Solo- Serka Sutrisno adalah salah satu dari korban meninggal dalam kecelakaan jatuhnya pesawat Hercules di Medan. Meskipun belum mendapat kepastian kapan jenazahnya diserahkan kepada keluarga, namun keluarga memastikan jenazah akan dimakamkan di kampung halaman almarhum di Dukuh Dilem, Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Nogosari, Boyolali, Jateng.
""Lanud Adi Soemarmo menawari untuk dimakamkan di Taman Makam Pahlawan, namun seluruh keluarga, termasuk Mbak Erna (istri korban), sepakat jenazah akan dimakamkan di kampung halaman. Saat ini jenazah masih di Medan. Kami belum bisa memastikan kapan jenazah tiba di Boyolali. Kami masih menunggu sambil mempersiapkan makam,"" kata Suroto, saudara sepupu korban, Rabu (1/7/2015).
Solo-Serka Sutrisno was one of the victims died in the crash of Hercules "plane crash in Medan. Though not yet certainty as to when his body was handed over to the family, but the family made sure the bodies will be buried in the hometown of the late in Dukuh Glued, village Corner, Nogosari, Boyolali, Central Java."3rd" Adi Soemarmo offered to be buried in the garden of the tomb of the hero, but the entire family, including Ya Erna (wife of the victim), agreed with the dead will be buried in hometown. This time the bodies still in the Field. We have not been able to ascertain when the corpse arrived in Boyolali. We're still waiting while preparing the Tomb, "" said Suroto, a cousin of the victim, Wednesday (1/1/2015).

Solo-sergeant Sutrisno was one of the victims died in the crash Hercules crash in Medan. Although it has not received assurance when his body was handed over to the family, but the family make sure the bodies will be buried in the hometown of the deceased in Hamlet glued, Village Corner, District Nogosari, Boyolali, Central Java. "" Lanud Adi Soemarmo offered to be buried at the Heroes Cemetery, but the whole family including Ms Erna (victim's wife), agreed corpse will be buried in his hometown. Currently the bodies still in the field. We're not sure when the bodies arrived in Boyolali. We are still waiting while preparing the tomb, '"said Suroto, a cousin of the victim, on Wednesday (01/07/2015).