“Member JKT 48 Usia 40 Tidak Apa-Apa, Asal...”Sebanyak 16 personel JKT翻訳 - “Member JKT 48 Usia 40 Tidak Apa-Apa, Asal...”Sebanyak 16 personel JKT英語言う方法

“Member JKT 48 Usia 40 Tidak Apa-Ap

“Member JKT 48 Usia 40 Tidak Apa-Apa, Asal...”
Sebanyak 16 personel JKT48 beraksi di panggung dalam konser bertajuk Mengarungi Samudra Nusantara Mengetuk Pintu Hatimu di GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Sabtu (9/8/2014) malam (Farid Syafrodhi /JIBI/Solopos)Sebanyak 16 personel JKT48 beraksi di panggung dalam konser bertajuk Mengarungi Samudra Nusantara Mengetuk Pintu Hatimu di GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Sabtu (9/8/2014) malam (Farid Syafrodhi /JIBI/Solopos)
Minggu, 18 Januari 2015 21:49 WIB | Himawan Ulul/JIBI/Solopos.com |

Sudut Pandang Metro TV menghadirkan JKT 48, idol grup yang belakangan digilai oleh fans mereka.

Solopos.com, SOLO – Tayangan Sudut Pandang Metro TV, Minggu (18/1/2015) malam ini menghadirkan member dan manajemen JKT48. Harris Thajeb, Direktur Dentsu Indonesia mengaku tidak ada eksploitasi apapun terhadap member JKT48.

Sang host, Fifi Aleyda meanyakan kepada Harris mengapa para fans mau melakukan segala sesuatu untuk dapat bertemu member JKT48 idola mereka (oshi). Tak hanya meluangkan waktu, Fifi juga berpendapat fans mau membelanjakan uangnya demi sang oshi.

Harris mengungkapkan fans JKT48 sebelumnya adalah fans dari AKB48. Karena berkunjung ke Jepang akan terasa berat bagi fans, maka JKT48 menjadi pelampiasan keinginan itu.

“Awalnya adalah investasi, namun seiring perkembangannya ternyata ini adalah bisnis yang sangat baik,” ungkap Harris.

Lebih lanjut, Harris juga mengungkapkan tidak ada unsur pemaksaan. Fans ingin lomba-lomba membayar untuk mampu bertemu oshi karena akan muncul rasa bahagia untuk kedua pihak.

Dengan demikian, member JKT48 juga akan berusaha menampilkan semaksimal mungkin. Dengan antusias fans, member akan belajar lebih serius, disiplin dan mandiri.

Mengenai kelulusan member (graduate), Harris menegaskan tidak ada batas usia tertentu untuk mengeluarkan member dari JKT48.

“Usia 40 kalau masih mau ya enggak apa-apa, asalkan masih gesit dan tidak punya teman pria,” jelas Harris.

Harris juga mengungkapkan tidak melarang member JKT48 izin untuk urusan sekolah dan acara keluarga. Yang pasti, Harris menegaskan seluruh aturan di manajemen harus dijalankan untuk menuju cita-cita JKT48.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Member JKT 48 age 40 does nothing, the origin of ..."A total of 16 personnel JKT48 in action on stage in a concert entitled Ocean Archipelago Wade knocked on the door of your heart in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Saturday (9/8/2014) night (Farid Syafrodhi/JIBI/Solopos) as many as 16 JKT48 personnel in action on stage in a concert entitled Ocean Archipelago Wade knocked on the door of your heart in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Saturday (9/8/2014) night (Farid Syafrodhi/JIBI/Solopos)Sunday, January 18, 2015 21: 49 GMT | Himawan Ulul/JIBI/Solopos.com | | Metro TV presenting viewpoints JKT 48, idol groups that were later digilai by their fans.Solopos.com, SOLO – Metro point of view TV Impressions, Sunday (18/1/2015) tonight presented a management member and JKT48. Harris Thajeb, Director of Dentsu Indonesia claimed there is no exploitation of any of the member JKT48.The host, Fifi Aleyda meanyakan to Harris why fans want to do everything to be able to meet their idol member JKT48 (oshi). Not only taking the time, Fifi is also willing to spend his money fans would argue in favor of the oshi.Harris revealed the previous JKT48 fans are fans of AKB48. Because of the visit to Japan will be tough for fans, then the JKT48 be impingement of desire that."The First is an investment, but over its development turns out this is a very good business," says Harris.Further, Harris also revealed there is no element of coercion. Fans like to race-the race to pay for being able to meet because oshi would appear happy to taste on both sides.Thus, the member JKT48 also will attempt to display everything possible. With enthusiastic fans, the member will learn more serious, disciplined and independent.Regarding the graduation of member (graduate), Harris insists there is no specific age limit for removing the member from JKT48."The age of 40 if still want ya Nah nothing, as long as it is still under construction and not have a friend guy," explained Harris.Harris also revealed no prohibiting member JKT48 permission for the Affairs of the school and family events. To be sure, Harris insists all rules in management should be run to reach the ideals JKT48.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"Members JKT 48 Age 40 What-What, Origin ..."
A total of 16 personnel JKT48 action on stage in a concert entitled Navigating the Heart Door Knocking Ocean archipelago in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Saturday (09/08/2014) night (Farid Syafrodhi / Jibi / Solopos) A total of 16 personnel JKT48 action on stage in a concert entitled Navigating the Heart Door Knocking Ocean archipelago in GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Saturday (09/08/2014) night (Farid Syafrodhi / Jibi / Solopos)
Sunday, January 18th 2015 21:49 pm | Hima Ulul / Jibi / Solopos.com |
| Viewpoint Metro TV presents JKT 48, idol group latter crazy by their fans. Solopos.com, SOLO - Impressions Viewpoint Metro TV on Sunday (18/1 / 2015) tonight JKT48 bring members and management. Thajeb Harris, Director of Dentsu Indonesia claimed that there is no exploitation of any of the members of JKT48. The hosts, Fifi Aleyda meanyakan to Harris why the fans would do anything to be able to meet their idol JKT48 members (oshi). Not just taking time, Fifi also believes fans want to spend money for the sake of the oshi. Harris revealed earlier JKT48 fans are fans of AKB48. Since the visit to Japan will be hard for the fans, then JKT48 into an outlet that desire. "First it was an investment, but as a business development, in fact this is very good," said Harris. Furthermore, Harris also revealed no element of coercion. Fans want the contests pay to be able to meet oshi as it would appear the feeling of happiness for both parties. As such, members JKT48 will also try to show as much as possible. With enthusiastic fans, members will learn more serious, disciplined and independent. On graduation member (graduate), Harris insists there is no specific age limit for issuing members of JKT48. "The age of 40 if you still want ya baseball anything, as long as still nimble and do not have male friends, "said Harris. Harris also revealed not prohibit members JKT48 permission for school affairs and family events. To be sure, Harris asserts entire management rules should be implemented for the dream JKT48.

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