Lagu-lagu tersebut adalah lagu rakyat Indonesia, lagu baru karya anak bangsa, lagu latar film, dan lagu barat. Pilihan lagu yang disusun oleh Metta Faurizka Ariono sebagai direktur musik adalah En Bateau karya Claude Debussy, From The Break of Morning karya Marisa Sharon, Es Liling-Warung Pojok aransemen Cheppy Soemirat, Engklek karya Fero Aldianya, In A Persian Market karya Albert Katelbey, Pirates of The Caribean karya Clause Badlet Varia Ibukota gubahan Moctar Embut, dan The Phantom of The Opera karya Andrew Lloyd Webber.
These songs are folk songs, songs of the new Indonesia work background song nation, movies, and songs of the West. Selection of songs compiled by Metta Faurizka Ariono as a music director was En Bateau works of Claude Debussy, From The Break of Morning papers Marisa Sharon, Es Liling Corner stalls arrangement works Engklek Soemirat Cheppy, Fero Aldianya, In A Persian Market works of Albert Katelbey, Pirates of The Caribean works Clause Badlet Varia Capital composition Moctar Embut, and The Phantom of The Opera Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The songs are Indonesian folk songs, new songs work of the nation, movie soundtrack, and western song. A selection of songs composed by Metta Faurizka Ariono as the musical director is En Bateau works of Claude Debussy, From The Break of Morning work of Marisa Sharon, Ice Liling-point Corner arranger Cheppy Soemirat, hopscotch work Fero Aldianya, In A Persian Market by Albert Katelbey, Pirates of The Caribean work Badlet Varia Capital Clause Moctar composition dew, and The Phantom of the Opera works of Andrew Lloyd Webber.