OJK development of non-bank finance industry helpful progress banking sector due to the upswing of non bank will also encourage the banking industry."Arrangements and supervision dillakukan OJK non bank industry will create the equivalent of banking, this will really help the progress of banking," he said. With such a condition, presence of judge Baiquni OJK are indispensable to encourage the progress of the financial sector in General, and the banking industry in particular. In General, Indonesia's economy prospects see Baiquni in 2015 would be better than 2014 given the Government's focus on economic development in the areas of infrastructure as well as the ever-increasing population of productive age will encourage community consumption level."Infrastructure development will bring a great follow-up impact of other economic fields and this opportunity for increased credit to micro, small and medium. And this, opportunities for BRI, "he said.()
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jakarta: Director of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Baiquni Achmad said, to prevent the economic crisis, the necessary regulation and supervision of the financial sector in an integrated manner. It is ready to support the oversight. "terintegarasi financial sector supervision is very important because the threat is not only the crisis of the banking sector, it could be from another sector. Integrated surveillance conducted the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is not only oversee the bank alone, also keep an eye on this important subsidiary, "said Baiquni in Jakarta, Sunday (01/04/2015). According Baiquni, the Indonesian government step in setting up the FSA which serves to integrated financial sector supervision is very appropriate for the development of the financial sector is very fast. It is seen by many companies already conglomerate in Indonesia, according to the FSA has reached 32 conglomerate. "If not done since now when again, because without an integrated monitoring Indonesia's economy is somewhat vulnerable in the face of crisis," he said. In addition, according to him, where the FSA which also regulate the development of non-bank financial industry greatly assist the progress of the banking sector due to the progress of non-bank sector will also encourage the banking industry. "Regulation and supervision are dillakukan FSA makes non-bank industry would be equivalent to banking, this will greatly assist the progress of banking," he said. With these conditions, Baiquni assess the existence of the FSA is required to promote the progress of the financial sector in general, and the banking industry in particular. In general, Baiquni see the Indonesian economy in 2015 will be better than 2014 because the government focus on economic development in the field of infrastructure and the increasing age of the population which will encourage productive consumption rate. "The development of infrastructure will bring large spillovers to other economic fields and is an opportunity for credit enhancement medium, small and micro. And this, opportunities for BRI, "he said. ()

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