JAKARTA. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan menyebut niat Cathay Life Insurance Taiwan untuk mengepit 40% saham PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk mungkin belum akan terealisasi dalam waktu dekat ini. Hal ini karena pihak otoritas mengaku masih mereview izin yang diajukan oleh anak usaha Cathay Financial Holding Taiwan tersebut.
Deputi Komisioner Pengawasan Perbankan OJK, Irwan Lubis mengatakan bahwa sampai sekarang dari pihak Cathay Life Insurance belum datang lagi untuk membahas terkait dengan kepemilikan saham ini. “Mungkin mereka masih mencari informasi lebih lanjut di pasar, selain itu kan salah satu bank di Taiwansudah ada kantor representatifnya di sini,” ujar Irwan, Kamis (27/08) lalu.
Nah, melalui kantor cabang representatif di Indonesia tersebut kemungkinan, Irwan mengatakan Cathay mencari informasi. Sebelumnya disebutkan bahwa rencana Cathay Life Insurance untuk menambah saham terkendala oleh kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia terkait dengan Satu China.
Sebagaimana diketahui, Indonesia hanya mengakui kedaulatan Republik Rakyat China. Kebijakan Satu China mengharuskan semua negara yang memiliki hubungan diplomatik dengan RRC menghindari hubungan diplomasi dengan Republik China atau Taiwan.
Sampai sat ini tercatat Cathay Life Insurance, anak usaha Cathay Financial Holding Taiwan mempunyai 24,9% saham di PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk. Pemegang saham utama Bank Mayapada tercatat adalah PT Mayapada Karunia Corporation dengan porsi saham 26,03%.
Jakarta. The financial services authority mentions Cathay Life Insurance Taiwan's intention to mengepit 40% shares of PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk may not be realized in the near future. This is because the authorities permit reviewing the claim filed by the subsidiary of Cathay Financial Holding Taiwan.Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervision OJK, Irwan Lubis said that until now the Cathay Life Insurance has not come again to discuss related to stock ownership. "Maybe they are still looking for more information on the market, it's one of the banks in Taiwansudah there representatifnya offices here," said Irwan, Wednesday (27/08).Well, through representative offices in Indonesia that possibility, Irwan said Cathay looking for information. Previously mentioned that Cathay Life Insurance Plan to add stock has been hampered by the Indonesia Government policies related to One China.As it known, Indonesia only recognizes the sovereignty of the people's Republic of China. One-China policy requires that all countries that have diplomatic relations with the PRC avoid diplomacy with the Republic of China or Taiwan.Until sat is listed Cathay Life Insurance, a subsidiary of Cathay Financial Holding Taiwan has a 24.9% stake in PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk. Major shareholders are PT Bank Mayapada recorded Mayapada Gift Corporation with the stock portion 26,03%.

JAKARTA. Financial Services Authority calls Cathay Life Insurance Taiwan's intention to clamp a 40% stake in PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk may not be realized in the near future. This is because the authorities claimed to still reviewing permits filed by a subsidiary of the Taiwan's Cathay Financial Holding. Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervision FSA, Irwan Lubis said that until now from the Cathay Life Insurance has not come again to discuss the ownership of these shares. "Maybe they're still looking for more information on the market, besides the one of the banks in Taiwansudah no reps office here," said Irwan, Thursday (27/08) ago. Now, through a representative branch office in Indonesia is likely, said Irwan Cathay seeking information. Previously stated that Cathay Life Insurance plans to add stock constrained by the Indonesian government policies related to the One China. As is known, Indonesia only recognizes the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. One China policy requires all countries that have diplomatic relations with the PRC avoid diplomatic relations with the Republic of China or Taiwan. Until this sat recorded Cathay Life Insurance, a subsidiary of Taiwan's Cathay Financial Holding has a 24.9% stake in PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk. Major shareholders are PT Bank Mayapada recorded Mayapada Karunia Corporation with 26.03% stake.