JAKARTA. J Trust Asia pte, Ltd memastikan untuk membentuk perusahaan b翻訳 - JAKARTA. J Trust Asia pte, Ltd memastikan untuk membentuk perusahaan b英語言う方法

JAKARTA. J Trust Asia pte, Ltd mema

JAKARTA. J Trust Asia pte, Ltd memastikan untuk membentuk perusahaan baru yang akan menyerap sisa saham Bank Mutiara yang masih dipegang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) dan publik. Perusahaan tersebut diberi nama PT JT Investment Indonesia dan direncanakan berdiri pada 20 April 2015.

Dalam keterangan J Trust, keputusan untuk membentuk perusahaan yang bakal berlokasi di Jakarta tersebut tertuang dalam pertemuan direksi pada 9 April lalu. "Ini sesuai dengan sisa 1% saham Bank Mutiara yang mesti kami ambil setelah mengakuisisi 99% pada 20 November 2014," tulis Nobuyoshi Fujisawa, President dan CEO J Trust.

Dengan pendirian perusahaan baru itu, maka nantinya J Trust bakal menguasai 100% saham eks Bank Century. Nobuyoshi menerangkan, J Trust Group memang tengah mengejar peluang bisnis di bidang keuangan ritel, real estate, dan bisnis hiburan di kawasan Asia Tenggara.

Pilihan tersebut mengingat kawasan Asia Tenggara memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat dan ekspansi populasi yang besar. "Kami bermaksud untuk memberikan nilai tambah yang tinggi di Asia, dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan masing-masing perusahan di grup," jelas Nobuyoshi.

Nah, di Indonesia, Nobuyoshi menyatakan, perusahaan baru yang terbentuk tersebut juga akan melakukan bisnis real estate. Selain itu, perusahaan itu juga akan menjalankan bisnis penagihan kredit.

Asal tahu saja, JT Investment Indonesia didirikan sebagai perusahaan holding dan akan fokus pada pengembangan bisnis real estate dan turunannya. Adapun nilai modal JT Investment Indonesia pada saat pendirian mencapai US$ 4 juta atau setara dengan Rp 51,34 miliar (Rp 12.834 per dollar) dengan susunan pemegang saham J Trust Asia 99%, dan Didie W. Soewondho sebanyak 1%.

Menanggapi pendirian perusahaan baru oleh J Trust, Samsu Adi Nugroho, Sekretaris LPS menerangkan, pihaknya hanya akan menunggu saja atas nasih sisa saham Bank Mutiara. "Untuk aktivitas J Trust, saya tidak bisa memberi komentar," ujar Samsu kepada KONTAN, Jumat (17/4).

Meski begitu, Samsu menjelaskan, proses pelepasan sisa saham Bank Mutiara baik yang masih di LPS maupun di publik tidak berbeda dengan proses penjualan sebelumnya. Samsu menuturkan, nanti baik penjual dan pembeli masing-masing melakukan delivery dan payment yang kemudian dilaporkan ke Kementerian Hukum dan Ham.

Saat ini LPS masih menggenggam saham dengan sandi BCIC sebanyak 0,996% dan sisanya sebanyak 0,004% digenggam publik dengan jumlah saham sebanyak 2,21 triliun. Belakangan, saham publik yang tergolong seri B tersebut memiliki nilai nominal Rp 78 per lembar.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta. J Trust Asia pte, Ltd. ensures to form a new company that will absorb the remaining shares are still held by the Pearl Banks Lps (LPS) and the public. The company named PT Indonesia and planned Investment JT stands on April 20, 2015.In the description of a Trust, the decision to form a company which will located in Jakarta are contained in the Board of Directors ' meeting on 9 April. "This is in accordance with the remaining 1% of the shares of banks that have Pearling we took after acquiring 99% on November 20, 2014," wrote Nobuyoshi Fujisawa, President and CEO of a Trust.With the establishment of the new company, then later a Trust would control 100% of the shares in the ex Hippies. Nobuyoshi explains, a Trust Group is indeed the central pursuit of business opportunities in finance, real estate, retail and entertainment business in Southeast Asia.The choice given the Southeast Asian region has a rapidly growing economy and large population expansion. "We intend to provide high added value in Asia, by leveraging the strengths of each company in the group," explained Nobuyoshi.Well, in Indonesia, Nobuyoshi stated, the new company formed will also do the real estate business. In addition, the company will also run a business credit billing.The origin of know it, JT Investment Indonesia was established as a holding company and will focus on the development of the real estate business and their derivatives. As for the capital value of the Investment at a time when Indonesia JT establishment reached US $ 4 million or equivalent to Rp 51.34 billion (USD 12.834 per dollar) arrangement with shareholders j. Trust Asia 99%, and Soewondho w. Didie as much as 1%.In response to the establishment of the new company by j. Trust, Samsu Greenhorns, Secretary of the LPS explains, it's just going to wait just over nasih remaining shares of Bank Mutiara. "For the activity of a Trust, I can't comment," said Samsu to CASH, Friday (17/4).Even so, Samsu explained, the process of release of remaining shares of banks that are still good in Pearls LPS and public sales process is no different than the previous one. Samsu spoke, later both seller and buyer each perform delivery and payment is then reported to the Ministry of Justice and human rights.Currently LPS still holding shares with BCIC password as much as much and the remaining% 0,996 0,004% gripped the public with a number of shares as much as 2,21 trillion. Later, the public shares that belong to the B series have a nominal value of Rp 78 per sheet.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA. A Trust Asia Pte, Ltd. ensures to form a new company that will absorb the rest of the bank's shares are still held by the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) and the public. The company named PT JT Investment Indonesia and planned to stand on 20 April 2015. In the description of J Trust, the decision to form a company that will be located in Jakarta, is contained in the board meeting on April 9. "This is consistent with the remaining 1% of Bank Mutiara which we must take after acquiring 99% on 20 November 2014," wrote Nobuyoshi Fujisawa, President and CEO of J Trust. With the establishment of the new company, then later J Trust will control 100% of the shares ex Bank Century. Nobuyoshi explained, J Trust Group is pursuing business opportunities in the field of retail finance, real estate, business and entertainment in the region. The option given the Southeast Asian region has a rapid economic growth and expansion of a large population. "We intend to provide high added value in Asia, by leveraging the strengths of each company in the group," said Nobuyoshi. Well, in Indonesia, Nobuyoshi stated, the newly formed company will also conduct real estate business. In addition, the company will also be running a business loan collection. Just so you know, JT Investment Indonesia was established as a holding company and will focus on the development of the real estate business and its derivatives. The capital value of JT Investment Indonesia at the time of the establishment of US $ 4 million or equivalent to Rp 51.34 billion (USD 12 834 per dollar) with the shareholding structure of the J Trust Asia 99%, and Didie W. Soewondho as much as 1%. In response to the establishment of companies The new by J Trust, Samsu Adi Nugroho, Secretary LPS explained, it would only wait on fate bank's remaining shares. "For activity J Trust, I can not comment," said Samsu to KONTAN, Friday (17/4). Even so, Samsu explained, the process of releasing the rest of the bank's shares either still in LPS and in public is no different with the sales process previously. Samsu said, later both the seller and the buyer each do delivery and payment are then reported to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Currently LPS still holding shares with BCIC password as 0.996% and 0.004% remaining shares held by the public as much as 2.21 trillion. Later, the public shares belonging to the series B has a nominal value of Rp 78 per share.

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