Dijawab oleh Boy Bleh - Guitar & Vocal, Bons Dead - Bass & Back Vocal 翻訳 - Dijawab oleh Boy Bleh - Guitar & Vocal, Bons Dead - Bass & Back Vocal 英語言う方法

Dijawab oleh Boy Bleh - Guitar & Vo

Dijawab oleh Boy Bleh - Guitar & Vocal, Bons Dead - Bass & Back Vocal & Arya blood - Drum

Dead Vertical, band yang didirikan pada 22 Nopember 2001 di sebuah kawasan pinggiran Jakarta Timur, dengan formasi awal Iwan-Vocals, Boy Guitars/Backing vocals, Bony-Bass dan Andriano-Drums. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu maka seperti lazimnya band-band lainnya Dead Vertical telah mengalami beberapa kali pergantian personil, yakni pada pertengahan 2003 Andriano (Drums) mengundurkan diri karena kesibukan kerjanya, kemudian posisinya digantikan oleh Bimo yang bertahan hingga Maret 2004 (setelah rilis album pertama “Fenomena Akhir Zaman”) kemudian ia mengundurkan diri. Selanjutnya posisi Drummer digantikan oleh Arya dari (Formyblood) hingga sekarang. Pada akhir 2005 Iwan (Vocals) mengundurkan diri karena kesibukan kerja dan posisi Vocals digantikan oleh Boy sekaligus tetap memegang posisi Guitars. Dead Vertical mempunyai arti “MATINYA HUBUNGAN VERTIKAL ANTARA TUHAN DENGAN MANUSIA”. Nama ini terinspirasi oleh fenomena kehidupan di era sekarang dimana dunia telah dipenuhi oleh kebencian, kekacauan, pembantaian, dan penyesatan secara global karena banyak manusia yang telah melupakan Tuhannya. Dead Vertical terinfluence oleh band-band seperti Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Slayer, Sepultura, Brutal Truth, Righteous Pigs, Massacre, Nasum, Lock Up, Rotten Sound dan lain-lain. Lirik-lirik yang diteriakkan bertema sosial dan seputar kehidupan sehari-hari yang dikemas dalam bentuk genre Grindcore. Hingga saat ini Dead Vertical telah menghasilkan beberapa karya musik antara lain Split tape dengan band Hardcore Philipina-Human Error (No Label rec 2003), Album Pertama “Fenomena Akhir Zaman” (The Eye Music 2004), Mini Album “Global Madness” (Dead Vertical 2006) dan beberapa kompilasi Death Metal-Hardcore, en tahun 2008 menjadi tahun yang bersinar bagi Dead vertical dengan merilis Rilisan Terbaru " Infecting The World " via Rottrevore Records en beberapa Penampilan Gigz mereka yang Kian Tinggi sehingga mereka mampu merebut Penggemar Tersendiri, sehingga band ini dinobatkan juga menjadi Best Metal Band 2008 /vers.Rolling Stone Indonesia, serta album " Infecting The World " menjadi Salah Satu 20 Album Terbaik Versi Rolling Stone Indonesia !!, sebuah Penghargaan yang ga sia sia band ini tebus dengan Segenap Keringat n Tenaga, so Nikmati langsung Interview Gw yang bakalan mereka jawab beramai ramai ini !! This is 100% GRINDCORE!!

Gimana khabar semuanya yang ada di DEAD VERTICAL saat ini? Adakah yang sibuk dikerjakan?sebagai awal Interview, coba gambarkan Feeling elo semuanya ( masing2 members ) saat pertama kali Mendengar Album Baru-nya :

NAPALM DEATH - Time Waits For No Slave
EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Law of Retaliation
ato Album Barunya KREATOR - Horde Of Chaos

apakah hampir dipastikan mereka2 itu bakalan mengulang sukses album2 terdahulunya menurut pandangan DEAD VERTICAL
1. Halo Brother!!! Sebelumnya kami ngucapin Salam Kenal untuk semua dari kami Dead Vertical dan terima kasih kepada Lostinchaos yang sudah berkenan menginterview Dead Vertical. Yang sedang sibuk dikerjakan, Kami sedang membuat lagu2 baru untuk album berikutnya.
2. Ok Bro..
Boy :
=Musikalitas dan sound Bagus, style musiknya tetap ngebut sama seperti album2 sebelumnya Murderworks,
Exit..Tapi sound drum di album Cycles ini lebih menonjol.
=Musikalitasnya makin progress, lebih gelap dan intens. Lebih padat musiknya karena lebih banyak lagi full crossing di gitar dengan tempo yang cepat dan grinding drum yang bertubi2 dengan tetap dipadukan groovy yang seimbang. Selain itu pattern vocal di album traitor ini menjadi lebih variatif dengan tetap mengusung style Thrash & Death Metal.
KREATOR - Horde Of Chaos=Musikalitas tidak jauh berbeda dengan album sebelumnya Enemy of God tetap bertempo cepat dan intens.

Arya :
NAPALM DEATH - Time Waits For No Slave :
Kembali ke album Death by manipulation di campur dengan Album Smear Campaign.dengan sound yang benar2 menghajar gendang telinga!
Sound yang lebih lebar di album ini serta blasting drum dan Grovy membuat kepala tidak berhenti headbang.Rotten Sound setia di jalurnya,ngebut dan Brutal!
MISERY INDEX - Traitor :
Untuk Album terbaru Misery Index ini secara musikalitas lebih menunjukan kedewasaannya terbukti dengan unsur death metal yg semakin menjadi, Straigth dan variatif.
KREATOR - Horde Of Chaos :
Nuansa yang Agresif, gelap, marah, lebih menonjol di album baru ini.

Bony :
NAPALM DEATH - Time Waits For No Slave
Tua-tua keladi makin tua makin jadi, Godfather GrindCore ini tetap juara dari 1984 smp sekarang dengan memainkan musik GrindCorenya melalui album ini
EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Law of Retaliation
saatnya crusty punk dilupakan sejenak di album ini..saatnya utk totally GrindCore di album Law of Retaliation
Band GrindCore dengan sound gitar sperti suara lalat ini sekarang
menunjukan European GrindCore masa kini
GrindCore campuran Death Metal dan Hard Core di album traitors ini
KREATOR - Horde Of Chaos
karakter musik Kreator yg sangat Thrash Metal di album ini tetap ada tapi dengan kemasan sound
yg modern ga jauh beda dengan album Enemy Of God

Menurut pandangan kami, peluang untuk mengulang kesuksesan seperti album2 mereka terdahulu tetap ada. Kalau menurut kami Misery Index yang paling kami rasa akan mengulang kesuksesan seperti album Retaliate.

For first, Congratulation dengan dirilisnya Full album Perdana “ Infecting the world “ ini, en gimana respon pertama kalinya saat album ini dilepas dalam 1 bulan pertama?
Thanks Brother..tapi sebelumnya sorry sekedar koreksi dari kami, Album Infecting The World adalah album kedua kami (Album perdana kami bertitle Fenomena Akhir Zaman 2004). Respon pertama kali waktu album kedua kami "Infecting The World" dirilis pada bulan pertama Alhamdullilah banyak yang menilai bagus dari segi sounds, musikalitas dan progress.

Apakah DEAD VERTICAL Pribadi juga Pihak label sedang gencar2 nya melakukan promosi “ Infecting the world “ dengan sangat bagus? Apakah menurut elo peranan media cetak masih berfungsi maksimal seperti 5 tahun yang lalu, mengingat hari ini peradaban jaman udah Kerap mengadopsi HI-TECH , sementara dalam segi laennya, kita juga masih memiliki sekitar 30% metalhead yang belum menyentuh peradapan modern ini karena sesuatu hal …
ya, kami sebagai band dan label kami "Rottrevore Records" memang sedang gencar2nya melakukan promo album kedua kami ini dengan baik dan terkoordinasi lewat media dan show2 di berbagai event guna mendukung peningkatan penjualan serta memperkenalkan musik Dead Vertical kepada Khalayak yang lebih luas lagi. Menurut kami peranan media cetak (Local Zine etc) masih tetap berperan penting meskipun posisinya sudah mulai tergeser oleh kecanggihan technology seperti internet atau webzine. Karena faktanya memang masih ada metalhead di tanah air yang belum menggunakan kecanggihan technology seperti media internet secara optimal. Sorry bukan mendeskriditkan mereka, mungkin hanya masalah waktu saja dalam penggunaan media tersebut sehingga media cetak bagi mereka2 ini masih tetap sangat penting dalam mengetahui perkembangan musik.

Ceritain sedikit tentang Proses penggarapan materi “ Infecting the world “ ini, mungkin ada beberapa faktor ato kendala sehingga materi ini bisa terselesaikan dengan sangat baik sehingga mampu menjadi the best masterpiece ..
Proses penggarapan album Infecting The World dimulai dengan rekaman di Studio Bintang 41 Bandung pada pertengahan Desember 2007 yang memakan waktu kurang lebih 3 minggu. Standar aja kita melakukan proses rekaman ini dengan menggunakan metronom untuk pengaturan tempo, Input gitar tetap menggunakan Head cabinet yang ditodong dengan mic lalu masuk ke Mixer begitu juga bass tidak jauh berbeda. Untuk Drum juga dilakukan prosedur rekam standar baru setelah hasil rekaman dasar beres, di maksimalkan lewat proses Mixing& Mastering yakni pada Januari 2008. Kendala ada pastinya, kendala utama adalah fisik. Waktu itu kami kurang istirahat jadi Sang Engineer Kang Toteng juga turut mengatur istirahat kita bertiga selain mengatur waktu Take agar menghasilkan Rekaman yang maksimal.

Menurut elo apakah campur tangan HI-TECH diproses Penciptaan masterpiece terbaik masih menjadi kepuasan yang sempurna? Kenyataannya gw liat, denger n rasakan, beberapa musisi mulai “ gerah “ dengan campur tangan HI-TECH karena masalah “ Manusiawi “ kerap di perbincangkan en lebih menjadikan Dilema serta kebosanan, sehingga langkah Back to Root manual kembali Merindukan untuk Originalitas dalam hal ini ( artinya lebih Merindukan teknik Analog ) ??
Kalau menurut kami kepuasan menggunakan HI Tech untuk menghasilkan masterpice bergantung pada masing2 band puas atau tidaknya.Tapi bagi kami Analog tetap memegang peranan penting meskipun digital recording sudah mewabah di setiap kalangan musisi saat ini. Analog meskipun Oldschool tetap mempunyai ciri khas dan kelebihan seperti menghasilkan musik dan sound lebih original serta berciri khas masing2.

Lirik Lagu2 DEAD VERTICAL juga lebih Total menggunakan Format English , apakah ada Kendala Tersendiri dalam membuat lirik berbahasa Bule sono, so gimana dengan Semangat Nasionalisme sebagai bangsa Indonesia harus dimiliki oleh Seorang Metalhead Juga dong he he he, apakah dengan English Language apa yang menjadi Attitute kalian Mudah tersampaikan atao ada yang lain mungkin ??
Kendala menggunalan bahasa inggris dalam membuat lagu-lagu kami biasanya pada masalah grammar, kalau pattern so far so good aja. haha..nasionalisme???tentunya kami tetap lebih bangga jika menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dalam lirik lagu Metal tapi bagi kami memang tidak semudah menggunakan bahasa inggris.Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris lebih mudah dalam membuat patternya kalau menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, patternnya agak sulit, harus benar2 pas dan kata2nya diusahaka
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Answered by Boy Bleh-Guitar & Vocals, Bons Dead-Bass & Backing Vocal & Aryan blood-DrumsDead Vertical, band which was established on 22 November 2001 in a suburban area of East Jakarta, with the initial formation of Iwan-Vocals, Guitars/Backing vocals Boy, Bony-Andriano-Bass and Drums. As time goes by as often as other bands Dead Vertical has experienced several times the turnover of personnel, that is, in mid-2003 Andriano (Drums) resigned because of the flurry of work, then his position was replaced by Bimo which survived until March 2004 (after the release of the first album "the phenomenon of the end of time") he later resigned. Furthermore the position of Drummer was replaced by Arya from (Formyblood) to the present. At the end of 2005, Iwan (Vocals) resigned due to the busyness of work and position the Vocals replaced by Boy while still holding the position of Guitars. Dead Vertical has the meaning "the DEMISE of the VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GOD and MAN". The name was inspired by the phenomenon of life in an era now where the world has been filled with hatred, chaos, carnage, and deception globally because many humans have forgotten his Lord. Dead Vertical terinfluence by bands such as Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Slayer, Sepultura, Brutal Truth, Righteous Pigs, Massacre, Nasum, Lock Up, Rotten Sound and others. The order shouted lyrics of social and themed around the daily life that is packaged in the form of the Grindcore genre. Until now Dead Vertical has produced some musical works include a Split tape with the Hardcore band Philippines-Human Error (No Label rec 2003), the first Album "the phenomenon of the end of time" (The Eye Music, 2004), Ep "Global Madness" (Dead Vertical 2006) and some Death Metal compilation-Hardcore, en in 2008 be the year that shines for Dead vertical with the release of the latest Release of "Infecting The World" via Rottrevore Records en some Gigz Appearance they are Increasingly High so that they are able to seize its own Fan , so the band was also a Best Metal Band 2008/vers. Rolling Stone Indonesia, as well as the album "Infecting The World" became one of the 20 best albums Rolling Stone Indonesia Version!!, an award that the sia sia ga band made good with all the sweat n power, so enjoy the direct Interview Gw who their gonna answer this bustling beramai!! This is 100% GRINDCORE!!How to hear everything that is in the current VERTICAL DEAD? Is there a busy done? as the beginning of the Interview, try to draw Feeling elo everything (masing2 members) when he first Heard his new Album:NAPALM DEATH-Time Waits For No SlaveEXTREME NOISE TERROR-Law of RetaliationROTTEN SOUND-CyclesMISERY INDEX-TraitorSEPULTURA – A-lexHis new Album CREATOR-ATO Horde Of ChaosWhat is almost certainly mereka2 it's gonna repeat successful album2 terdahulunya according to the view of the DEAD VERTICAL1. Hello Brother!!! Our previous ngucapin Salam Kenal for all of us Dead Vertical and thanks to Lostinchaos who have been pleased menginterview Dead Vertical. That is being worked on, we were busy making a new album next lagu2.2. Ok BRO..Boy:ROTTEN SOUND-Cycles= Great musicality and sound, his musical style is still speeding is the same as the previous Murderworks, album2Exit.. But the sound of the drums on the album Cycles is more prominent.MISERY INDEX-Traitor= Musikalitasnya the more progress, more dark and intense. More solid her music because a lot more full crossing on the guitar with a fast tempo and grinding drum bertubi2 with fixed combined groovy are balanced. In addition to that pattern this traitor's vocals became more variable with a fixed carrying style Thrash & Death Metal.CREATORS-Horde Of Chaos = Musicality is not much different from the previous album Enemy of God still up-tempo and intense.Arya:NAPALM DEATH-Time Waits For No Slave:Back to album Death by manipulation in the mix Album Smear Campaign. with sound who benar2 chastised the eardrum!ROTTEN SOUND-Cycles:Wider sound on this album as well as blasting drums and Grovy make the head did not stop headbang. Rotten Sound faithful in its path, speeding and Brutal!MISERY INDEX-Traitor:For the latest Album by Misery Index is a more proven his maturity showed musicality with elements of death metal subdivided increasingly lucrative, Straigth and markedly.CREATORS-Horde Of Chaos:Aggressive, dark shades, angry, more prominent in this new album.Bony:NAPALM DEATH-Time Waits For No SlaveElders taro old makin makin so Godfather GrindCore is still the champion of the 1984 junior high now with GrindCorenya music plays through these albumsEXTREME NOISE TERROR-Law of RetaliationIt's time for a moment forgotten in crusty punk album.. It's time for totally GrindCore album Law of RetaliationROTTEN SOUND-CyclesGrindCore band with the sound of the guitar sound of flies such as this nowindicates the present European GrindCoreMISERY INDEX-TraitorA mixture of grindcore and Death Metal album in the Hard Core of these traitorsCREATORS-Horde Of Chaosthe characters music Creators wrote a very Thrash Metal on this album remain but with sound packsmodern YG ga is far different from the album Enemy Of GodAccording to our view, the chance to repeat the success of their previous album2 persists. If we think Misery Index that best we think will repeat the success of the album Retaliate.For first, Congratulation with the release of the Full album "Infecting the world", en the first time response time of how the album was released first in 1 month?Thanks Brother ... but earlier sorry just a correction from us, Infecting The World Album is the second album we (our Debut Album bertitle Phenomenon of the end of 2004). First response time of our second album "Infecting The World" was released on the first month of a lot of Nice judge Alhamdullilah in terms of sounds, musicality and progress.Is it DEAD VERTICAL label Parties are also Personal gencar2 her doing promotion "Infecting the world" with very good? What is the role of the print media, according to the band still functioned optimally as 5 years ago, given today's civilization era've Often adopt HI-TECH, while in terms of laennya ATO, we also still have around 30% metalhead who hasn't touched this modern developing era because of something ...Yes, we as a band and label us "Rottrevore Records" is indeed being gencar2nya our second album promo do this well and coordinated through the media and various events in show2 to support increased sales as well as introducing the music of Dead Vertical to a wider audience again. In our opinion the role of print media (Local Zine etc) still plays an important role even though his position is already starting to tergeser by the sophistication of technology such as the internet or webzine. Due to the fact that indeed there is still a metalhead in ground water that has not been used the sophistication of technology such as the internet media optimally. Sorry not mendeskriditkan them, it may be only a matter of time only in the use of the media so that the print media for mereka2 is still very important in knowing the development of music.Ceritain a little about the process of designing materials "Infecting the world" this, there may be several factors so that this material constraints ato be resolved very well so it is capable of being the best masterpiece ...The process of designing the album Infecting The World starting with the Studio 41 Star of Bandung, in mid-December 2007 which takes approximately 3 weeks. Aja standard recording process we do this by using the metronome tempo settings, Input for guitar Head cabinet to keep using the ditodong with the mic and then goes into a Mixer so also the bass is not much different. The procedure is also done to Drum record new standards after recording basics sorted out, in the process of Mixing the passing maximize & Mastering in January 2008. Constraints there are no doubt, the main obstacle was physical. Our timing was less a break so the Engineer Kang Toteng also set break we set time aside to Take the three in order to produce the maximum.According to elo did the intervention of HI-TECH'S best masterpiece Creation still processed into perfect satisfaction? In fact gw liat dancing n feel, some musicians started "sultry" with hi-tech intervention because the issue of "Humane" en perbincangkan more often makes the Dilemma and boredom, so step Back to Root manually return yearn for Originality in this case (it means more missed the Analog technique)??If we think the satisfaction of using HI Tech to produce masterpice depends on whether satisfied or band masing2. But for us the Analog still play an important role even though the digital recording is already epidemic in every circle of musicians at this time. Analog although Oldschool still have the characteristic and advantages such as producing music and sound more original and characteristic masing2.The lyrics are also more VERTICAL DEAD Lagu2 Total English Format, is there a separate Obstacle in making lyrics Like sono, so what about the spirit of nationalism as a nation Indonesia must be owned by a Metalhead Also dong he he he, whether with the English Language what becomes Easy you guys carried atao Attitute is nothing else maybe??English menggunalan barriers in making our songs are usually on grammar, if the pattern so far so good. haha ... nationalism? of course we still more proud if I use the language of Indonesia in a Metal song lyrics but for us it's not as easy as using English. Using the language of United Kingdom is easier in making patternya when using the Indonesian Language, patternnya rather difficult, must be fitted and kata2nya benar2 diusahaka
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Answered by Boy Bleh - Guitar & Vocal, Bons Dead - Bass & Back Vocal & Aryan blood - Drum Dead Vertical, a band founded on 22 November 2001 in a suburb of East Jakarta, with initial formation Iwan-Vocals, Boy Guitars / Backing vocals , Bony-Bass-Drums and Andriano. As time goes by as usual then other bands Dead Vertical has undergone several personnel changes, namely in the middle of 2003 Andriano (Drums) resigned because of busy work, later replaced by Ben which lasted until March 2004 (after the release of the first album " The phenomenon of the End Times ") then he resigned. Furthermore, the position of drummer was replaced by Arya (Formyblood) until now. At the end of 2005 Blue (Vocals) resigned because of busy work and replaced by a Boy Vocals position while still holding the position of Guitars. Dead Vertical has meaning "VERTICAL CONNECTION BETWEEN THE DEATH OF GOD TO MAN". The name is inspired by the phenomenon of life in an era now where the world has been filled with hatred, chaos, carnage, and misdirection globally because many people who have forgotten their God. Dead Vertical by bands such as Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Slayer, Sepultura, Brutal Truth, Righteous Pigs, Massacre, Nasum, Lock Up, Rotten Sound and others. The lyrics are shouted themed around social and daily life are packaged in a genre of Grindcore. Dead Until now Vertical has produced several musical works, among others Split tape with Philippine-hardcore band Human Error (No Label rec 2003) First Album "Phenomenon End Times" (The Eye Music 2004), Mini Album "Global Madness" (Dead Vertical 2006) and several compilation Death Metal-Hardcore, en 2008 be the year that shines for Dead vertical by releasing Releases Latest "infecting the World" via Rottrevore Records en several appearances Gigz those Kian High so that they are able to seize Fans Admitted, so the band crowned also be a Best Metal Band 2008 /vers.Rolling Stone Indonesia, as well as the album "infecting the World" became One Of 20 Best Album Version Rolling Stone Indonesia !!, an award ga vain this band redeem by Whole Sweat n Power, Enjoy Interview Gw so direct that they are going to answer this bustling roll !! This is 100% grindcore !! How News of everything that is in the current VERTICAL DEAD? Is there a busy job? As the initial interview, try to draw Feeling elo items (masing2 members) when first hearing new album it: Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Law of Retaliation ROTTEN SOUND - Cycles Misery Index - Traitor SEPULTURA - A-lex ato New Album Creator - Horde Of Chaos is almost certainly going to repeat the success it mereka2 previous album2 the view DEAD VERTICAL 1. Hello Brother !!! Our previous ngucapin Know Greetings to all of our Dead Vertical and thanks to Lostinchaos already interviewed Dead Vertical pleasing. Who is busy doing, we are making a new lagu2 for the next album. 2. Ok Bro .. Boy: ROTTEN SOUND - Cycles = musicality and sound good, the music was still speeding same style as the previous album2 Murderworks, Exit..Tapi Cycles drum sound on the album is more prominent. Misery Index - Traitor = Musically further progress, darker and intense. Denser musical as more full crossing on the guitar with a fast tempo and a grinding drums bertubi2 with combined fixed-balanced groovy. Moreover pattern vocals on the album traitor is becoming more varied while maintaining the style Thrash and Death Metal. Creators - Horde Of Chaos = Musicality is not much different from the previous album Enemy of God remains fast-paced and intense. Arya: Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave: Back to the album Death by manipulation mixed with Smear Album Campaign.dengan sound benar2 struck eardrums! ROTTEN SOUND - Cycles: Sound wider in this album as well as blasting drums and Grovy make heads do not stop headbang.Rotten Sound faithful on track, speeding and Brutal! Misery Index - Traitor: For the latest album Misery Index is the musicality more showed his maturity as evidenced by elements of death metal that is increasingly becoming, straigth and varied. Creators - Horde Of Chaos: Nuance Aggressive, dark, angry, more prominent in this new album. Bony: Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave elders taro grow older the more so, Godfather grindcore is still the champion of 1984 smp now by playing music GrindCorenya through this album EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Law of Retaliation time crusty punk forgotten for a moment on the album ini..saatnya For grindcore album totally Law of Retaliation ROTTEN SOUND - Cycles grindcore band with guitars sound just as these flies now shows today's European grindcore Misery Index - Traitor grindcore mix of Death Metal and Hard Core in album These traitors creators - Horde Of Chaos character Creators music at a very thrash metal album is still there but the sound packing in the modern ga much different from the album Enemy Of God In our view, the opportunity to repeat their previous success as album2 remain. Misery Index if we think the most we feel will repeat the success of such an album Retaliate. For first, with the release of the full album Congratulation Prime "infecting the world", the first time en how to respond when the album was first released in the first month? Thanks Brother .. but earlier than the correction of our sorry, infecting album The World is our second album (our debut album Phenomenon bertitle End Times 2004). Response was first time our second album "infecting the World" was released in the first Alhamdullilah many who considered good in terms of sounds, musicality and progress. Is DEAD VERTICAL Personal also The label was gencar2 his promotion "infecting the world" with very good? Do you think elo role of the print media is still functioning optimally as 5 years ago, given today's civilization era already Often adopting HI-TECH, while in terms of laennya, we still have about 30% metalhead who has not been touched civilization modern for one thing ... yes, we as a band and label us "Rottrevore Records" is being gencar2nya do our second album this promo and coordinated through the media and show2 at various events in order to support the increased sales as well as introducing Vertical Dead music to a wider audience. According to us the role of the print media (Local Zine etc) still play an important role although his position has begun displaced by the sophistication of technology such as the internet or webzine. Because the fact is there are still a metalhead in the country that have not been using sophisticated technology such as the internet media optimally. Sorry not mendeskriditkan them, probably only a matter of time in the use of media so that the print media for mereka2 is still very important in knowing the development of music. Tell us a little bit about the process of cultivating material "infecting the world", there may be several factors ato obstacles so that the material This can be resolved very well so as to be the best masterpiece .. The process of cultivation of infecting album The World starts with the recording at Studio Stars 41 Bandung in mid-December 2007, which takes approximately 3 weeks. Standard wrote us do this by using the recording process for setting the metronome tempo, guitar Input keep using Head cabinet are threatened with a mic and then enter the mixer as well as the bass is not much different. Drum also performed procedures to record the new standards after recording a basic right, maximized through the process Mixing & Mastering in January 2008. No exact constraints, the main obstacle is physical. At that time, our lack of rest so the Engineer Kang Toteng also set break three of us besides arranging Take time to produce maximum recording. According elo whether intervention HI-TECH process is still the best masterpiece Creation perfect satisfaction? In fact gw clay, denger n feel, some musicians began "hot" with the intervention of the HI-TECH because of the problem of "Humane" is often the talk en be made ​​Dilemma and boredom, so step Back to Root manually re Longing for originality in this case (meaning More Missed techniques Analog) ?? If we think the satisfaction of using HI Tech to produce masterpice rely on band masing2 satisfied or tidaknya.Tapi for us Analog retain an important role even though the digital recording is endemic in every circle of musicians today. Analog although oldschool still have characteristics and advantages such as producing music and sound more original and distinctively masing2. Lyrics Lagu2 DEAD VERTICAL also more Total use Format English, if there is an obstacle in making the lyrics speak Bule sono, so what about the spirit of nationalism as a nation Indonesia must be owned by A Metalhead Also dong he he he, does the English Language what is your attitute Easy atao conveyed no other possible ?? Constraints menggunalan English in making our songs are usually on the issue of grammar, if the pattern so far so good wrote. ??? haha..nasionalisme course we still be proud if the Indonesian language in the lyrics Metal but for us it is not as easy as using English language inggris.Menggunakan easier in making his pattern when using Indonesian, patternnya somewhat difficult, should benar2 fit and kata2nya diusahaka

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