, JAKARTA—PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk. didesak kedua pe翻訳 -, JAKARTA—PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk. didesak kedua pe英語言う方法, JAKARTA—PT Arpeni Prata, JAKARTA—PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk. didesak kedua pemasoknya yakni PT Jasmine Ratu Oil dan Spectech Indonesia untuk segera merestrukturisasi utangnya.

Berdasarkan situs resmi Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat, kedua pemohon tersebut mendaftarkan permohonan penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang (PKPU) pada 2 Februari 2015. Perkara tersebut teregistrasi dengan No. 12/PKPU/2015/PN JKT.PST.

"Meminta majelis memberi PKPU sementara terhadap termohon dengan segala akibat hukumnya," kata Syahril, kuasa hukum pemohon dalam petitum yang dikutip, Selasa (10/2/2015).

Para pemohon juga meminta majelis mengangkat Ramos Lecopnata Pardede dan Pangeran Andrew Hutapea yang beralamat di Cempaka Arcici Club Lt II, Jl Cempaka Putih Barat XXVI, Jakarta Pusat 10520 sebagai pengurus dan kurator dalam Termohon PKPU dinyatakan pailit.

Pihak pengadilan belum menetapkan tanggal sidang pertama. Selain itu, majelis yang bertugas memeriksa dan mengadili permohonan juga belum ditunjuk.

Secara terpisah, kuasa hukum perusahaan berkode emiten APOL Adhistya Christyanto mengaku belum mengetahui maupun mendapatkan pemberitahuan resmi dari pengadilan. "Saya belum mengetahui, besok akan kami coba cek ke pengadilan," kata Adhistya kepada

PT Jasmine Ratu Oil merupakan perusahaan yang menyediakan transportasi antar wilayah melalui laut. Barang yang dikirim sebagian besar merupakan minyak atau bahan bakar transportasi.

Saat ini, APOL juga sedang berperkara di PN Jakpus terkait gugatan wanprestasi. Perusahaan publik yang bergerak dalam bidang transportasi tersebut berusaha untuk menagih pelanggannya yang belum membayar tagihan.

Kendati demikian, dia tidak bersedia menjelaskan secara perinci gugatan yang terdaftar dengan No. 549/PDT.G/2014/PN JKT.PST tersebut. Menurutnya, perkara tersebut merupakan gugatan biasa dengan nominal tagihan yang tidak besar.

"Mereka merupakan penyewa kapal yang mempunyai utang dan sudah jatuh tempo," ujarnya.

Berdasarkan situs pengadilan, APOL diketahui menggugat PT Trans Lintas Segara selaku tergugat I dan PT Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk. tergugat II. Selama persidangan, kedua tergugat tidak pernah hadir kendati sudah dipanggil selama empat kali sejak 18 Desember 2014.

APOL menyatakan para tergugat tidak melakukan pembayaran lunas perjanjian sewa menyewa tug and barge No: APOL/035/TLS/II/2014 kepada penggugat. Tindakan tersebut merupakan perbuatan wanprestasi. Para tergugat dinilai telah melewati jadwal pembayaran yang telah ditentukan dalam perjanjian penyelesaian utang yakni pada 23 Juli 2014.

Dalam petitumnya, APOL meminta majelis menghukum tergugat I dan tergugat II secara tanggung renteng untuk membayar ganti kerugian materiil sebesar Rp324,8 juta ditambah 0,5% per hari terhitung sejak pembayaran cicilan terakhir yakni 2 September 2014 sampai seluruh kewajiban dibayar lunas. Selain itu, diharuskan membayar bunga kepada penggugat sebesar Rp564,04 juta.

Adapun, kerugian immateriil yang diajukan dalam perkara ini mencapai Rp10 miliar ditambah bunga 6% per tahun sejak gugatan didaftarkan pada 18 November 2014. APOL juga meminta adanya sita jaminan (conservatoir beslag) yang telah diletakan dalam perkara tersebut.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
コピーしました!, PT Arpeni Pratama – JAKARTA Ocean Line Tbk. urged both suppliers namely PT Queen Jasmine Oil and Spectech Indonesia immediately to restructure debts.Based on the official website of Central Jakarta Commercial Court, the applicant registered the second petition for suspension of debt payments (PKPU) on February 2, 2015. The matter registered with no. 12/PKPU/2015/PN JKT. PST."Asking the Tribunal gives the respondent the interim PKPU with all its legal consequences," said Syahril, legal authority of the applicant within the quoted petitum, Tuesday (10/2/2015).The applicant also requested that the Tribunal raised Ramos Lecopnata Archanam1989 and Prince Andrew Hutapea that located in Cempaka Arcici Club Lt II, Jl XXVI West Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta 10520 as caretaker and curator in the respondent PKPU declared bankrupt.The Court has yet to set a date for the first hearing. In addition, the Assembly is in charge of checking and adjudicate the petition also has not been appointed.Separately, the power law firm Adhistya Christyanto APOL issuers coded claims to not know nor get official notification from the Court. "I do not know, we will try to check in tomorrow to the Court," said Adhistya to the Queen Jasmine Oil is a company providing Intercity transportation by sea. Goods sent most of the oil or fuel transport.Currently, APOL also being linked in PN litigants Jakpus tort lawsuit. A public company which is engaged in the field of transportation seeks to charge its customers who haven't paid the Bill.However, he is not willing to explain in the lawsuit are listed and detailed with no. 549/PDT. G/2014/PN JKT. The PST. According to him, the matter is plain with a nominal lawsuit Bill that is not great."They were the charterer who has the debt and is due," he said.Based on the Court's website, APOL known sued PT Trans Cross Segara as defendant I and PT Exploitable Energy Indonesia Tbk. defendant II. During the trial, both defendants have never been present although it already called for four times since December 18, 2014.APOL said the defendants did not make payment in full lease agreement of tug and barge No.: APOL/035/TLS/II/2014 to the plaintiff. Such action constitutes a tort action. The defendants were judged to have passed over the payment schedule specified in the settlement agreement of debt i.e. on July 23, 2014.In the petitumnya, asks the Tribunal to punish defendants APOL I and defendant II to pay a corporate renteng damages materially of Rp324,8 million plus 0.5% per day calculated since the last installment of payments IE 2 September 2014 until all obligations are paid in full. In addition, is required to pay interest to the plaintiff amounting to Rp564,04 million.As for the proposed immateriil, disadvantages in this matter reach compared Indosat Rp10 billion plus interest of 6% per year since the suit was registered on 18 November 2014. APOL also requested the presence of security (conservatoir beslag) that had been placed in the docket.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コピーしました!, JAKARTA-PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk. urged the two suppliers, PT Jasmine Queen Oil and Spectech Indonesia to restructure its debt. Based on the official website of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court, the applicant is submitting a request for suspension of debt payments (PKPU) on February 2, 2015. The case is registered under No. 12 / PKPU / 2015 / PN JKT.PST. "Asked assemblies give PKPU while against the defendant with all legal consequences," said Syahril, the applicant's attorney cited in the petition, Tuesday (02/10/2015). The applicant also ask the council to lift Ramos Lecopnata Pardede and Prince Andrew Hutapea address at Cempaka Arcici Club Lt II, Jalan Cempaka Putih Barat XXVI, Jakarta Pusat 10520 as administrator and curator in PKPU Respondent declared bankrupt. The court has not set a date for the first hearing. In addition, the panel tasked to investigate and adjudicate the petition has not been appointed. Separately, a corporate attorney coded issuer APOL Adhistya Christyanto claimed not to know or get official notification from the court. "I do not know, tomorrow we will try to check the court," said Adhistya to PT Jasmine Queen Oil is a company that provides transportation between regions by sea. Goods are shipped mostly a transportation fuel or oil. Today, APOL also being litigants in Central Jakarta District Court related tort claims. Public company engaged in the transportation trying to charge customers who have not paid the bill. However, he declined to explain the detailed complaint registered with No. 549 / PDT.G / 2014 / PN such JKT.PST. According to him, the case is an ordinary suit with a nominal bill is not great. "They are a tenant and a ship that has already matured debts," he said. Based on the court's website, APOL known to sue PT Trans Cross Segara as the first defendant and PT Energi Indonesia Tbk Exploitasi . the second defendant. During the trial, the defendant was never present despite already called for four times since December 18, 2014. APOL declare the defendant did not make full payment lease agreement tug and barge No: APOL / 035 / TLS / II / 2014 to the plaintiff. The action is an act of default. The defendant is considered to have passed the payment schedule specified in the debt settlement agreement on July 23, 2014. In petitum, APOL ask council to punish the defendant first and second defendants jointly and severally to pay compensation amounting material Rp324,8 million plus 0.5% per day since the last installment payment the 2 September 2014 until all obligations are paid in full. In addition, the plaintiff is required to pay interest at Rp564,04 million. Meanwhile, immaterial damages filed in this case reached 10 billion plus interest of 6% per year since the lawsuit is filed on November 18, 2014. APOL also called for sequestration (conservatoir beslag) which has been placed in the case.

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