Demam produk matcha juga terlihat di Jepang. ""Produk-produk manis yang mengandungmatchaada di mana-mana,"" kata Kenichi Kano, direktur internasional Ippodo. ""Kuematcha, coklatmatcha,macaroon matcha.""'
Dengan semakin sibuknya orang Jepang,matchayang siap diminum menggantikan upacara teh dan restoran bereksperimen dengan bubuk dan ekstrakmatchauntuk es krim, bir dan minuman alkohol lainnya.
Fever products matcha is also seen in Japan. "" Sweet products that are mengandungmatchaada everywhere, "said Kenichi canoes, International Director of Ippodo. "Kuematcha", coklatmatcha, matcha macaroon. "" 'With the increasingly busy people matchayang Japan, ready to drink tea and ceremony restaurant replaces experimented with powder and ekstrakmatchauntuk ice cream, beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Fever matcha products are also seen in Japan. "" Products sweet mengandungmatchaada everywhere, '' said Kenichi Kano, international director Ippodo. "" Kuematcha, coklatmatcha, macaroon matcha. "" ' With the busy people of Japan, matchayang ready to drink replace the tea ceremony and restaurants experimenting with powder and ekstrakmatchauntuk ice cream, beer and other alcoholic beverages.