KEBAYORAN BARU (Pos Kota) – Pelaku pembunuhan Yoshimi Nishimura, 27, cewek cantik WN Jepang, di Apartemen Casablanca Casagrande unit Montreal di Lantai 10 No. 2, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (7/9). Diduga orang dekat dan orang pribumi.
Kasat Reskrim Polres Jaksel, AKBP Audie Latuheru, menuturkan kasus tersebut kini telah dilimpahkan ke Polda Metro Jaya.
“Kasus telah dilimpahkan ke Polda Metro Jaya karena menyangkut orang asing. Kami menganalisa pelaku satu orang yang telah kami kantongi. Diduga pelaku orang pribumi,” papar Kasat Reskrim Selasa (7/9).
Ia juga menambahkan bahwa Polisi segera memburu pelaku. “Mudah-mudahan segera dapat ditangkap,” ujar AKBP Audie.
Sebelumnya diberitakan Manager Yamaha Motor Indonesia, ditemukan tewas di kasur apartemen, Yoshimi ditemukan tewas membusuk diduga korban dibunuh terdapat luka cekikan di leher dan luka sayatan di kaki dekat dengkul sebelah kiri, Senin (6/9) sekira pukul 09:30 WIB.
KEBAYORAN BARU (City Zip) – the perpetrators of the murder of Yoshimi Nishimura, 27, a gorgeous chick WN Japan, in apartments Casablanca Casagrande unit on the 10th floor of the Montreal No. 2, Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday (7/9). Suspected person near and native people.Invisible Reskrim Polres Jaksel, AKBP Audie Latuheru, said the case has now been assigned to the Polda Metro Jaya."The case has been assigned to the Polda Metro Jaya because of concerns the foreigners. We analyze the perpetrator of one of the people that we have kantongi. Allegedly aborigines, "reveals the Invisible Reskrim Tuesday (7/9).He also added that Police soon hunt down the perpetrators. "Hopefully soon be arrested," said Audie AKBP.Previously reported Manager Yamaha Indonesia Motor, a mattress was found dead in the apartment, Yoshimi found dead rotting allegedly victims killed there were wounds on the neck wound and the stranglehold of the incision in the leg near the left 2.4, Monday (6/9) around 9:30 pm.

Kebayoran Baru (Pos Kota) - Perpetrators of murder Yoshimi Nishimura, 27, a beautiful girl WN Japan, in Casablanca Apartment Casagrande unit 10th Floor Montreal at No. 2, Tebet, South Jakarta, Tuesday (7/9). Allegedly the close and native people. Invisible Criminal South Jakarta Police, Superintendent Audie Latuheru, said the case has now been transferred to the police. "The case has been transferred to the police because it involves a stranger. We analyze the perpetrators of the people that we have pocketed. Suspected perpetrators of the natives, "said Invisible Criminal Tuesday (7/9). He also added that the police immediately hunt down the perpetrators. "Hopefully soon be arrested," said Superintendent Audie. Previously reported Manager Yamaha Motor Indonesia, was found dead in bed apartments, Yoshimi found dead rotting alleged victims were killed there are wounds strangulation on the neck and cuts in the leg near the knee left on Monday ( 6/9) approximately 09:30 pm.