JAKARTA, RABU - Takut dipenjara, satu dari 11 tersangka kasus dugaan k翻訳 - JAKARTA, RABU - Takut dipenjara, satu dari 11 tersangka kasus dugaan k英語言う方法

JAKARTA, RABU - Takut dipenjara, sa

JAKARTA, RABU - Takut dipenjara, satu dari 11 tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi di Bank BNI 46 mengembalikan uang hasil korupsi sebesar Rp 23,3 miliar. Uang sebesar itu diserahkan tersangka Direktur PT Bahtera Tjipta Sakti (BTL) Hendrayanto Marta Sakti, kini telah dimasukkan Kejagung dalam rekening milik Bank BNI 46.

"Ini bukan penyitaan. Tapi ada satu tersangka yakni Hendrayanto Marta Sakti ada keinginan mengembalikan uang ke Kejagung. Uangnya Rp 23,3 miliar. Sekarang sudah di sita dan dimasukkan di (rekening) BNI," tegas Jaksa Agung Muda Pidana Khusus (Jampidsus) Marwan Effendy di Kejagung, Jakarta, Rabu (30/4).

Penjelasan senada disampaikan tim penyidik kasus Bank BNI 46 yakni Andy Darmawangsa. "Uangnya diserahkan pada Senin lalu. Diserahkan dalam bentuk bilyet giro dari Bank Mega," tegas Andy.

Dalam kasus Bank BNI 46 ini, pada Selasa (29/4), Kejagung telah menahan dua tersangka di Rutan Kejagung. Mereka adalah adalah Relationship Manager Operation Bank BNI 46 Garna Komaruddin dan mantan pemimpin divisi investasi dan jasa keuangan Bank BNI 46 Jarot Ramelan Suseno.

Tersangka lainnya yakni mantan Dirut Bank BNI 46 Saefuddin Hasan, Direktur Korporasi Bank BNI 46 Suryo Sutanto, Direktur Treasury Internasional dan Kredit Macet Rachmat Wiryaatmadja. Di level manajer ke bawah, tersangkanya selain Garna dan Jarot adalah Retno dan Muchammad Asyrof.

Sedangkan Hendrayanto adalah broker atau perantara PT Industri Baja Garuda (IBG) dan Bank BNI 46 untuk memenangkan lelang saat aset PT IBG dilelang Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional (BPPN).

Tiga tersangka lainnya yakni dari PT IBG. Mereka adalah Dirut PT IBG dengan inisial PCL dan dua komisaris PT IBG yang tak lain bapak dan anak yakni MP dan BP. PCL saat ini dikabarkan sakit stroke. Sedangkan MP dan BP dikabarkan telah kabur ke luar negeri.

Kasus dugaan korupsi pada pembelian aset dan pemberian kredit dari Bank BNI 46 kepada PT Industri Baja Garuda (IBG), berawal dari kredit macet PT IBG sebesar Rp 427 miliar. Karena tak mampu melunasi hutangnya, aset dan hutang PT IBH diambil alih BPPN.

Tahun 2001, BPPN melelang aset PT IBG. Bank BNI 46 ketika itu menjadi pemenang lelang dengan mengeluarkan uang sebesar Rp 104 miliar. Selain membeli, Bank BNI 46 juga mengeluarkan dana sebesar Rp 23,3 miliar untuk bidding (tender) dan pengembangan. Serta Rp 50 miliar untuk pengembangan. Menurut Andy, uang Rp 23,3 miliar tersebut diterima PT BTL. "Katanya untuk biaya biding (tender)," tegas Andy.

Ditambahkan Marwan, pada hari Selasa lalu sebenarnya tim penyidik akan memeriksa empat tersangka. Dua tersangka yang hadir yakni Garna dan Jarot, kini telah ditahan. Sedangkan dua tersangka lainnya yakni Retno dan Muhammad Ansyor, menurut Marwan mengaku sakit.

Dua orang ini dikabarkan sedang dirawat di dua rumah sakit yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, Marwan akan mengirim tim untuk mengecek keberadaan dua tersangka tersebut. Sekaligus mengecek apakah benar mereka sakit. "Saya ngak tahu benar atau ngak sakitnya. Makanya akan dicek. Kalau mereka tidak mengindahkan panggilan, bisa dipanggil paksa," lanjut Marwan. (yls)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
JAKARTA, Wednesday-fear of jail, one of 11 suspected cases of alleged corruption in Bank BNI 46 reimburse proceeds of corruption amounting to Rp 23.3 billion. Money of it handed over suspects Director of PT Bahtera Tjipta Sakti (BTL) Hendrayanto Marta Sakti, have now been incorporated in the accounts belong to Kejagung Bank BNI 46. "This is not a foreclosure. But one suspects that there is a desire Hendrayanto Marta Sakti reimburse to Kejagung. His money Rp 23.3 billion. It is now at sita and incorporated (account) BNI, "stated Young Criminal Attorney General special (Jampidsus) Marwan Effendy in Kejagung, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/4). Explanations were presented the team investigating cases of Bank BNI 46 i.e. Andy Darmawangsa. "His money is handed over on Monday. Submitted in the form of Bank giro bilyet Mega, "stated Andy. In the case of Bank BNI 46, on Tuesday (29/4), have detained two suspects Kejagung in Rutan Kejagung. They are was Relationship Manager Operation Bank BNI 46 Garna Komarudin and former leader of the investment and financial services Division, Bank BNI 46 Jarot Ramelan Suseno. Other suspects including former CEO of Bank BNI 46 Saefuddin Hasan, Director of the Corporation Bank BNI 46 Suryo Chinese Indonesian surname, Director of International Treasury and bad credit Rachmat Wiryaatmadja. At the level of the Manager down, should suspect besides Garna and Jarot was Retno and Muchammad Asyrof. While Hendrayanto is a broker or intermediary steel industry PT Garuda (IBG) and Bank BNI 46 to win the auction of the assets of PT IBG auctioned Indonesian bank restructuring Agency (Ibra). Three other suspects namely from PT IBG. They are the Ceo of PT IBG with initials PCL and two Commissioners of PT IBG which none other Mr and children namely MP and BP. PCL currently rumored ill stroke. While the MP and BP is rumored to have escaped to foreign countries. Cases of alleged corruption in the purchase of assets and granting credit of Bank BNI 46 to the steel industry PT Garuda (IBG), starting from bad debts amounting to Rp IBG PT 427 billion. Because it is not able to pay off its debts, assets and debt PT IBH were taken over by IBRA. In 2001, the AGENCY auction assets of PT IBG. Bank BNI 46 when it became the winner of the auction with Rp 104 billion. In addition to buying, Bank BNI 46 also released funds amounting to Rp 23.3 billion for bidding (tenders) and development. And Rp 50 billion for development. According to Andy, 23.3 billion Rupiah of the money received FROM PT BTL. "He said to cost biding (tender)," stated Andy.Added Marwan, on Tuesday and then actually investigating team will examine the four suspects. The two suspects are present namely Garna and Jarot, have now been arrested. While two other suspects namely Retno Ansyor and Muhammad, according to Marwan claimed to be sick. Two men from being treated in two different hospitals. Therefore, Marwan will send teams to check on the whereabouts of the two suspects. At the same time check if correct they are sick. "I know to be true or ngak ngak pain. So will be checked. If they do not heed calls, can be called force, "continued Marwan. (yls)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

JAKARTA, WEDNESDAY - Fear of imprisonment, one of 11 suspects in the alleged corruption in Bank BNI 46 returns the corruption money amounting to Rp 23.3 billion. The money was handed over suspects Director of Ark Tjipta Way (BTL) Hendrayanto Marta Way, has now been incorporated in the accounts of the Attorney General of Bank BNI 46. "This is not a foreclosure. But one suspects that there is a desire Hendrayanto Marta Way refund the money to the Attorney General. The money USD 23.3 billion. Now it has been seized and put in (account) BNI, "said Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Marwan Effendy in AGO, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/4). The same explanation given case investigation team BNI 46 namely Andy Darmawangsa. "The money was handed over on Monday. Presented in the form of a bank draft of Bank Mega," said Andy. In the case of Bank BNI 46's, on Tuesday (29/4), the AGO has detained two suspects in detention AGO. They are are Relationship Manager Operations BNI 46 Garna Komaruddin and former leader of the investment and financial services division of Bank BNI 46 Jarot Ramelan Suseno. The other suspect the former Managing Director of Bank BNI 46 Saefuddin Hasan, Director of Corporate Bank BNI 46 Suryo Sutanto, Director of International Treasury and Credit Jams Rachmat Wiryaatmadja. At the manager level down, the suspect in addition Garna and Jarot is Retno and Muchammad Asyrof. While Hendrayanto is a broker or intermediary PT Garuda Steel Industry (IBG) and Bank BNI 46 to win the auction when the assets of PT IBG auctioned Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). Three other suspects namely PT IBG. They are the President Director of PT IBG with PCL and two commissioners initials PT IBG that no other father and son that the MP and BP. PCL is reportedly ill stroke. While the MP and BP rumored to have fled abroad. The case of alleged corruption in the purchase of assets and the provision of credit from Bank BNI 46 to PT Garuda Steel Industry (IBG), originated from bad loans PT IBG Rp 427 billion. Unable to pay off debts, assets and debt of PT IBH taken over by IBRA. In 2001, IBRA auctioning assets of PT IBG. BNI 46 when it became the winner of the auction to spend Rp 104 billion. In addition to buying, BNI 46 also spent Rp 23.3 billion for bidding (tender) and development. And Rp 50 billion for development. According to Andy, Rp 23.3 billion was received by BTL. "He said to biding costs (bid)," said Andy. Added Marwan, on Tuesday actual investigation team will examine the four suspects. Two suspects who attended the Garna and Jarot, has now been arrested. Meanwhile, two other suspects namely Retno and Muhammad Ansyor, according to Marwan called in sick. The two men reportedly being treated at two different hospitals. Therefore, Marwan will send a team to check the existence of the two suspects. Once to check whether they are sick. "I know right or ngak ngak pain. So will be checked. If they do not heed the call, can be summoned," said Marwan. (YLS)

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