Jasa pembuatan desain rekayasa
(engineering) mekanikal dan elektrikal untuk
system energi, sistem penerangan, sistem
alarm kebakaran, sistem komunikasi dan
sistem eletrikal lainnya untuk semua jenis
bangunan dan atau sistem pemanas
ruangan, ventilasi, pendingin ruangan lemari
pendingin dan pemasangan mekanikal
lainnya untuk semua jenis bangunan. Jasa
Desain meliputi salah satu dari kombinasi
layanan berikut : perencanaan awal,
estimasi biaya dan spesifikasi dalam rangka
menterjemahkan konsep desain teknis;
perencanaan akhir, estimasi biaya dan
spesifikasi termasuk gambar teknik,
spesifikasi material yang akan digunakan,
metode pemasangan, batasan waktu dan
spesifikasi teknis lainnya yang dibutuhkan
untuk keperluan tender layanan pada saat
fase konstruksi.
Manufacturing engineering design services(engineering) mechanical and electrical forenergy system, lighting system, the systemfire alarms, communication systems andother eletrikal systems for all types ofbuilding and or heating systemof the room, ventilation, air conditioner Cabinetcooling and mechanical installationother for all types of buildings. ServicesThe design covers one of the combinationfollowing services: advance planning,estimated costs and specifications in ordertranslate technical design concept;the final planning, cost estimation andspecifications including engineering drawings,specification of material to be used,the installation method, time restrictions andother technical specifications that are requiredfor the purposes of the tender services at the time ofthe construction phase.

Design services engineering
(engineering) mechanical and electrical to
the energy system, lighting system, system of
fire alarms, communication systems and
systems eletrikal other for all kinds
of building and or heating system
rooms, ventilation, air conditioning cabinets
refrigeration and installation of mechanical
more for all kinds of building. Services
Design includes one of a combination of
the following services: initial planning,
cost estimates and specifications in order
to translate the concept of technical design;
the final planning, cost estimating and
specifications including engineering drawings,
specifications of materials to be used,
method of installation, time constraints and
other technical specifications needed
for the purposes of tendering services during
the construction phase.