Pasal 12Instrumen modal disetor sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 11 ay翻訳 - Pasal 12Instrumen modal disetor sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 11 ay英語言う方法

Pasal 12Instrumen modal disetor seb

Pasal 12
Instrumen modal disetor sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 11 ayat (1) huruf a angka 1 wajib memenuhi persyaratan:
a. diterbitkan dan telah dibayar penuh;
b. bersifat subordinasi terhadap komponen modal lain;
c. bersifat permanen;
d. tidak dapat dibayar kembali oleh Bank, kecuali memenuhi kriteria pembelian kembali saham (treasury stock) atau pada saat likuidasi;
e. tersedia untuk menyerap kerugian yang terjadi sebelum likuidasi maupun pada saat likuidasi;
f. perolehan imbal hasil tidak dapat dipastikan dan tidak dapat diakumulasikan antar periode;
g. tidak diproteksi maupun dijamin oleh Bank atau Perusahaan Anak;
h. tidak terdapat kesepakatan yang dapat meningkatkan senioritas instrumen secara legal atau ekonomis;
i. memiliki karakteristik pembayaran dividen atau imbal hasil:
1. hanya dapat dilakukan jika Bank telah memenuhi seluruh kewajiban legal dan kontraktual serta melakukan pembayaran atas imbal hasil instrumen modal lainnya;
2. berasal dari saldo laba dan/atau laba tahun berjalan;
3. tidak memiliki nilai yang pasti dan tidak terkait dengan nilai yang dibayarkan atas instrumen modal; dan
4. tidak memiliki fitur preferensi;
j. sumber pendanaan tidak berasal dari Bank penerbit baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung; dan
k. diklasifikasikan sebagai ekuitas berdasarkan standar akuntansi keuangan.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Article 12Paid-in capital instruments as referred to in article 11 paragraph (1) letter a compulsory figure 1 meets the requirements:a. published and been paid in full;b. the nature of other capital components against subordination;c. Permanent;d. cannot be paid back by the Bank, unless it meets the criteria repurchase shares (treasury stock) or at the time of liquidation;e. available to absorb losses that occurred before the liquidation or upon liquidation;f. obtaining outcome is uncertain and cannot be accumulated between periods;g. not protected or guaranteed by the Bank or the company of the child;h. There is no deal that can boost seniority instrument legally or economically;i. has the characteristic yield or dividend payment:1. can only be done if the Bank has met the entire legal and contractual obligations and make payments over the yield of other capital instruments;2. comes from the balance of the profit and/or profits tax;3. do not have a definite value and are not associated with the value of the paid up capital instruments; and4. does not have the features preferences;j. sources of funding does not come from the Bank issuer either directly or indirectly; andk. classified as equity based on financial accounting standards.8.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Article 12
Instruments capital as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (1) letter a point 1 shall meet the following requirements:
a. issued and fully paid;
b. be subordinated to any other capital components;
c. is permanent;
d. can not be paid back by the Bank, unless it meets criteria for repurchase of shares (treasury stock) or upon liquidation;
e. is available to absorb losses incurred before liquidation or upon liquidation;
f. acquisition yield can not be determined and can not be accumulated between periods;
g. not protected or guaranteed by the Bank or its subsidiaries;
h. there is no agreement to increase seniority instruments legally or economically;
i. has the characteristics of dividend payments or yield:
1. can only be done if the Bank has complied with all legal and contractual obligations and make payments on the yield of other capital instruments;
2. comes from retained earnings and / or profit for the year;
3. does not have an exact value and not related to the amount paid up capital instruments; and
4. do not have a preference feature;
j. funding sources do not come from the issuing bank, either directly or indirectly; and
k. classified as equity based financial accounting standards.
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