Figure 10Article 15Paragraph (1)The letter aIs quite clear.The letter bIs quite clear.The letter cIn order to gain approval of Trustees, banks cannot assume or create market expectations that the watchdog's approval will be given.The letter dWhat is meant by "features step-up" is a feature that promises a rise in interest rates or the yield when the option to buy is not executed on a predetermined period of time.The letter eThe financial services authority is authorized to establish the conditions under which the Bank is potentially disrupted the continuity of his business (point of non-viability) and ordered the Bank to convert an extra core capital instruments into common stock or write down.Impact do write down, among others, a reduction in the value of liabilities, the reduction of the value of the liability at the time the options were executed or reduction of some or all of the yield payment.In the documentation there is a mandatory publication of clause stating that additional core capital instruments can be converted into common stock or do write down if there is an order from the financial services authority.The letter fAdditional core capital instruments are subordinated against, among others, depositors, creditors, and the holders of the instruments that meet the criteria of modal auxiliaries.The letter gIn the event that the yield is not paid then it doesn't cause the existence of restrictions on dividend payments or coupons, for other instruments, except for common shares (common stock).The letter hIncluded in the category of protected or guaranteed by the Bank or the company of Children, namely protection or assurances received from the other party but is done through a Bank or a company of children, such as premium or fee in order to guarantee paid by banks or companies.The letter iIs quite clear.The letter jThe definition of "dividend or yield-sensitive credit risk" is the level of the dividend or yield that is assigned based on rank or level of Bank credit risk of the issuer.The letter kNumber 1Pretty obviousNumber 2Pretty obviousThe number 3Give examples of expectations is preparing criteria or specific conditions that allow the option to buy (a call option) can be done, unless the criteria or conditions are as listed on this article.The letter lIs quite clear.The letter mIs quite clear.Letter nFeatures that hinder the process of capital increase in the future i.e. among other requirements that oblige banks to provide compensation to investors when the Bank published a new capital instrument with a lower price.The letter oIs quite clear.The letter pIs quite clear.Paragraph (2)The letter aIs quite clear.The letter bThe definition of "conditions of earning ratios the Bank in good condition" is when the execution option to buy (call option) does not interfere with the continuity of the Bank's earning ratios.The letter cIs quite clear.The letter dWhat is meant by "the same or better quality" is a capital instrument of at least fulfill the requirement as a component of an extra core capital.Figure 11Article 17Paragraph (1)The letter a