The reading of the proclamation text by Sukarno became the initial opening of an independence in the first song, entitled "Independence". Fast-beat beat of each component still dominate every second independent song, the articulation that is still apparent in the pronunciation of the lyrics become more value for this band. A little calm down beginning with "advance, Assault, attack, Destroy", which were interfered backsound shooting. Apart from a bit of warming, the direct menghentakkan guitarnya lead guitar with sound-sound cruel melodic seasoning together several bars and end with backsound independence or death.. in this third base without a song – stale warkvlt gave the command to start the game to riyan "Fly the flag of a plume of blood (theater of Ambarawa)" a track that mixes music with shades of black metal riffs, melodic guitar riffs-this is so fvcking awesome aransement and so catchy for listen. Still dwelling on the guitar arrangement mixing fast drum blasting along guitar melodic lead guitar from venturing into the track "To mine own country (Of 1946)" Although dipertengahan song lyrics pronunciation rather quickly but does not relieve the pleasure I listen to warkvlt materials that are very dark. Still at war, nuances in the track "warkvlt" they still retain the characteristic of those who always put the melodic tones. Once the independent merdeka merdeka merdeka create fixed forever, it sepenggelan the intro from the song "Blush above Blood Struggle". Lead guitar from heri betton rally fangs back in the Middle – the middle of the track to the six it with enough melodic nuances easy listening. The seventh track is warkvlt do not forget to put the intro where they came from, that is the realm of sunda. Intro to swell building from samba sunda initiate track "soldier of pajajaran". Towards the climax in an independent album, warkvlt will cover one of the original black metal legion Madura i.e. Stoning under the title "Align With the land" taken from the album 350 belong to stoning. This is the climax of the album warkvlt – independent, they played one of the national anthem of Indonesia, entitled "my fatherland" by mother sud packed in naunsa calm with a duration of 1 minute.