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Ada kabar mengejutkan dari industri

Ada kabar mengejutkan dari industri telekomunikasi. Terjadi perubahan besar kepemilikan saham di tubuh operator telekomunikasi Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT) atau yang dikenal dengan merk Tri. Adalah dua pengusaha besar Indonesia, yaitu raja batubara Garibaldi Thohir dan Patrick Waluyo dari Northstar Pacific Indonesia yang berminat membeli 35% saham yang sebelumnya dimiliki oleh perusahaan Thailand, Charoen Pokphand.

Seperti dilansir dari Jakarta Post, Bhuwan Kulshreshtha, Commercial Head PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT), mengumumkan aksi korporasi tersebut di Jakarta pada Jumat yang lalu. Kulshreshtha, menjelaskan bahwa komposisi baru kepemilikan saham perusahaan sekarang terdiri 65 persen oleh Hutchison Whampoa Limited yang berbasis di Hong Kong dan 35 persen oleh kelompok yang dipimpin oleh Garibaldi. Belum ada rincian mengenai aksi korporasi ini, sumber dari Harian Kontan (yang mengangkat peristiwa ini menjadi headline) menyebutkan proses akusisi telah memasuki tahap final. Termasuk perubahan nama perusahaan dari Hutchison CP Telecommunications menjadi PT Hutchison 3 Indonesia.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
There is surprising news from the telecommunications industry. A major change occurred in the body of the shares of telecom operator Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT) or known brands of Tri. Are two of the great entrepreneur Indonesia, namely the King Coal Garibaldi Thohir and Patrick Waluyo of Northstar Pacific Indonesia which is interested in buying 35% stake previously owned by Charoen Pokphand, Thailand company.As reported by the Jakarta Post, Bhuwan Kulshreshtha, Commercial Head of PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT), announce corporate actions in Jakarta on Friday. Kulshreshtha, explains that the composition of the new company's stock holdings now comprised 65 percent by Hutchison Whampoa Limited, based in Hong Kong and 35 percent by a group led by Garibaldi. No details about this corporate actions, the source of Daily Cash (who raised this incident became headline) mention sale process has entered the final stage. Including the company's name change from Hutchison CP Telecommunications Indonesia to PT Hutchison 3.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
There is a shocking news of the telecommunications industry. A change of ownership in the body of telecom operator Hutchison CP Telecommunications (HCPT), known as Tri brands. Are two major employers Indonesia, the king of coal Garibaldi Thohir and Patrick Waluyo of Northstar Pacific Indonesia is interested in buying a 35% stake previously owned by a Thai company, Charoen Pokphand. As reported by the Jakarta Post, Bhuwan Kulshreshtha, Commercial Head PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications ( HCPT), announced a corporate action in Jakarta on Friday last. Kulshreshtha, explained that the new composition of the company's stock holdings now comprise 65 per cent by Hutchison Whampoa Limited based in Hong Kong and 35 percent by a group led by Garibaldi. No details about this corporate action, the source of the Daily Cash (who raised this incident became headline) mentions the acquisition process has entered the final stage. Including change of company name to PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications Indonesia Hutchison 3.

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