REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEMBAGAPURA - PT Freeport Indonesia telah memulai keg翻訳 - REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEMBAGAPURA - PT Freeport Indonesia telah memulai keg英語言う方法


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEMBAGAPURA - PT Freeport Indonesia telah memulai kegiatan ekspor konsentrat tembaga meski saat ini masih terhambat oleh letter of credit (L/C). Executive VP Legal Freeport Clementino Lamury mengungkapkan, kegiatan ekspor di sini adalah loading produk konsentrat di pelabuhan.

Meski demikian, pihak Freeport tidak memastikan kapan kegiatan ekspor betul-betul akan dimulai. "Saat ini kita sudah mulai loading," kaya Clementino singkat saat ditanya perihal ekspor, Rabu (18/8).

Meski sudah 2 pekan mendapat surat persetujuan ekspor (SPE) dan perpanjangan izin ekspor konsentrat untuk 6 bulan ke depan, Freeport masih harus melengkapi letter of credit. Pihak Freeport sendiri sudah mengajukan penangguhan L/C sejak dua pekan yang lalu.

VP Corporate Communication Freeport Riza Pratama menambahkan, kontrak karya yang ada tidak mewajibkan Freeport atas penggunaan L/C. Hanya saja, Freeport tetap mengikuti peraturan Kementerian Perdagangan yang mewajibkan penggunaan L/C.

"Kami tetap ikut aturan. Tidak akan melabrak. Kita jajaki jalan terbaik," kata Riza.

Pihak Kementerian Perdagangan, menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 04/MDAG/PER/I/2015 tentang Ketentuan Penggunaan L/C untuk Ekspor Barang Tertentu. Sehingga, seluruh transaksi perdagangan wajib menggunakan L/C sejak April 2015.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Freeport sempat terhenti ekspor konsentratnya lantaran tidak memenuhi progres pembangunan smelter sebagai salah satu MoU yang ada. Namun, akhirnya pemerintah memberikan izin ekspor setelah Freeport dinilai telah melengkapi kemajuan pembangunan smelter.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Bambang Gatot menyebutkan, besaran kuota ekspor bagi Freeport sebesar 775 ribu metrik ton konsentrat tembaga.

Untuk ekspor tersebut, bea keluar yang ditetapkan untuk Freeport sebesar lima persen. Hal ini lantaran Freeport dianggap telah mencapai perkembangan pembangunan pabrik pemurnian mineral atau smelter di Gresik sebesar 11,5 persen, lebih tinggi dari target 7,5 persen hingga Juli 2015.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MUSIC-PT Freeport Indonesia has started exporting copper concentrate though currently still hampered by letters of credit (L/C). Executive VP Legal Freeport Clementino Lamury disclose, export activities here is concentrated in the port of loading.However, the Freeport of not making sure when exactly the export activities will begin. "Currently we have started loading," rich Clementino brief when asked about export, Wednesday (18/8).Even though it's been 2 weeks got a subpoena export (SPE) and the extension of the permit the export of concentrates for the next 6 months, Freeport still have to complete the letter of credit. The party itself already proposed the suspension of the Freeport L/C since two weeks ago.VP Corporate Communication Freeport Riza Pratama added, existing work contract does not obligate Freeport over the use of the L/C only, Freeport stay abreast of regulations of the Ministry of trade that requires the use of the L/C."We remain the rule. Will not be melabrak. We jajaki the best way, "said Riza.Ministry of trade, published a regulation of the Minister of Commerce number 04/MDAG/PER/I/2015 about conditions of use L/C to Export certain goods. So, the whole of compulsory trade transactions using the L/C since April 2015.As reported earlier, Freeport had halted the export of konsentratnya due to not meeting on progress of the construction of the smelter, as one of the existing MoU. However, the Government finally gave permission to export after Freeport votes have been supplementing the progress of construction of the smelter.Director General of Minerals and coal Ministry of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) Bambang Gatot export quota quantities, for Freeport of 775 thousand metric tons of copper concentrate.For exports, the Customs exit set for Freeport of five percent. This is because Freeport is considered to have reached the development progress of the mineral extraction factory or smelter in Gresik of 11.5 percent, higher than the 7.5 percent target until July 2015.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Tembagapura - PT Freeport Indonesia has commenced copper concentrate export activities although it is still hampered by a letter of credit (L / C). Executive VP Legal Freeport Clementino Lamury disclose, export activities here are concentrated in the port of loading of products. However, the company did not confirm when the export activities will really begin. "Today we have started loading," Clementino rich short when asked about the export, Wednesday (18/8). Although 2 weeks received export approval letter (SPE) and the concentrate export license extension for the next 6 months, Freeport still have to complete letter of credit. Freeport itself has proposed the suspension of L / C since two weeks ago. VP Corporate Communication Freeport Primary Riza added that the work of the existing contract does not require Freeport on the use of L / C. However, Freeport still follow the regulations of the Ministry of Trade which requires the use of L / C. "We still follow the rules. It will not confront. We explore the best way," said Riza. The Ministry of Commerce, issued the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 04 / M-DAG / PER / I / 2015 concerning the Terms of Use L / C for the Export of Certain Goods. Therefore, the entire trade transaction shall use the L / C since April 2015. As reported earlier, Freeport concentrates exports had been halted due to not meeting the progress of construction of the smelter as one of the existing MoU. However, eventually the government provides an export license after Freeport judged to have complete progress of the construction of the smelter, the Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bambang Gatot said, the amount of the export quota for Freeport amounted to 775 thousand metric tons of copper concentrate. For export the duties assigned to Freeport by five per cent. This is because Freeport is considered to have reached the development of mineral purification plant or smelter in Gresik at 11.5 percent, higher than the target of 7.5 percent until July 2015.

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