Pada 2016, DPLK Jiwasraya mematok target pertumbuhan dana kelolaan hin翻訳 - Pada 2016, DPLK Jiwasraya mematok target pertumbuhan dana kelolaan hin英語言う方法

Pada 2016, DPLK Jiwasraya mematok t

Pada 2016, DPLK Jiwasraya mematok target pertumbuhan dana kelolaan hingga 30%. Target pertumbuhan itu, jelas Lusiana, akan dicapai dengan berfokus pada pengembangan produk PPUKP.Di sisi lain, porsi ritel dalam akumulasi dana kelolaan DPLK yang berafiliasi dengan PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) ini terus meningkat.Pada 2015, Lusiana mengungkapkan porsi ritel sudah mulai bertambah, yakni mencapai kisaran 25%, sedangkan selebihnya masih dikuasai segmen korporasi.Fokus DPLK untuk mengembangkan PPUKP dan porsi ritel, sebut dia, sebagai antisipasi terhadap dampak pelaksanaan program dana pensiun BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.Menurut dia, sejumlah perusahaan pada tahun lalu mulai mengurangi porsi dana pensiun kepada DPLK untuk dialihkan kepada program jaminan sosial itu.Namun, dia sejumlah korporasi multinasional masih memilih untuk memanfaatkan program DPLK, meski juga mengikuti program pemerintah itu.Oktaviano DB Hana
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In 2016, the target growth range of Jiwasraya DPLK funds-up to 30%. Growth target it, obviously Lusiana, will be achieved by focusing on product development PPUKP. On the other hand, the share of retail in the accumulation of funds-run DPLK affiliated with PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) is on the rise. In 2015, the retail portion already reveal Lusiana started growing, namely climbed 25%, while the rest are still controlled by corporate segments. The focus of the DPLK to develop PPUKP and retail portion, let's call him, as the anticipation to the impacts of the implementation of the program of pension fund Employment BPJS. According to him, a number of companies in the past year are starting to reduce the portion of the Pension Fund to the DPLK to transferred to the social security program. However, she is a number of multinational corporations are still choosing to utilize the program, although the DPLK also follows that Government program. Oktaviano DB Hana
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In 2016, DPLK Jiwasraya set a target growth of funds under management by 30%. Growth targets, it is clear Lusiana, will be achieved by focusing on product development PPUKP.Di other hand, the retail portion in the accumulation of funds under management of the Pension Fund affiliated with PT BNI Life Insurance (Persero) continues meningkat.Pada 2015, Lusiana reveal the retail portion has begun to grow , reaching around 25%, while the rest of the segment is still dominated korporasi.Fokus DPLK to develop PPUKP and retail portion, call him, in anticipation of the impact of the implementation of pension plans BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.Menurut him, a number of companies in the past year began to reduce the portion of the pension fund to the Pension Fund to be transferred to the social security program itu.Namun, he number of multinational corporations are still choosing to take advantage of the Pension Fund program, though also follow the government program itu.Oktaviano DB Hana
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