a.. Hanya dengan menabung Rp. 250.000,- per bulan, dapatkan hadiah langsung istimewa tanpa diundi berupa Cashback, gadget terbaru atau paket Lock&Lock, plus perlindungan asuransi jiwa GRATIS. Wujudkan semua mimpi Anda bersama PermataProteksi Masa Depan (PPMD) sekarang juga! Periode program: Juni hingga Desember 2015.
b.. Efektif 1 Agustus 2015 akan berlaku Syarat & Ketentuan Umum Rekening terbaru.
c.. Sesuai PBI No 17/3/PBI/2015 & SE BI No 17/11/DKSP tentang kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) bahwa setiap transaksi yang dilakukan oleh penduduk atau bukan penduduk, tunai atau non tunai di Wilayah NKRI wajib menggunakan Rupiah, untuk transaksi tunai berlaku sejak diundangkan UU Mata Uang tgl 28 Juni 2011 dan transaksi non tunai berlaku mulai 1 Juli 2015. Info: Hub Bank Indonesia di Contact Center BICARA (021) 1500131 atau e-mail:
Informasi lengkap mengenai program PPMD dan Syarat & Ketentuan Umum Rekening terbaru dapat dilihat di, atau silahkan menghubungi PermataTel di 1500111, atau kunjungi Cabang PermataBank terdekat.
a.. Start from monthly deposit IDR 250,000, you can get Direct Gift such as Cash Back, Gadget or Lock&Lock packages, plus Insurance Coverage for FREE. Open PermataProteksi Masa Depan (PPMD) Savings Account at the nearest PermataBank branch! Program period valid from June to December 2015.
b.. Effective on August 1, 2015, there will be the updated General Terms and Condition of PermataBank's Accounts.
c.. As regulated on PBI No. 17/3/PBI/2015 & SE BI No 17/11/DKSP regarding the obligation to use Indonesia Rupiah Currency in Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) area, for any kind of transaction that carried out by Resident or Non Resident, cash or non-cash where the transaction taking place in NKRI area is obliged to use Indonesia Rupiah currency. For cash transaction has been prevailed since 28 June 2011 on Currency Law Regulations, and for non-cash transaction prevails starting 1 July 2015. For further info please contact Bank Indonesia at Contact Center BICARA (021) 1500131 or e-mail:
For further information regarding PPMD program and the updated General Terms & Condition of PermataBank?s Accounts can be viewed at, or please contact PermataTel at 1500111, or visit the nearest PermataBank branch.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
PRODUCTS/PROGRAM INFO INFORMASI a.. Hanya dengan menabung Rp. 250.000,- per bulan, dapatkan hadiah langsung istimewa tanpa diundi berupa Cashback, gadget terbaru atau paket Lock&Lock, plus perlindungan asuransi jiwa GRATIS. Wujudkan semua mimpi Anda bersama PermataProteksi Masa Depan (PPMD) sekarang juga! Periode program: Juni hingga Desember 2015. b.. Efektif 1 Agustus 2015 akan berlaku Syarat & Ketentuan Umum Rekening terbaru. c.. Sesuai PBI No 17/3/PBI/2015 & SE BI No 17/11/DKSP tentang kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) bahwa setiap transaksi yang dilakukan oleh penduduk atau bukan penduduk, tunai atau non tunai di Wilayah NKRI wajib menggunakan Rupiah, untuk transaksi tunai berlaku sejak diundangkan UU Mata Uang tgl 28 Juni 2011 dan transaksi non tunai berlaku mulai 1 Juli 2015. Info: Hub Bank Indonesia di Contact Center BICARA (021) 1500131 atau e-mail: Informasi lengkap mengenai program PPMD dan Syarat & Ketentuan Umum Rekening terbaru dapat dilihat di, atau silahkan menghubungi PermataTel di 1500111, atau kunjungi Cabang PermataBank terdekat. FOR YOUR INFORMATION a.. Start from monthly deposit IDR 250,000, you can get Direct Gift such as Cash Back, Gadget or Lock&Lock packages, plus Insurance Coverage for FREE. Open PermataProteksi Masa Depan (PPMD) Savings Account at the nearest PermataBank branch! Program period valid from June to December 2015. b.. Effective on August 1, 2015, there will be the updated General Terms and Condition of PermataBank's Accounts. c.. As regulated on PBI No. 17/3/PBI/2015 & SE BI No 17/11/DKSP regarding the obligation to use Indonesia Rupiah Currency in Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) area, for any kind of transaction that carried out by Resident or Non Resident, cash or non-cash where the transaction taking place in NKRI area is obliged to use Indonesia Rupiah currency. For cash transaction has been prevailed since 28 June 2011 on Currency Law Regulations, and for non-cash transaction prevails starting 1 July 2015. For further info please contact Bank Indonesia at Contact Center BICARA (021) 1500131 or e-mail: For further information regarding PPMD program and the updated General Terms & Condition of PermataBank?s Accounts can be viewed at, or please contact PermataTel at 1500111, or visit the nearest PermataBank branch.