Untuk SPK yang sudah terbit ke bengkel rekanan, maka tim ASMharus sege翻訳 - Untuk SPK yang sudah terbit ke bengkel rekanan, maka tim ASMharus sege英語言う方法

Untuk SPK yang sudah terbit ke beng

Untuk SPK yang sudah terbit ke bengkel rekanan, maka tim ASM
harus segera menghub ttg tanpa megandalkan pihak bengkel yang
menghub ttg.
- Untuk SPK yang terbit ke bengkel rekanan jika dokumen ttg
lengkap, maka pihak surveyor setelah selesai melakukan survey
dapat menyampaikan kepda ttg bahwa SPK akan terbit esok
harinya. Dan ttg dapat membawa langsung unitnya ke bengkel
yang dimaksud dengan melakukan call terlebih dahulu ke
bengkel untuk memastikan bengkel tidak dalam posisi penuh.
- Pada saat awal tim front desk menghubungi ttg untuk
menentukan jadwal survey, maka ditekankan kepada ttg bahwa
ttg harus melengkapi dokumen yang diperlukan agar proses klaim
dapat berjalan lancar serta Konsekuensi jika dok tidak lengkap ,
maka dapat menghambat proses klaim.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
To SPK published to the workshop partners, then ASM
should immediately menghub ttg without megandalkan the workshop side
-ttg menghub For SPK published to the workshop partners if the document is complete, then you know about
party surveyor after completing survey
can convey to you that the SPK will rise tomorrow
day. And ttg can bring directly to the Workshop units
What is meant by doing a call beforehand to
workshop to ensure the workshop was not in a position fully.
-at the time of the initial team of front desk contact ttg for
determine the schedule, then the survey emphasized to ttg ttg
that must complete the necessary paperwork to process the claims can go smoothly and
Consequences if incomplete doc,
then it can hamper the claim.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
For DSS that have been published to the workshop partners, then the ASM team
must immediately without megandalkan menghub know about the workshop which
menghub sig.
- For SPK published to the workshop partners if you know about the document
complete, then the surveyor after completion of the survey
can convey kepda know about that SPK will rise the next
day. And you know about the unit can be brought directly to the workshop
is meant to do call in advance to the
workshop to ensure the workshop is not at full strength.
- At the beginning of the team contacted the front desk know about to
determine the schedule of the survey, it is emphasized to know about that
you know about must complete the necessary paperwork that the claims process
can run smoothly and consequences if the dock is not complete,
it can hinder the process of the claim. then the surveyor after completion of the survey can convey kepda know about that DSS will rise the next day. And you know about the unit can be brought directly to the workshop is meant to do call in advance to the workshop to ensure the workshop is not at full strength. - At the beginning of the team contacted the front desk know about to determine the schedule of the survey, it is emphasized to know about that you know about must complete the necessary paperwork that the claims process can run smoothly and consequences if the dock is not complete, it can hinder the process of the claim. then the surveyor after completion of the survey can convey kepda know about that DSS will rise the next day. And you know about the unit can be brought directly to the workshop is meant to do call in advance to the workshop to ensure the workshop is not at full strength. - At the beginning of the team contacted the front desk know about to determine the schedule of the survey, it is emphasized to know about that you know about must complete the necessary paperwork that the claims process can run smoothly and consequences if the dock is not complete, it can hinder the process of the claim.
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