◦Barang Kiriman Pos yang nilainya kurang dari FOB USD 50,- (lima puluh dolar US) per orang per kiriman, dibebaskan dari kewajiban pembayaran Bea Masuk (BM) dan Pungutan Dalam Rangka Impor (PDRI), sedangkan atas kelebihannya dipungut BM dan PDRI;
◦ Postal Consignment Goods whose value is less than USD FOB 50.0-(fifty dollars US) per person per shipment, freed from the obligation of payment of import duties and Imposts (BM) in order to import (PDRI), while the top of the extended free BM and PDRI;
◦Barang Postal Item of less than FOB USD 50, - (fifty US dollars) per person per shipment, be exempted from the payment of import duties (BM) and the levy in the Framework Import (PDRI), while the import duty levied on the excess and Emergency Government;