Di Indonesia, genre ini diawali pergerakan dan perkembangan-nya di tahun 1990-an dengan band thrash metal Rotor di Jakarta. Pergerakkan utama Death Metal Indonesia berasal dari munculnya inisiatif oleh band Grindcore asal Malang, Rotten Corpse, yang menggarap untuk pertama kalinya (yang diketahui) musik Death Metal. Kemunculan dan permainan Rotten Corpse akan Death Metal merupakan pertanda dari lahirnya sebuah individu musik baru, bernama Death Metal. Beberapa band pioneer Death Metal lainnya di daerah lain, seperti Trauma dari Jakarta , Insanity dan Hallucination dari Bandung, Death Vomit dari Jogjakarta , Slow Death dari Surabaya, kemudian berkembang dengan band-band yang dianggap sebagai senior karena pengalamannya masing-masing seperti: Disinfected, Ancur, Plasmoptysis, dan Jasad dari Bandung, Siksa Kubur , Funeral Inception dari Jakarta dan Cranial Incisored Yogjakarta dan Semarang Grind Buto. Abysal. R.O.H, Blast Torment dari Padang,Total Rusak dari Bukittinggi, dan Praying For Suicide Tragedy dari Bukittinggi.
In Indonesia, the genre began the movement and its development in the 1990s with the band thrash metal Rotor in Jakarta. The main Indonesia Death Metal movement comes from the emergence of initiatives by the Grindcore band Rotten Corpse the wretched, origin, who did the first (known) Death Metal. Occurrence and the game of Rotten Corpse will be Death Metal is a sign of the birth of a new musical, an individual named Death Metal. Some of the pioneer Death Metal band more in other areas, such as Trauma from Jakarta, Insanity and Hallucination from Bandung, Death Vomit from a Slow Death from Jogjakarta, Surabaya, then evolved with the bands that are considered as a senior because of his experience respectively as: Disinfected, Ancur, Plasmoptysis, and the remains of Bandung, the torment of the grave, Funeral Inception of Jakarta and Yogyakarta and Semarang Incisored Cranial Grind Buto. Abysal. R.O.H, Blast Torment from Padang, Damaged a Total of Bukittinggi, and Praying For Suicide Tragedy of Bukittinggi.

In Indonesia, this genre started the movement and its development in the 1990s with the thrash metal band Rotor in Jakarta. The main movement Death Metal Indonesia came from the initiative by Grindcore band from Malang, Rotten Corpse, who worked for the first time (which is unknown) Death Metal music. The emergence and the game will Rotten Corpse Death metal is a sign of the birth of a new musical individual, called Death Metal. Some bands pioneer of Death Metal others in other areas, such as trauma from Jakarta, Insanity and Hallucination of Bandung, Death Vomit from Jogjakarta, Slow Death of Surabaya, then developed with bands that are considered as senior as their experiences such as: Disinfected, ancur, Plasmoptysis, and The bodies of Bandung, Siksa Grave, Funeral Inception of Jakarta and Yogyakarta and Semarang Incisored Cranial Grind Buto. Abysal. ROH, Blast Torment of Padang, Total Damage of Bukittinggi, and Praying For Suicide Tragedy of Bukittinggi.