Band asal Jakarta yang sudah menginjak usia 10 tahun dalam dunia musik翻訳 - Band asal Jakarta yang sudah menginjak usia 10 tahun dalam dunia musik英語言う方法

Band asal Jakarta yang sudah mengin

Band asal Jakarta yang sudah menginjak usia 10 tahun dalam dunia musik metal yang baru saya merayakanulang tahun di stardust cafe, sarinah Agustus silam, berikut ini hasil interview journalist kami dengan salah satu personilnya disela-sela setelah mereka tampil(DL) : Tak terasa, kini kalian telah memasuki usia band yang ke 10. Apa sebenarnya yang menjadi ide awal hingga hingga akhirnya kalian merealisasikan ulang tahun STRAIGHT OUT ke dalam bentuk sebuah commercial live performance “10th Years of Bloody Mayhem (Chapter 666)” tanggal 30 Agustus lalu di stardust?

(Demise): Hello. Whazz’up Nino & Dian… Sebenarnya ide awal acara ini dah lama banget. Ini adalah acara Straight Out ke-3 setelah yang pertama waktu launching album perdana di BBS Café Menteng tahun 2001 dan launching album ke-2 di Hanggar teras Pancoran tahun kemaren. Buat kami, perayaan ultah ini adalah sebuah event yang sangat bagus dan tepat dalam pengadaan live performance di Stardust café. Cukup banyak band yang ternyata melewatkan begitu saja dan kadang tidak memperdulikan ulang tahun mereka yang ke 10.

(DL): Persiapan khusus apa saja sebelumnya untuk pengadaan event ini?

(Demise): Sebenarnya kita sudah mempersiapkan segalanya sejak 6 bulan yang lalu. Straight Out terbentuk bulan Mei 1998 dan saat itu di Jakarta sedang terjadi kerusuhan besar. Dan memang saat kerusuhan itulah kami mendeklarasikan terbentuknya Straight Out, hahahaha. Persiapan event ini lumayan ribet, mulai dari promosi, dan persiapan sound system serta lighting juga kami persiapkan semenarik mungkin. Itu teknis ! Sedangkan dari band sendiri, kami juga mempersiapkan sesi potong kue….hahahahahaah, tapi bukan potong kue pake gergaji mesin nih. Ada rencana, nanti untuk ultah ke 20, Straight Out akan merayakan ultah dengan tidak melakukan potong kue, tapi melindas kue pakai traktor, heheheheeh. O iya, untuk acara ultah 10 thn ini kemaren kami juga mempersiapkan slide show yang mana berisikan live kami saat launching album di hangar teras tahun lalu.

(DL): Setelah acara ini akhirnya berlangsung hingga selesai tuntas sesuai rencana, apakah yang Anda ingin komentari secara khusus akan suksesnya event ini?

(Demise): Selain puas karena sukses, kami seneng banget bisa tampil bareng band-band dan ketemu temen-temen dari berbagai genre. Sayang, masalah waktu aja yang ngaret. Maklum lah, soalnya sore kan sempat hujan. Kayaknya sekitar 1000an penonton hadir di event ini.

(DL): Komentar tentang band-band supporting nya?

(Demise): Band-band supporting nya bagus semua. Salut buat mereka semua!

(DL): 10 tahun merupakan waktu yang cukup lama untuk eksistensi sebuah band indie. Bagaimana sebenarnya cara kalian mempertahankan eksistensi tersebut?

(Demise): 10 tahun adalah waktu yang sangat singkat untuk Straight Out…kecuali bila 10 tahun dipenjara..hahahaha. Tapi yang jelas 10 tahun adalah awal perjalanan menuju level tertinggi Death fuckin’ metal dan kita juga tidak pernah bosan putar otak untuk mencari terobosan dan ide-ide gila untuk merakit bom waktu musik yang bisa dijadikan konsep lagu yang dasyat dan & kompleks. Dan semua itu harus didukung dengan manajemen yang baik dan saling dukung antar personil, fans, record label dan yang lainnya. Ya saling support lah.

(DL): Sebenarnya apa sih deskripsi musikalitas STRAIGHT OUT menurut Anda?

(Demise): Kalau menurut teman-teman yang lain, deskripsinya berbeda-beda dan itu bebas-beas saja, yang jelas Straight Out mengaransemen musik dengan cukup lompleks dan pada akhirnya kita bermain di jalur death metal . Tidak ada kata yang lain untuk mendeskripsikannya.

(DL): Bagaimana pandangan kalian terhadap perkembangan scene underground sejak awal eksistensi STRAIGHT OUT hingga saat ini? Adakah perbedaan yang sangat mencolok?

(Demise): Untuk perkembangan scene,yang pasti gue gak mau terlalu pusing dengan apa yang mereka mau lakukan. Jika dulu dari saat Straight Out berdiri scene sedang berubah dari hardcore ke metalcore… Dan kalau sekarang, buat gue ini bukanlah sebuah perkembangan karena sudah terlalu banyak pecundang – pecundang dan kaum trendy yang main musik metal dan menurut gw, itu merupakan proses atau transisi menuju metal. Yang pasti, mereka janganlah coba macam-macam dengan kita! Itu aja! O iya, sekarang di tahun 2008 lagi ramai-ramainya kebangkitan band-band old school thrash metal dan death metal. Catat itu! Sayangnya, era sekarang juga sempat menimbulkan pro kontra tentang genre slaming dan deathcore yang sering kesebut sebagai pecahan dari genre death metal.

(DL): Tolong perkenalkan kembali formasi terbaru kalian. Apakah yang menyebabkan Rebecca akhirnya musti cabut dan apa alasan kalian hingga akhirnya memilih Citra sebagai penggantinya? Apakah Citra berposisi sebagai auditional vocalis, ataukah menjadi formasi tetap di STRAIGHT OUT?

(Demise): Formasi terbaru kami: Demise (Vocal), Pipink (Gitar), Sony (Bass), Mela (Keyboard), Benny (Drum) dan Citra yang merupakan backing vocal auditional pengganti Rebecca. Rebecca musti cabut dari band dikarenakan kesibukannya di luar band, dan posisinya memang digantikan oleh Citra yang kelihatannya memang tidak terlalu sibuk dengan kerjaannya di luar band. Heheheeheheh

(DL): Khabarnya kalian segera kembali masuk dapur rekaman untuk merekam album ke-3 di akhir tahun nanti. Boleh informasikan sedikit tentang itu? Kalian masih tetap menjalin kontrak dengan BlueSky Records?

(DEMISE): BluSky tetap menangani kami dan kami dijadwalkan untuk segera kembali masuk rekaman di bulan Desember mendatang untuk pembuatan album ke-3.

(DL): Apa alasan kalian yang paling utama untuk setuju menjalin kontrak dengan label tsb? Apakah tawaran paling special yang diberikan oleh mereka untuk STRAIGHT OUT? Kapan rencananya album baru kalian tsb akan dirilis?

(DEMISE): Kami tetap memilih Blue Sky dikarenakan label tsb mampu memberikan yang terbaik yang kami minta. Album baru ini rencananya akan segera dirilis di tahun 2009 selepas pemilu. Sebenarnya tidak ada yang terlalu special di sini, tapi Blue Sky benar-benar serius mempromosikan band, album serta merchandise kami secara continue.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Band Jakarta already stepped on 10 years of age in the world of metal music my new merayakanulang years at the stardust cafe, sarinah August ago, following the results of our journalist to interview with one of the band's style aim after they performed (DL): do not feel, now you guys have entered the age of the band to 10. What exactly became the initial idea until finally you guys realize birthday STRAIGHT OUT into the shape of a commercial live performance "the 10th Years of Bloody Mayhem (Chapter 666)" date of August 30, and then at stardust?(Demise): Hello. Whazz'up Nino & Dian ... The initial idea of this event actually dah lama banget. It was Straight Out of the 3rd after the first time launching the album at BBS Café Menteng in 2001 and the launching of the 2nd album in a hangar terrace Pancoran years yesterday. Create a birthday celebration for us, this is a very nice event and in the procurement of a live performance at Stardust café. The band turned out to be pretty much skipped casually and sometimes ignore their birthday's to 10.(DL): any special Preparations in advance for procurement of this event?(Demise): actually we are already preparing everything since 6 months ago. Straight Out was formed in May 1998 and it was in Jakarta is going great unrest. And indeed when riots that we declared the formation of Straight Out, hahahaha. The preparation of this event fair ribet, from promotions, and preparation of the sound system and lighting also we prepare as attractive as possible. It technical! While the band itself, we also prepare the session cut the cake .... hahahahahaah, but not cut the cake pake ya chainsaw. There is a plan, later to Oakland 20, Straight Out will celebrate the birthday with not doing cut melindas cake, but the cake use the tractor, heheheheeh. O Yes, for this 10 yrs birthday yesterday we also prepare a slide show which contains live us while launching the album at hangar terrace last year.(DL): after this event finally lasted until thoroughly done according to plan, if you would like to comment on specifically will the success of this event?(Demise): in addition to satisfied because our seneng banget, success can be performed with bands and meet temen-temen from different genres. Unfortunately, the problem of time wrote that ngaret. Understandably, because afternoon rain got right. I think about 1000an audience present at this event.(DL): commentary on the bands supporting him?(Demise): bands supporting him good all. Applaud for them all!(DL): 10 years is quite a long time for the existence of an indie band. How exactly the way you guys defend their existence?(Demise): 10 years is a very short time for the Straight Out ... except when a 10-year prison ... Hahahaha. But that clearly is the beginning of a 10-year journey to the highest level of Death fuckin' metal and we never get tired of play brain to find a breakthrough and crazy ideas to assemble music time bomb can be devastating and song concepts & complex. And all that should be supported with good management and mutual support between personnel, fans, record labels and others. Yes mutual support lah.(DL): what the hell is actually a description of musicality STRAIGHT OUT did you?(Demise): If you think the other friends, the description is different and it's non-beas, which obviously Straight Out of music arranged by lompleks and in the end we played in the death metal. There is no other Word to describe it.(DL): How do you guys view towards the development of the underground scene since the beginning of the existence of the STRAIGHT OUT until now? A very striking difference is there?(Demise): to the development scene, which I definitely do not want to get too giddy with what they want to do. If it used to be from the moment Straight Out standing scene being transformed from hardcore to metalcore ... And now, for I was not a development because it has been too much loser – trendy and the loser who plays metal music and according to gw, it is a process or transition to metal. To be sure, they do not try messes with us! It was aja! O Yes, now in 2008 more ramai-ramainya resurrection of the bands old school thrash metal and death metal. Make a note of it! Unfortunately, the current era also briefly raises the pros cons of genres deathcore and slaming frequently kesebut as fractions of the death metal genre.(DL): Please introduce the latest formations back you guys. What causes Rebecca finally got to tweeze and what reason you guys finally chose the image as his successor? What is the image of auditional plays as vocalis, or be a fixed formation in STRAIGHT OUT?(Demise): our latest Formations: Demise (vocals), Pipink (guitar), Sony (Bass), Mela (Keyboard), Benny (drums) and image which is backing vocals auditional replacement for Rebecca. Rebecca got to tweeze from the band due to a busy outside the band, and his position is replaced by the Image does indeed seem indeed not too busy with gave herself outside of the band. Heheheeheheh(DL): Khabarnya you guys back soon entered recording to record 3rd album at the end of the year. May inform a bit about that? You guys are still in contract with BlueSky Records?(DEMISE): BluSky fixed handle and we are scheduled to soon re-entered the recording in December for the upcoming 3rd album.(DL): what is the reason you guys are the most important to agree the contract with label tsb? What is the most special offer provided by them for the STRAIGHT OUT? When is the plan new album you guys saying they will be released?(DEMISE): we still choose Blue Sky label because they will be able to give the best that we have requested. This new album to be released in 2009 immediately after the election. Actually there is nothing too special here, but Blue Sky really serious about promoting the band, the album and the merchandise we are continue.POSTED by THE LAST OF THE KING'S of 7.33 PM
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Band from Jakarta were already at the age of 10 years in the world of metal music that I just merayakanulang year in stardust cafe, sarinah August, following the results of interviews journalist us with one of its personnel on the sidelines after they performed (DL): Not felt, now you have entered the age band to 10. What was the initial idea up until you realize the birthday STRAIGHT OUT into a commercial form of live performance "10th Years of Bloody Mayhem (Chapter 666)" on 30 August in stardust? ( Demise): Hello. Whazz'up Nino & Dian ... Actually the original idea of this event really been a long time. This is a show Straight Out 3rd after the first time launching their debut album in BBS Café Menteng 2001 and launching the 2nd album in the hangar terrace Jewel years yesterday. For us, this birthday celebration is an event that is very nice and right in the procurement of a live performance at the Stardust café. Quite a lot of bands that apparently missed granted and sometimes do not care about their birthday to 10. (DL): Special Preparation prior to any provision of this event? (Demise): Actually we had prepared everything since 6 months ago. Straight Out was formed in May 1998 and then in Jakarta was serious unrest. And indeed during the riots that we declare the formation of Straight Out, hahahaha. Event preparation is quite complicated, ranging from the promotion, and the preparation of a sound system and lighting as well we have prepared attractive as possible. It technical! While the band itself, we are also preparing a piece of cake ... .hahahahahaah session, but not a piece of cake use a chainsaw ya. There is a plan, later for the 20th birthday, Straight Out will celebrate a birthday with a piece of cake does not do, but hit a tractor-made cakes, heheheheeh. O yes, to show birthday 10 yr is yesterday we also prepare a slide show which contains our live when launching the album in the hangar terrace last year. (DL): Once the event is finally underway to finish completely according to plan, if you want to comment on it This special event will be successful? (Demise): In addition to satisfied as successful, we am very happy to perform with bands and met friends from various genres. Unfortunately, just a matter of time that ngaret. Understandably, because the afternoon was rainy. I think about 1000an spectators present at this event. (DL): The comments about his supporting bands? (Demise): Bands nice supporting her all. Salute for them all! (DL): 10 years is a long time for the existence of an indie band. How exactly the way you maintain the existence of these? (Demise): 10 years is a very short time to Straight Out ... unless dipenjara..hahahaha 10 years. But clearly 10 years is the beginning of the journey to the highest level Death fuckin 'metal and we never get tired turn the brain to find a breakthrough and crazy ideas to assemble a time bomb that music can be used as a concept and a terrible song and complex. And it must be supported by good management and mutual support among personnel, fans, record labels and others. Yes mutual support lah. (DL): Actually what is the description of musicality STRAIGHT OUT you think? (Demise): If according to friends the other, the description is different and it is free-beas course, the obvious Straight Out arranges music with enough lompleks and in the end we played in death metal track. There is no other word to describe it. (DL): How do you view the development of the underground scene since the early existence of STRAIGHT OUT until today? Is there a very noticeable difference? (Demise): For the development scene, which I certainly do not want to get too dizzy with what they want to do. If the first of the moment Straight Out standing scene is changing from hardcore to metalcore ... And if now, for me this is not a development because it has too many losers - losers and the trendy who play metal music and in my opinion, it is a process or transition to metal , To be sure, they do not try to mess with us! That's all! O yes, now in 2008 again crowded-crowded revival bands old school thrash metal and death metal. Note that! Unfortunately, this era also briefly raises the pros and cons of slaming and deathcore genre that often kesebut as a fraction of the genre. (DL): Please reintroduces the latest formation of you. What causes Rebecca finally got to pull and what you reason to finally choose Image as his successor? Is the image position as auditional vocalist, or into formations remain in STRAIGHT OUT? (Demise): Formation our latest: Demise (Vocal), Pipink (guitar), Sony (Bass), Mela (Keyboard), Benny (drums) and Citra a backing vocalist Rebecca auditional replacement. Rebecca must disconnect from the band due to his work outside the band, and his position was replaced by the image that it looks not too busy with his work outside the band. Heheheeheheh (DL): Khabarnya you immediately re-entered the studio to record the 3rd album at the end of the year. May inform a little about it? You're still having a contract with BlueSky Records? (Demise): BluSky still handle us and we are scheduled to soon re-entered the recording in December for the manufacture of the 3rd album. (DL): What is the reason you are the most important to agree to contract the label is? Is the most special offer given by them for STRAIGHT OUT? When is your new album scheduled to be released TSB? (Demise): We still chose Blue Sky because the label is able to provide the best that we asked for. The new album is scheduled to be released in 2009 after the election. Actually there is nothing too special here, but Blue Sky really serious about promoting the band, album and merchandise us continue. Posted by THE LAST OF THE KING AT 7:33 PM

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