Cadangan minyak Indonesia yang terbukti (proven reserve/P1) saat ini t翻訳 - Cadangan minyak Indonesia yang terbukti (proven reserve/P1) saat ini t英語言う方法

Cadangan minyak Indonesia yang terb

Cadangan minyak Indonesia yang terbukti (proven reserve/P1) saat ini tinggal 3,4 miliar barel. Tanpa adanya penemuan cadangan-cadangan baru, produksi minyak Indonesia akan segera habis dalam waktu sekitar 15 tahun lagi.

Maka kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menemukan cadangan-cadangan minyak baru perlu didorong. Namun, perusahaan-perusahaan minyak malas melakukan eksplorasi. Alasannya eksplorasi butuh biaya besar, dengan tingkat risiko kegagalan yang juga besar.

Terkait hal ini, Anggota Dewan Energi Nasional, Andang Bachtiar, berpendapat bahwa eksplorasi memang berisiko tinggi, tapi belum tentu berbiaya tinggi. Ada langkah-langkah yang dapat membuat biaya eksplorasi menjadi lebih efisien.

"Eksplorasi memang high risk, tapi belum tentu high cost. Dalam eksplorasi itu ada tahapan yang salah satunya mengumpulkan data, dan mengevaluasi data. Ini hanya butuh 5% biaya tapi 95% kerja otak. Ngebor itu hanya 5% kerja otak tapi 95% biaya," kata Andang dalam diskusi yang diselenggarakan Publish What You Pay di Cikini, Jakarta, Senin (21/11/2016).

Andang menjelaskan, eksplorasi minyak idealnya dimulai dengan survei seismik. Kalau sudah ada data seismik, tak banyak pengeboran untuk menemukan minyak. Sebab, lokasi cadangan minyak sudah dapat diperkirakan dengan lebih tepat.

Biaya untuk survei seismik ini hanya 5% dari total biaya eksplorasi, namun sangat menentukan keberhasilan. Kalau eksplorasi dilakukan tanpa data seismik yang memadai, risiko kegagalan dan biaya yang dihabiskan akan menjadi jauh lebih besar.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Indonesia's oil reserves are proven (proven reserve/P1) currently living 3.4 billion barrels. Without the discovery of new reserves-reserve, Indonesia oil production will soon be depleted in about 15 years. Then the exploration activities to discover new oil reserves-reserve needs to be encouraged. However, the oil companies get lazy doing exploration. The reason it took a large charge of exploration, with the level of risk of failure which is also great. Related to this, the National Energy Board members, Andang Bachtiar, argued that exploration of high risk indeed, but not necessarily high-cost. There are steps that can make the cost of exploration is becoming more efficient. "Exploration is indeed a high risk, but not necessarily the high cost. It is in the exploration phase one collect the data, and evaluate data. It only took 5% fee but 95% working brain. Ngebor it's only 5% of the brain works but 95% of the cost, "said Andang in discussions held in the Publish What You Pay Cikini, Jakarta, Monday (21/12/2016). Andang explains, exploratory oil ideally begins with a survey of seismic. If there's been a seismic data, not many drilling to find oil. For the location of the oil reserves already can be estimated with more precision. The cost of this seismic survey for only 5% of the total cost of exploration, yet very decisive success. If the exploration is carried out without adequate seismic data, the risk of failure and the cost of that is spent will be much greater.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Indonesia proven oil reserves (proven reserve / P1) currently resides 3.4 billion barrels. Without the discovery of new reserves, Indonesia's oil production will soon be exhausted in about 15 years.

So the exploration activities to find new oil reserves should be encouraged. However, the oil companies doing exploration lazy. The reason exploration takes a huge cost, with the level of risk of failure is too great.

In this regard, Member of the National Energy Board, Andang Bachtiar, argued that exploration is a high risk, but not necessarily high cost. There are measures that can make the cost of exploration to be more efficient.

"Exploration is high risk, but not necessarily high cost. In that exploration there are stages, one of which collect data and evaluate data. It only takes a 5% fee but 95% working brain. ngebor that only 5% of the brain but 95% of the cost, "said Andang in a discussion organized by Publish What You Pay in Cikini, Jakarta, Monday (21/11/2016).

Andang explains, ideally starting with the oil exploration seismic surveys. If existing seismic data, not a lot of drilling to find oil. Therefore, the location of oil reserves already can be estimated more precisely.

The cost for this seismic survey only 5% of the total costs of exploration, but it is crucial to success. If the exploration is done without adequate seismic data, the risk of failure and the amount spent would be much greater.
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