Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Grup Volvo melalui salah satu merek bawaanny翻訳 - Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Grup Volvo melalui salah satu merek bawaanny英語言う方法

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Grup Volv

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif - Grup Volvo melalui salah satu merek bawaannya, UD Trucks berniat membangun pabrik di Indonesia dengan menggandeng mitra lokal Grup Astra dalam jangka menengah, 5-6 tahun ke depan. Potensi pasar kendaraan komersial yang besar, membuat produsen truk asal Jepang ingin mengarap pasar Indonesia lebih serius.Hal tersebut disampaikan Yoshikazu Suzuki, Head of UD Sales PT Volvo Indonesia di Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat,sore ini (4/9/2013). "Semua masih dalam tahap pembicaraan, belum ada keputusan. Tapi memang ada komitmen ke arah sana," celoteh Suzuki.Dijelaskan, dalam 5 tahun ke depan, UD Trucks menargetkan bisa menggenjot penjualan truk berat (heavy duty) minimal 10.000 unit. Tahun lalu, penjualannya 3.000-an unit."Tahun ini penjualan turun menjadi 2.300 unit karena eksplorasi sektor pertambangan menurun serta suku bunga bank yang tinggi. Kami memang punya ambisi besar di Indonesia," beber Suzuki.Untuk melipatgandakkan penjualan, UD Trucks berencana tidak hanya mengandalkan truk kategori V. Juga, masuk ke kelas yang lebih gemuk, seperti truk ringan (Kategori II). "Kami punya di Jepang (produk kategori II), tapi model lama. Kami akan pikirkan kalau ingin target besar," jelas Suzuki lagi.Suzuki belum mau menjelaskan rencana lebih lanjut , investasi Volvo Grup di Indonesia. "Itu masih belum bisa dijelaskan," tutupnya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
jakarta, KompasOtomotif - volvo group through one of the brands of luggage, ud trucks intends to build factories in Indonesia with a local partner Astra Group in the medium term, 5-6 years. the potential for a large commercial vehicle market, making the truck manufacturers from Japan wants more serius.hal mengarap Indonesian market was delivered Yoshikazu Suzuki,head of sales ud pt volvo Indonesia in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, this afternoon (09/04/2013). "All are still in talks, no decision. Commitment but there is in that direction," chirped suzuki.dijelaskan, in the next 5 years, ud trucks targets to boost sales of heavy trucks (heavy duty) of at least 10,000 units. last year's sales of 3,000 units."This year sales fell to 2,300 units due to declining mining exploration and high bank interest rates., We do have big ambitions in Indonesia," beber suzuki.untuk melipatgandakkan sales, ud trucks plan not only rely on the truck category v. also, go to class more fat, such as light trucks (category ii). "We had in Japan (product category ii),but the old model. we would think if you want a big target, "said Alan lagi.suzuki not want to explain further plans, volvo investment group in Indonesia." it still can not be explained, "he concluded.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jakarta, KompasOtomotif-Volvo Group through one of the default brand, UD Trucks intends to build a plant in Indonesia with a local partner with the Astra Group in the medium term, 5-6 years into the future. The market potential of large commercial vehicles, making the original truck manufacturer Japan wants Indonesia market mengarap more serious.It delivered Yoshikazu Suzuki, Head of UD Sales Volvo PT Indonesia in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, this afternoon (4/9/2013). "Everything is still in the stage of talks, there has been no decision. But there really is a commitment towards it, "Explained Suzuki., babble in 5 years into the future, UD Trucks are targeting can boost sales of heavy trucks (heavy duty) at least 10,000 units. Last year, sales of 3,000 's unit."This year's sales dropped to 2,300 units since the exploration of the mining sector decreased as well as bank interest rates are high. We did have big ambitions in Indonesia, "said the Suzuki sale For melipatgandakkan., UD Trucks are planning not only rely on the truck category V. Also, the class entry, fatter as light trucks (category II). "We had in Japan (product category II), but the old models. We will think about if you want a big target, "explained Suzuki again.Suzuki has yet to explain further, the investment plans of the Volvo Group in Indonesia. "It's still yet to be explained," the lid.
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