Berikut saya lampirkan data capacity untuk penambahan model baru A36W-RA. (V=18,360/tahun) Secara umum untuk pengaliran di THB Assy Line 3 masih bisa mencukupi (walaupun sudah cap maksimum). Estimasi kasar jika load produksi di mulai awal tahun 2016.
Here I attach data capacity for adding new model A36W-RA. (V = 18,360/year)In General for streaming at THB Assy Line 3 can still be sufficient (although already cap maximum).A rough estimate if the load on the production began as early as 2016.
Here I attach the data capacity for the addition of new models A36W-RA. (V = 18.360 / year) Generally for streaming at THB Assy Line 3 will be sufficient (although it has a maximum cap). Estimates rude if viral production from early 2016.