BUPATI SERANGMenimbang: a. bahwu PT. Bina Lautan Berjaya sebeiumnya te翻訳 - BUPATI SERANGMenimbang: a. bahwu PT. Bina Lautan Berjaya sebeiumnya te英語言う方法

BUPATI SERANGMenimbang: a. bahwu PT

a. bahwu PT. Bina Lautan Berjaya sebeiumnya telah memperoleh Izin Lokasi dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Serang, namun dengan adanya perkembangan dunia investasi dan rencana pengembangan perusahaan serta kondisi eksisting maka Izin Lokasi sebelumnya perlu penyesuaian;
b. bahwa berdalsarkan hasil pembahasan dan peninjauan lokasi bersama Dinas / lnstansi terkait areal tanah yang dimohon oleh PT. Bina Lautan Berjaya telah sesuai dengan fungsi, pemanfaatan dan peruntukannya telah sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Serang dan pertimbangan teknis pertanahan serta telah memenuhi syarat-syarat oleh karenanya perlu diberikan izin;
c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf a, dan huruf b, dan huruf b, perlu ditetapkan dengan Kepurusan Bupati.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Weigh: a. bahwu
PT. Bina Ocean Berjaya sebeiumnya have obtained the permission of the location of the Attack, but the County Government with the development of the investment and development plan of the company as well as the existing condition then the previous site license need adjustment;
b. that the results of the discussion and review of berdalsarkan site with Office/lnstansi related acreage of land requested by PT Bina Ocean Berjaya were in accordance with the function, utilization and allocation has been in accordance with the plan of Spatial territory (RTRW) Serang Regency and technical considerations of land as well as meet the requirements therefore needs to be given permission;
c. that based on considerations as referred to in letter a and letter b, and the letter b, needs to be set with the Kepurusan Regent.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
a. bahwu PT. Berjaya sebeiumnya Ocean Development has obtained a Location Permit from the Government of Serang, but with the development of investment and business development as well as the existing condition prior Location Permit necessary adjustments;
b. that berdalsarkan results of the discussion and review of the site with the Department / lnstansi associated land area requested by PT. Berjaya Ocean Development has been in accordance with the function, utilization and allocation in accordance with the Spatial Plan (Spatial) Serang and technical considerations as well as the land has met the requirements therefore need to be given permission;
c. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraph a, and b, and b, need to be set with kepurusan Regents. Berjaya Ocean Development has been in accordance with the function, utilization and allocation in accordance with the Spatial Plan (Spatial) Serang and technical considerations as well as the land has met the requirements therefore need to be given permission; c. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraph a, and b, and b, need to be set with kepurusan Regents. Berjaya Ocean Development has been in accordance with the function, utilization and allocation in accordance with the Spatial Plan (Spatial) Serang and technical considerations as well as the land has met the requirements therefore need to be given permission; c. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraph a, and b, and b, need to be set with kepurusan Regents.
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