Saat itu, ia mengomentari soal rencana kedatangan Ibu Ani ke Magelang. Lalu, isengajasaya tulis, ""Kalau ke Magelang nanti saya traktir makan di Tahu Pojok',"" kata pemilik akun Instagram @Harjuno.ardi itu.
Then, he commented on the reserved arrival plan Mother Ani to Magelang. Then, isengajasaya wrote, "" if to Magelang I'll treat packed in Know Corner ', "said the owner of the account that ardi @Harjuno. Instagram.
At that time, he plans to comment on the arrival of Mrs. Ani to Magelang. Then, isengajasaya wrote, "" If I treat later Magelang to eat in the Know Corner ',' "said the owner of the account Instagram @ Harjuno.ardi it.