Untuk progres album baru Revenge, saat ini sudah sampai mana tuh Bar ?翻訳 - Untuk progres album baru Revenge, saat ini sudah sampai mana tuh Bar ?英語言う方法

Untuk progres album baru Revenge, s

Untuk progres album baru Revenge, saat ini sudah sampai mana tuh Bar ?

– Sampai sekarang sih, makin lama makin menarik. Ini kayak suasana baru untuk Revenge sendiri. Dari komposisi, visual sampai tema, semuanya baru. Gue pribadi penasaran banget sama hasil akhirnya nanti.

Lalu ?

– Yang jelas pingin cepat-cepat beres juga sih album ini. Biar studionya bisa dipakai sama yang lain juga, hahaha.

Album ini dikasih judul The Omega, yang pastinya bakal jadi kelanjutan dari album Prelude To Omega.

– Yoi, betul banget tuh.

Apa yang coba kalian lebih kedepankan di album ini ?

– Semua aspek deh ya kayaknya. Tema yang lebih terkonsep, materi yang lebih matang, visual yang lebih representatif. Lima tahun berlalu sejak album kita yang terakhir, banyak banget yang kita lewatin bareng. Sekarang itu ibaratnya kayak panen bibit perjalanan tersebut.

Gue tahu, bikin album itu enggak gampang. Nah, di The Omega ini apa kesulitan terbesar yang lo hadapi sama Revenge ?

– Menurut gw sih lebih capek mental daripada fisik disini, hahaha. Kalau kita bicara kesulitan sih pasti ada lah ya di setiap album. Tapi gue ngga bisa bandingin kesulitan di album ini sama yang lalu, karena gue udah lupa kesulitan album yang kemarin, hahaha.

Ada lagi nih yang bikin gue penasaran. Waktu itu Raja pernah bilang, kalau album ini bakal mengedepankan harmonisasi dari 2 gitar di Revenge. Sedangkan Raja bulan Agustus nanti bakal cabut sebentar keluar untuk lanjutin kuliahnya dan Revenge bakal jalan berempat. Itu nanti pas kalian live, berpengaruh besar ngga dengan ngga adanya Raja ? Atau udah ada cara untuk ngakalin hal ini ?

– Berpengaruh sih pasti ya, apalagi dalam pemilihan setlist. Sampai sekarang belum ada sih pemilihan setlist dengan formasi empat orang. Nanti simak aja langsung apa yang bakal kita tampilkan.

Kalau untuk targetnya sendiri, kira-kira kapan nih album The Omega udah bisa dilepas ?

– Target kita sih mudah-mudahan bisa selesai di bulan Juni atau Juli lah. Pokoknya sebelum Raja cabut deh, hahaha. Seenggaknya biar sempet tuh bikin launching dengan formasi full sekali.

Weits, sedap. Siap bro, kita tunggu bareng-bareng nih albumnya.

– Yoi, thank you berat ya udah mau wawancara.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
To progress through the new album Revenge, at this time already up where tuh Bar?-Until now, anyway, the longer more interesting. This new atmosphere of kayaking to Revenge himself. From composition, visual themes, all of them until recently. I'm personally curious really same end result later.Then?– Clear pingin quickly sorted out well anyway this album. Let the workshop can be used the same the others too, hahaha.The album was given the title of The Omega, which no doubt will be a continuation of the album Prelude To Omega.– Yoi, betul banget tuh.What you guys are trying to be more kedepankan on this album?– All aspects of deh ya think. More terkonsep theme, material that is more mature, more visually representative. Five years have passed since our last album, so many that we make together. Now it is like harvesting the seeds of such travel.I know, make that album Nah easy. Well, in The Omega is what the greatest difficulty facing the same lo Revenge?– According to the gw sih more tired mentally than physically here, hahaha. If we speak of the difficulties the heck there is Yes in each album. But I can guns on the album trouble bandingin same ago because I've forgotten the album trouble yesterday, hahaha.There is another nih that makes me curious. That time King ever tell, if this album would put forward the harmonization of 2 guitars in Revenge. While the King in August later would briefly pull out for Revenge and would attend lanjutin way foursome. It was later fitted you guys live, influential big guns guns with the presence of the King? Or've no way to ngakalin keygen this?– Effect anyway definitely Yes, especially in the selection of the setlist. Until now there has been no election setlist anyway with the formation of four people. Later check out aja directly what will we show.If for target alone, roughly when The Omega album Ya could've removed?– Our targets anyway hopefully can finish in June or July lah. Anyway before King unplug deh, hahaha. Seenggaknya let sempet tuh make launching with a full lineup.Weits, delicious. Ready bro, we wait together-with ya album.– Yoi, thank you weight ya udah mau interview.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Revenge for the progress of the new album, are now to where tuh Bar? - Until now anyway, getting more and more interesting. It's like a new atmosphere for Revenge own. Of the composition, visual to the theme, everything is new. I personally really curious at the outcome. So? - What is clear pingin quickly sorted out anyway this album. Let the studio can be used each other as well, hahaha. The album was given the title of The Omega, which is certainly going to be a continuation of the album Prelude To Omega. - Yoi, really really tuh. What are you trying you more kedepankan on this album? - All aspects deh ya think. The theme is more conceptual, more mature material, visually more representative. Five years have passed since our last album, so many that we lewatin together. Now it's like kayaking crop seeds such trips. Gue know, make an album that baseball is easy. Well, at The Omega is what the biggest difficulty facing the same lo Revenge? - According to the gw still more tired mentally than physically here, hahaha. If we talk about the difficulties still definitely there is yes in each album. But my guns could bandingin same difficulties in this album ago, because I've already forgotten the difficulties album yesterday, hahaha. Anything else ya that makes me curious. At that time King once said, that this album will promote the harmonization of the two guitars in Revenge. While the King of next August will pull out briefly to lanjutin college and Revenge will be the foursome. It'll fit you live, big impact guns with guns for the King? Or already have ways to ngakalin this? - Influential heck yes definitely, especially in the choice of the setlist. Until now there has been no election anyway setlist with the formation of four people. Later wrote directly see what we will show. If it is for their own targets, approximately when ya album The Omega can already be removed? - Target we still hopefully be completed in June or July lah. Anyway before King unplug me, hahaha. Seenggaknya let sempet tuh make launching with a full formation. Weits, savory. Ready bro, we wait together ya album. - Yoi, thank you yes already willing to interviews weight.

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