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Archive of Our Own betaAO3 logo - the letters A O 3 combined with arms raised in celebration, symbolizing the joy of fannish creation in the Archive Log In Site NavigationFandoms Browse Search About Search Works
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Football RPF
Manuel Neuer/Atsuto Uchida
Manuel NeuerAtsuto UchidaBenedikt Höwedes
Additional Tags:
crack pairHappy Birthday Neuer and UchidaSlashMemories
Bahasa Indonesia
Scarf, Colours, and Promises


Semua ini berawal dari sebuah scarf, sebuah warna dan sebuah janji.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Neuer and Uchida! well, telat banget malah...
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Gelsenkirchen. March 27, 2014

Menatap langit mungkin hanyalah satu-satunya hal yang kau bisa lakukan saat ini. Termenung –tidak, bahkan kau rasa kau tidak punya apapun untuk dipikirkan. Hanya menatap mahakarya ciptaan Tuhan yang tak terbatas, menenggelamkan diri dan membiarkan jiwamu tersesat di sana hanya untuk mencari ketenangan. Cahaya kota Gelsenkirchen memang tak secerah biasanya –kali ini lebih redup, namun tak gelap. Gumpalan-gumpalan awan seperti tengah melindungimu dari sinar yang akan menusuk.

Tak ada sinar pun, kau merasa hatimu sudah lebih dulu tertusuk.

Bukan –bukan oleh duri tajam atau apapun kata yang terkesan sangat berlebihan. Sulit bagimu untuk mencari kata yang tepat untuk mewakili segalanya. Kau membiarkan segala pikiran terlepas dari benakmu, menghilangkan kepenatan akan cedera yang mengganggu otot pahamu. Berbaring di sini, enggan bergerak barang sesenti. Memperhatikan gerak-gerik awan selama sepersekian detik sebelum mengalihkan padanganmu pada ponselmu yang kini berbunyi nyaring.

Captain Bene.

Seseorang yang juga bernasib sama sepertimu menelponmu pagi ini, bahkan ketika waktu belum menunjukkan pukul tujuh pagi. Kau mengerang kecil sekaligus merenggangkan kedua kakimu sebelum meraih ponselmu sendiri, “Ya?”

“Ucchii apa kabar?”

Sebutan itu sempat membuatmu menghela nafas pelan –hampir semua orang memanggilmu seperti itu, termasuk rekan dan kaptenmu sendiri. Ya, hampir. Hanya Julian dan seorang lainnya yang sesungguhnya ingin kau lupakan. Lidah Asia dengan Eropa tentu berbeda dan kau pun memahami hal itu, tapi berbeda dengan… dia.

“Aku baik, Kapten,” Tuturmu kemudian. Bisa kau rasakan dirinya tersenyum kecil di seberang sana –sedikit membuatmu curiga mengetahui bahwa untuk apa kaptenmu meneleponmu sepagi ini – “Kalau aku boleh tahu, ada apa?”

“Mau jalan-jalan tidak? Aku bosan, nih.” – dan mengajakmu jalan-jalan? Tunggu –apa kau tidak salah dengar? Kau mengernyit heran akan ucapan seorang central defender yang entah kenapa seolah mengajakmu untuk bermain-main ditengah paruh kedua Bundesliga –yang notabennya sudah memasuki laga-laga krusial.

“Kapten –“

Aku tidak mau keluar. Hari ini.

“Oh –ayolah, Ucchii. Bukankah dokter medis mengatakan bahwa kita harus tetap berolahraga pagi untuk mempercepat penyembuhan?”

Aku tidak mau –apapun alasannya.

“Tapi Kapten, aku hanya ingin berbaring saja hari ini. Kepalaku sedikit sakit, kurasa…” Jelasmu dengan sedikit alibi. Kepalamu sama sekali tidak merasakan sakit –tapi hatimu, yang entah mengapa memaksamu untuk tidak meninggalkan kasur beserta bantal-bantal empuk yang berserakan.

“Berpikiran seperti itu hanya akan membuatmu semakin lemah, Ucchii. Aku tidak ingin mendengar alasan apapun –aku akan tiba di rumahmu dua puluh menit lagi –“
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Main ContentArchive of Our Own betaAO3 logo-the letters A O 3 combined with arms raised in celebration, symbolizing the joy of fannish creation in the Archive Log In Site NavigationFandoms Browse Search About Search WorksWork Search: tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort: > words Skip headerActionsComments Share DownloadWork HeaderRating:General AudiencesArchive Warning:Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsCategory:M/MFandom:Football RPFRelationship:Manuel Neuer/Atsuto UchidaCharacters:Manuel NeuerAtsuto UchidaBenedikt HöwedesAdditional Tags:crack pairHappy Birthday UchidaSlashMemories and NeuerLanguage:Indonesian LanguageStats:Published: 2014-04-01Words: 1/1444Chapters: 1Comments: 3Hits: 303Scarf, the Colours, and Promisesshlryn4Summary:All of this started from a scarf, a color and a promise.Notes:Happy (belated) Birthday, Neuer and Uchida! well, it's really late instead of ...Work Text:Gelsenkirchen. March 27, 2014 Staring at the ceiling probably is the only thing that you can do at the moment. Pensive – no, even you think you don't have anything to worry about. Just staring at the masterpiece of God's creation of the infinite, submerge yourself and let your soul get lost in there just to find peace. Light the city of Gelsenkirchen is not usually a Flash – times fainter, but not dark. Vapour clouds like the middle of the rays which protects you will stab.No light whatsoever, you feel your heart is first skewered.Instead of sharp thorns – not by any words or impress greatly exaggerated. It's hard for you to find the right words to represent everything. You're letting all the mind regardless of benakmu, eliminate fatigue the muscle injury that will interfere with the pahamu. Lying here, was reluctant to move the goods sesenti. Pay attention to gestures of clouds during a split second before the transfer padanganmu on ponselmu now reads aloud.Captain Bene.Someone also fared the same like you menelponmu this morning, even when time has not shown at seven in the morning. You're a small groan while the second relaxes your feet before reaching for his own ponselmu, "huh?""Ucchii what are you doing?"The term briefly makes you heaved a breath slowly – just about everyone calling like that, including associates and kaptenmu yourself. Yes, almost. Only Julian and a more purist wants you to forget. The tongue of Asia with Europe certainly different and you also understand it, but different ... He."I'm good, Captain," Tuturmu later. Can you feel a small smile across her there – a little makes you suspect knowing that for what kaptenmu meneleponmu this sepagi – "if I may know, what is it?""Streets Don't Want? I'm bored, ya. "– and mengajakmu streets? Wait – don't you misheard? You're cringing wonder will be greeting a central defender who somehow seems mengajakmu to play around in the middle of the second half of the Bundesliga-which notabennya have entered the crucial matches game."Captain –"I didn't want to come out. These days."Oh – come on, Ucchii. Aren't medical doctors say that we must still work out in the morning to speed up healing? "I didn't want to – whatever the reason."But captain, I just wanted to lie down just today. My head is a little sore, I guess ... " Jelasmu with a little alibi. Your head does not feel pain – but your heart, that somehow forcing you to not leave the mattress with plush pillows scattered about."Like-minded it will only make you more weak, Ucchii. I don't want to hear any reason – I will arrive at your home twenty minutes longer – "
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