- Kepemilikan asing di sektor properti diizinkan untuk menghadapi pers翻訳 - - Kepemilikan asing di sektor properti diizinkan untuk menghadapi pers英語言う方法

- Kepemilikan asing di sektor prope

- Kepemilikan asing di sektor properti diizinkan untuk menghadapi persaingan di tingkat regional.

- Keran kepemilikan akan dibuka hanya untuk apartemen mewah di lantai dua ke atas.

JAKARTA - Pemerintah akhirnya menyetujui untuk membuka keran kepemilikan properti bagi warna negara asing dengan syarat tetap memperhatikan akses kepada masyarakat untuk memperoleh tempat tinggal.

Anggota Tim Komunikasi Presiden Teten Masduki mengatakan kepemilikan properti di Tanah Air untuk warga negara asing (WNA) diizinkan untuk menghadapi persaingan di tingkat regional.

"Presiden menyetujui usul REI [Persatuan Perusahaan Realestat Indonesia] dengan memperbolehkan kepemilikan asing di bidang properti dengan tetap mengutamakan akses masyarakat. Ini untuk menghadapi persaingan properti di tingkat regional," kata Teten, Selasa (23/6).

Sementara itu, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat M. Basoeki Hadimoeljono mengatakan pemerintah sedang menggodok aturan kepemilikan asing di sektor properti, seperti pada rumah tapak dan apartemen.

Pemerintah nantinya akan menggunakan izin tinggal warga negara asing sebagai salah satu syarat kepemilikan properti.

"Ini [aturan kepemilikan sedang digodok pemerintah melalui Kemenkeu. Mungkin nanti dipikirkan juga izin tinggal mereka yang ingin membeli properti itu," katanya di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan di Jakarta, Selasa (23/6).

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
-Foreign ownership in the property sector was allowed to face competition at the regional level.-Tap the ownership will be opened only for luxury apartments on the second floor and above. Jakarta-the Government finally agreed to open the spigot property ownership for the color of a foreign country on condition that remains attentive to the community to gain access to a place to live. The President's Communications team says Teten; property ownership in the motherland for foreign citizens (FOREIGNERS) were allowed to face competition at the regional level. "The President agreed to the suggestion of REI [Union of real estate Indonesia Company] by allowing foreign ownership in the field of property still give priority to public access. This is for the property face competition at the regional level, "said Teten, Tuesday (23/6). Meanwhile, Minister of public works and Housing m. Basoeki Hadimoeljono said the Government is currently discussing the rules of foreign ownership in the property sector, such as on the House footprint and apartments. The Government would later use permits foreign citizens as one of the conditions of property ownership. "This [the rules of ownership are brewing Government through Kemenkeu. Maybe later thought also permits those who want to buy the property, "he said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Monday (23/6).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

- Foreign ownership in the property sector was allowed to face competition at the regional level. - Faucets ownership will be opened only for luxury apartments on the second floor and above. JAKARTA - The government finally agreed to open the taps property ownership for colors foreign countries with the proviso regard to access to the public to obtain a residence. Member Communication Team President Teten Masduki said property ownership in the country for foreign nationals (foreigners) are allowed to face competition at the regional level. "The president agreed with REI [Association of Real Estate Indonesia] to allow foreign ownership in property while maintaining the access of the people. It is facing competition for the property at the regional level, "said Teten, Tuesday (23/6). Meanwhile, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing M. Basoeki Hadimoeljono said the government is cooking the rules on foreign ownership in the property sector, as the sole houses and apartments. The government will be using the residence permits of foreign citizens as one of the conditions of property ownership. "This [ownership rules being discussed by the government through the Ministry of Finance. May later be also considered their residence permits who wish to buy the property, "he said at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/6).

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