saya suka banget sama produk hakada ini, panas nya cepat, ringan, rambut mudah di tata sesuai yg di inginkan. Bisa lurus, curly, atau ikal gantung. Dan thanks untuk Lazada atas pelayanan yg memuaskan. Cuma sehari langsung sampe barangnya.
I really like this product the same hakada, heat his fast, light, easy on the hair accordingly wrote in wanted. Can be straight, curly or curls. And thanks for the reply satisfactory service Lazada. Just a day directly sampe goods.
I love looking at this hakada product, its heat fast, lightweight, easy on the hair in the desired order as reply. Can be straight, curly, or wavy hanging. And thanks to Lazada above satisfactory service. Just a day until the goods directly.