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Public Warning Terhadap 17 Kosmetik

Public Warning Terhadap 17 Kosmetika yang mengandung Bahan Berbahaya

Jakarta, 13 Mei 2013

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia (BPOM), melakukan Konferensi Pers mengenai kosmetik yang mengandung bahan dilarang/berbahaya, di Lingkungan Kantor Badan POM, pada (8/5). Pada kesempatan tersebut, Kepala BPOM, Dra. Lucky S. Slamet, M.Sc, mengungkapkan berdasarkan hasil pengawasan BPOM di seluruh Indonesia sampai dengan bulan Maret 2013 telah ditemukan 17 item kosmetika yang mengandung bahan berbahaya/dilarang dan telah beredar. Untuk itu BPOM mengeluarkan peringatan publik (public warning) dengan tujuan agar masyarakat tidak menggunakan 17 kosmetika tersebut karena dapat membahayakan kesehatan.

Lebih lanjut, mengenai 17 produk kosmetika yang telah ditemukan oleh Badan POM yaitu, Kosmetika merek Tabita (Tabita Daily Cream dan Tabita Nightly Cream) positif mengandung Merkuri/Raksa (Hg), serta (Tabita Skin Care Smooth Lotion), positif mengandung Hidrokinon. Ketiga merek tersebut tidak ditemukan di pasaran tapi dapat diperoleh melalui media online, dan dijual dengan harga yang tidak murah, jelas Dra. Lucky.

Kosmetika merek Green Alvina yaitu : Herbal Clinic Green Alvina Walet Cream Mild Night Cream, positif mengandung Asam Retinoat dan Hidrokinon, dan Green Alvina Night Cream Acne, mengandung Asam Retinoat dan Merkuri. Produk Green Alvina tersebut sudah di Public Warning pada tanggal 2 Desember 2012 oleh Badan POM, namun saat ini masih ada, dan dijual secara online, tambah Dra. Lucky.

Sementara itu, menurut Kepala BPOM, kosmetika merek Chrysant, ada yang mengandung Hidrokinon, Merkuri/Raksa (Hg), dan Asam Retinoat, produk-produk dengan merek Chrysant yaitu : Chrysant 24 Skin Care Pemutih Ketiak, Chrysant 24 Skin Care Cream Malam Jasmine, Chrysant 24 Skin CareAHA Toner No.1, Chrysant 24 Skin Care AHA Toner No. 2, Chrysant 24 Skin Care AHA Toner No. 2+. Kelima produk tersebut dijual dengan harga yang tidak murah dan tanpa izin edar.

Dra. Lucky menambahkan, kosmetika yang mengandung bahan berbahaya lainnya adalah kosmetika dengan merek Hayfa seperti, Hayfa Sunblock Acne Cream Natural Pagi-Sore dan Hayfa Acne Morning Pagi-Sore, keduanya positif mengandung Resorsinol. Memang Resorsinol untuk Acne/Jerawat akan tetapi harus dengan resep dokter. Produk tersebut beredar tanpa surat izin edar.

Produk berbahaya lainnya, adalah kosmetika merek Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK yaitu produk Acne Lotion Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK, Cream Malam Prima 1 Dr. Nurhidayat, SpKK, dan Acne Cream Malam Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK positif mengandung bahan berbahaya yaitu Resorsinol, Asam Retinoat dan Hidrokinon, tambah Kepala BPOM.

Selanjutnya, dari 17 Kosmetika yang dilarang/berbahaya dan tanpa izin edar terdapat juga kosmetika merek Cantik yaitu produk Cantik Whitening Vit. E Night Cream dan Cantik Whitening Vit. E Day Cream, kedua produk tersebut positif mengandung Merkuri/Raksa, jelas Dra. Lucky.

Badan POM secara terus menerus telah melakukan peninjauan, terhadap peredaran kosmetika dengan mengambil beberapa sampel di lapangan. Hampir 24 ribu produk kosmetika setiap tahunnya yang dilakukan pengujian untuk mengetahui apakah produk tersebut sesuai dengan persayaratan keamanan, manfaat, dan mutu kesehatan, juga telah ditemukan kurang dari 5% mengandung bahan berbahaya, seperti Hidrokinon jika digunakan secara terus menerus akan menyebabkan iritasi kulit. Merkuri adalah barang yang benar-benar dilarang dan dapat merusak kulit, kata Dra. Lucky.

Sebagai tindak lanjut terhadap seluruh temuan kosmetika mengandung bahan berbahaya/dilarang tersebut, dilakukan penarikan produk dari peredaran dan dimusnahkan, ungkap Kepala Badan POM.

Temuan kosmetika yang mengandung bahan berbahaya/dilarang selama 5 tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan dari 1,49% menjadi 0,74% temuan dari jumlah produk yang di sampling, pada tahun 2009 jumlah temuan 1,49%, tahun 2010 jumlah temuan 0.86%, pada tahun 2011 jumlah temuan 0,65%, tahun 2012 jumlah temuan 0,54%, dan sampai dengan Maret 2013 jumlah temuan 0,74%, tambah Kepala Badan POM.

Berita ini disiarkan oleh Pusat Komunikasi Publik Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Halo Kemkes melalui nomor hotline 500-567; SMS 081281562620, faksimili: (021) 52921669, website dan alamat e-mail

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Public Warning Against 17 Cosmetics containing hazardous materialsJakarta, May 13, 2013Food and drug Watchdog Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM), conduct a press conference regarding cosmetics containing ingredients prohibited/dangerous, in the Fda Office environment, at (8/5). On that occasion, the head of BPOM, Dra. Lucky s. Slamet, M.Sc, based on the results of supervision reveal BPOM throughout Indonesia until March 2013 has found 17 items of cosmetics containing hazardous materials/banned and has been outstanding. For that public warnings BPOM (public warning) with the goal of keeping the public not to use such cosmetics 17 because it can be dangerous to health.Further, regarding a cosmetic product 17 has been found by the Fda, namely, cosmetics brand Tabita (Tabita Daily Cream and Tabita Nightly Cream) positive contain mercury/Mercury (Hg), as well as (Tabita Smooth Skin Care Lotion), positive contain Hydroquinone. All three brands are not found in the market but can be obtained through online media, and a sale at a cheap, obviously not Dra. Lucky.Cosmetics brand Green Alvina namely: Herbal Clinic Green Alvina Swallow Cream Mild Night Cream contains Retinoat Acid, positive and Hydroquinone, and Green Alvina Night Cream contains Retinoat Acid Acne, and mercury. Green products that are already on Public Alvina Warning on 2nd December 2012 by the Fda, but currently is still there, and sold online, add Dra. Lucky.Meanwhile, according to the head of BPOM, cosmetics brand Chrysant, some contain Hydroquinone, mercury/Mercury (Hg), and Retinoat Acid, products with brand Chrysant: Chrysant 24 Underarm Whitening Skin Care, Chrysant 24 Skin Care Cream Night Jasmine, Chrysant 24 Skin Toner CareAHA No.1, Chrysant 24 AHA Skin Care Toner No.2, Chrysant 24 AHA Skin Care Toner No. 2 +. All five of these products are sold at a price that is not cheap and without permission path.DRA. Lucky added, cosmetics containing other harmful materials is cosmetic brand Hayfa like, Hayfa Natural Acne Cream Sunblock in the morning-afternoon and early-Morning Acne Hayfa Afternoon, both positive contains Resorcinol. Indeed Resorcinol for Acne/Pimples but should be prescribed. These products circulating path without licence.Other harmful products, is a cosmetics brand Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK i.e. product Acne Lotion Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK, Prima-night Cream 1 Dr. Nurhidayat, SpKK, and Acne Cream Night Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK positive contains hazardous materials, namely Retinoat Acid, Resorcinol and Hydroquinone, added the head of BPOM.Next, from the banned Cosmetics 17/dangerous path without permission and there is also a Beautiful brand of cosmetic products namely Prettier Whitening Vit. E and Whitening Night Cream Vit. E Day Cream, both products contain mercury positive/Mercury, evident Dra. Lucky.FDA has been continuously conducting the review, against the circulation of cosmetics by taking some samples in the field. Nearly 24 thousand products cosmetics annually conducted testing to find out if the product is in compliance with the security requirements, benefits, and quality of health, has also been found to be less than 5% contain hazardous materials, such as Hydroquinone if used continuously will cause skin irritation. Mercury is the stuff that really is prohibited and can damage the skin, said Dra. Lucky.As a follow-up to the findings of the entire cosmetics contain harmful substances that are forbidden,/carried out the withdrawal of the product from circulation and destroyed, said the head of the Fda.The findings of cosmetics containing hazardous materials/banned during the last 5 years has decreased from 1.49% to 0.74% findings from the amount of products in the sampling, in 2009 the number of findings of 1.49%, in 2010 the number of findings of 0.86%, by 2011 the number of findings of 0.65%, by 2012 the number of findings of 0.54%, and up to March 2013 the number of findings of 0.74%, added the head of the Fda.The news was broadcast by a public Communication Centre, the Secretariat-General of the Ministry of health of INDONESIA. For more information please contact Halo Kemkes through hotline 550-567; 081281562620 SMS, facsimile: (021) 52921669, website and e-mail address
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Public Warning Against 17 ​​Cosmetics containing Hazardous Materials Jakarta, May 13, 2013 National Agency of Drug and Food of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM), holds a press conference on cosmetics that contain ingredients prohibited / dangerous, in the Office Environment POM, at (8/5). On the occasion, the Head of BPOM, Dra. Lucky S. Slamet, M.Sc, revealed by the results of BPOM supervision throughout Indonesia until the month of March 2013 have been found 17 items of cosmetics that contain ingredients harmful / banned and has been outstanding. BPOM issue a warning to the public (public warning) with the aim that people do not use the 17 cosmetics because it can be dangerous to health. Furthermore, about 17 cosmetic products that have been found by POM namely, Cosmetics brand Tabitha (Tabitha Tabitha Daily and Nightly Cream Cream ) positive for Mercury / Mercury (Hg), and (Tabita Skin Care Smooth Lotion), containing hydroquinone positive. All three brands are not found on the market but can be obtained through online media, and the price is not cheap, obviously Dra. Lucky. Cosmetics brand Green Alvina namely: Herbal Clinic Alvina Green Swallow Cream Night Cream Mild, Retinoat positive for acid and hydroquinone, and Green Alvina Night Cream Acne, containing acid Retinoat and Mercury. Alvina Green products are already in the Public Warning on 2 December 2012 by the POM, but currently there, and sold online, added Dra. Lucky. Meanwhile, according to Head of BPOM, cosmetics brand Chrysant, there containing hydroquinone, Mercury / Mercury (Hg), and Acid Retinoat, products with brand Chrysant namely: Chrysant 24 Underarm Whitening Skin Care, Skin Care Cream Chrysant 24 hours Jasmine, 24 Chrysant CareAHA Skin Toner 1, Chrysant 24 Skin Care AHA Toner No. 2, Chrysant 24 Skin Care AHA Toner No. 2+. The fifth product is sold at a price which is not cheap, and without the marketing authorization. Dra. Lucky added, cosmetics that contain other hazardous materials are cosmetics with brands such Hayfa, Hayfa Sunblock Cream Natural Acne morning-afternoon and Hayfa Acne Morning morning-afternoon, both positive for Resorsinol. Indeed Resorsinol for Acne / Acne but must be prescribed by a doctor. The product is without a marketing authorization. Other dangerous products, is a cosmetics brand Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK namely products Acne Lotion Dr. Nur Hidayat, SpKK, Night Cream Prima 1 Dr. Nurhidayat, SpKK, and Acne Cream Night Dr. Nur Hidayat, positive SpKK contain hazardous materials that Resorsinol, retinoic acid and hydroquinone, added the Head of BPOM. Furthermore, from 17 Cosmetics is prohibited / dangerous and without the marketing authorization There are also cosmetics brand that is the product Beautiful Beautiful Whitening Vit. E Night Cream and Beauty Whitening Vit. E Day Cream, both products are positive for Mercury / Mercury, obviously Dra. Lucky. POM continuously been reviewing, on the circulation of cosmetics by taking several samples in the field. Nearly 24 thousand cosmetic products are tested annually to determine whether the product in accordance with the requirement of security, benefits, and quality of health, have also been found to be less than 5% contain hazardous materials, such as hydroquinone if used continuously will cause skin irritation. Mercury is the stuff that absolutely prohibited and can damage the skin, said Dra. Lucky. As a follow-up of all findings of cosmetics containing hazardous materials / prohibited the withdrawal of products from circulation and destroyed, said the head of POM. The findings of cosmetics that contain hazardous materials / prohibited during the last 5 years has decreased from 1.49% to 0 , 74% of the findings of the amount of product in the sampling, in 2009 the number of findings 1.49%, in 2010 the number of findings 0.86%, in 2011 the number of findings 0.65%, in 2012 the number of findings 0.54%, and up to in March 2013 the number of findings 0.74%, added the Head of POM. This information is published by Center for Public Communication Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For further information please contact Halo MoH through hotline numbers 500-567; 081281562620 SMS, facsimile: (021) 52921669, website and e-mail address

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