Band Jakarta already stepped on 10 years of age in the world of metal music my new merayakanulang years at the stardust cafe, sarinah August ago, following the results of our journalist to interview with one of the band's style aim after they performed (DL): do not feel, now you guys have entered the age of the band to 10. What exactly became the initial idea until finally you guys realize birthday STRAIGHT OUT into the shape of a commercial live performance "the 10th Years of Bloody Mayhem (Chapter 666)" date of August 30, and then at stardust?(Demise): Hello. Whazz'up Nino & Dian ... The initial idea of this event actually dah lama banget. It was Straight Out of the 3rd after the first time launching the album at BBS Café Menteng in 2001 and the launching of the 2nd album in a hangar terrace Pancoran years yesterday. Create a birthday celebration for us, this is a very nice event and in the procurement of a live performance at Stardust café. The band turned out to be pretty much skipped casually and sometimes ignore their birthday's to 10.(DL): any special Preparations in advance for procurement of this event?(Demise): actually we are already preparing everything since 6 months ago. Straight Out was formed in May 1998 and it was in Jakarta is going great unrest. And indeed when riots that we declared the formation of Straight Out, hahahaha. The preparation of this event fair ribet, from promotions, and preparation of the sound system and lighting also we prepare as attractive as possible. It technical! While the band itself, we also prepare the session cut the cake .... hahahahahaah, but not cut the cake pake ya chainsaw. There is a plan, later to Oakland 20, Straight Out will celebrate the birthday with not doing cut melindas cake, but the cake use the tractor, heheheheeh. O Yes, for this 10 yrs birthday yesterday we also prepare a slide show which contains live us while launching the album at hangar terrace last year.(DL): after this event finally lasted until thoroughly done according to plan, if you would like to comment on specifically will the success of this event?(Demise): in addition to satisfied because our seneng banget, success can be performed with bands and meet temen-temen from different genres. Unfortunately, the problem of time wrote that ngaret. Understandably, because afternoon rain got right. I think about 1000an audience present at this event.(DL): commentary on the bands supporting him?(Demise): bands supporting him good all. Applaud for them all!(DL): 10 years is quite a long time for the existence of an indie band. How exactly the way you guys defend their existence?(Demise): 10 years is a very short time for the Straight Out ... except when a 10-year prison ... Hahahaha. But that clearly is the beginning of a 10-year journey to the highest level of Death fuckin' metal and we never get tired of play brain to find a breakthrough and crazy ideas to assemble music time bomb can be devastating and song concepts & complex. And all that should be supported with good management and mutual support between personnel, fans, record labels and others. Yes mutual support lah.(DL): what the hell is actually a description of musicality STRAIGHT OUT did you?(Demise): If you think the other friends, the description is different and it's non-beas, which obviously Straight Out of music arranged by lompleks and in the end we played in the death metal. There is no other Word to describe it.(DL): How do you guys view towards the development of the underground scene since the beginning of the existence of the STRAIGHT OUT until now? A very striking difference is there?(Demise): to the development scene, which I definitely do not want to get too giddy with what they want to do. If it used to be from the moment Straight Out standing scene being transformed from hardcore to metalcore ... And now, for I was not a development because it has been too much loser – trendy and the loser who plays metal music and according to gw, it is a process or transition to metal. To be sure, they do not try messes with us! It was aja! O Yes, now in 2008 more ramai-ramainya resurrection of the bands old school thrash metal and death metal. Make a note of it! Unfortunately, the current era also briefly raises the pros cons of genres deathcore and slaming frequently kesebut as fractions of the death metal genre.(DL): Please introduce the latest formations back you guys. What causes Rebecca finally got to tweeze and what reason you guys finally chose the image as his successor? What is the image of auditional plays as vocalis, or be a fixed formation in STRAIGHT OUT?(Demise): our latest Formations: Demise (vocals), Pipink (guitar), Sony (Bass), Mela (Keyboard), Benny (drums) and image which is backing vocals auditional replacement for Rebecca. Rebecca got to tweeze from the band due to a busy outside the band, and his position is replaced by the Image does indeed seem indeed not too busy with gave herself outside of the band. Heheheeheheh(DL): Khabarnya you guys back soon entered recording to record 3rd album at the end of the year. May inform a bit about that? You guys are still in contract with BlueSky Records?(DEMISE): BluSky fixed handle and we are scheduled to soon re-entered the recording in December for the upcoming 3rd album.(DL): what is the reason you guys are the most important to agree the contract with label tsb? What is the most special offer provided by them for the STRAIGHT OUT? When is the plan new album you guys saying they will be released?(DEMISE): we still choose Blue Sky label because they will be able to give the best that we have requested. This new album to be released in 2009 immediately after the election. Actually there is nothing too special here, but Blue Sky really serious about promoting the band, the album and the merchandise we are continue.POSTED by THE LAST OF THE KING'S of 7.33 PM