1. Mr. RYUJIRO Otsuki, Born in Korea, On Date 18-11-1952 (November Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Two), citizen of Japan, According to his statement Residing in Jalan Shintomi Cho 8-21 3F, City Siogama-shi , Province Miyagi-ken, 985-0022, Japan, (In accordance with the Identity Card Copies in English Japang attached to this Deed Minuta), According to The explanation in this matter acting for and on behalf of and representing Mr Takeo ONO, born in Japan, 14th -08-1972 (Fourteen August Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Two, Citizen Japan, holder of passport number TK9200279, which is also attached to a copy of his passport minutes of this deed, residing together with penghadap One of the above, as the Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter desingkat CEO) of the Company are located in Japan, Shiogama Power Generation Limited Company (or abbreviated with co., Ltd) Entron Group (Japan), ynag for the time being in Pangkalan Bun For hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY