KOMPAS.com ---Pada saat Pelantikan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, Jokowi dan Jusuf Kalla, yang telah sukses berlangsung Senin (20/10/2014) silam di Gedung MPR/DPR, sang Ibu Negara Indonesia, Iriana Widodo, tampil memukau sekaligus bersahaja dengan padu padan kebayakutubaruoranye yang manis sekaligus sederhana.
""Dari semua keseluruhan penampilan Ibu Iriana Widodo, saya suka sekali dengan gaya sanggul sunggarnya yang sangat tradisional tapi menawan. Sebenarnya, seperti itulah sanggul jawa yang semestinya. Sebab, sekarang ini, banyak wanita yang bersanggul tapi rambut depannya di jambul atau diponi macam-macam, yang begitu itungawur,""urai Iwet Ramadhan, Presenter, Pengamat Busana Tradisional dan PenulisCerita Batik.
KOMPAS.com---at the time of the inauguration of President and Vice President, Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla, who has been a success in progress Monday (20/10/2014) in Building MPR/DPR, the mother Country Indonesia, Widodo, Iriana appear mesmerised at once earthy with ECE in accordance kebayakutubaruoranye sweet at the same time simple."" The overall appearance of the mother of all Iriana Widodo, I love sunggarnya bun style with a very traditional but charming. In fact, such is the proper Java bun. Because, right now, a lot of women that are bersanggul but the front hair in topknot or ponytail-like messes, so itungawur, "" explained Iwet Ramadan, Presenters, observers and traditional Fashion Batik PenulisCerita.

KOMPAS.com --- At the Inauguration of President and Vice President, Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla, who has successfully held on Monday (20/10/2014) earlier in the MPR / DPR, the First Lady of Indonesia, Iriana Widodo, look stunning at the same time unpretentious with a solid match kebayakutubaruoranye sweet at once simple.
"" Of all the overall appearance of Mrs. Iriana Widodo, I love the style bun sunggarnya very traditional but charming. Actually, that's the proper Java bun. Because, today, many women who bersanggul but front hair in a topknot or diponi kinds, which are so itungawur, "" explained Iwet Ramadan, Presenter, Traditional Clothing Observer and PenulisCerita Batik.